Monday, September 15, 2014

Flynn PTO Blog Post - 9-15-14

Hello parents/guardians,

This year, our school will again be participating in the Box Tops for Education™ program. Clipping Box Tops is an easy way for you to help our school buy what it needs. Box Tops are each worth 10¢ and they quickly add up to real cash for our school.

To help our school, just look for pink Box Tops on products, clip them, and send them to school. For more information on the Box Tops for Education program, including a list of participating products and our school’s progress, visit Be sure to become a member by signing up/logging in to receive exclusive coupons and recipes and learn about extra ways for our school to earn.

We will also participate in Labels for Education.   Information can be found about participating products on ~basically, the campbells' soup labels and pepperidge farm goldfish are the most popular items that carry them, but many other products carry labels for education.  They are UPC labels that you can send in and then in turn exchange for supplies for the school.  We currently have around 5,000 points so we are trying to increase that amount.

Hannaford Helps Schools is a program where if you buy a certain number of products you earn a coupon worth cash for our school.  Our school is enrolled at the North Avenue Hannaford and you can drop your slips into the tower in the front of the store near the exit.  

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
Denise Haggerty

In other news...

Mabel's Labels Fund-raiser:  Help reduce the pile of Lost & Found items at Flynn School!  Order all kinds of labels for your child's clothing and a portion of each sale will go directly to Flynn School PTO.  Our goal is to raise $400 from now until Halloween.  Check it out...

Thanks for your support and don't forget to share the campaign with all of your friends and family!
Flynn School Fundraising Team


From the Burlington School District...

Burlington Girls Mini Metro Basketball *Tryouts*

Grades 5th and 6th
Sept. 30 & Oct. 2
7 pm – 9 pm

Grades 7th / 8th
Sept. 23 & Sept. 25
7 pm – 9 pm

@ Burlington High School

For more information contact Coach Chris Johnson / 233-6967

Visit our website:

Each player is encouraged to bring their own basketball.

Mini-Metro is a competitive basketball league with teams from high school districts including Burlington, CVU,

Colchester, St. Albans, Milton, Essex, Mount Mansfield, Missisquoi Valley, Montpelier, Lamoille, and S. Burlington.

The dissemination of this material is intended to be of community service. Burlington School District does not endorse or sponsor this organization.

Upcoming dates:

Wednesday, Sept. 17th - Picture Day AND the Flynn School Open House will be hosted from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Thursday, October 2nd - Flynn PTO Meeting at 6:30 in the library.

Please check the school website for updates and other school information - 

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