Sunday, March 31, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 4/1/13

Hey there Flynn Families - Sorry for the confusion last Friday concerning the skate night - some of us thought it was at 7pm and others at 6pm - it's no wonder you were confused too!  For those of you who made it, hope you had a great family outing!  For those that missed it due to confusion or Good Friday, we promise to have all our ducks in a row for next year.  Join us for the next Flynn Family Night - LEGOS! on Friday, April 12th from 7-9 in the stage gym.

Included in this post:
  • Pajama Game at Hunt Middle school
  • BSD restructuring?
  • Free press article about possible school year changes being discussed
  • Book Fair/ Hot Dog Dinner
  • Frankenstein Lost and Found

Support the Hunt Middle School Drama Program next weekend by attending their spring musical, The Pajama Game.  Great family entertainment, low to no cost, tons of Flynn siblings and school alum starring in the show.  Friday show at 7pm with a pasta dinner fundraiser from 5:30-6:30 (show up or email Susan Rutherford to reserve your space!  susanrutherford@hotmail.comSaturday matinee at 4pm.

District Looking at restructuring of school days.  Interested?  More info below from Ben Truman of the BSD School Board
From: Ben Truman <>
Date: March 27, 2013, 8:47:42 PM EDT
Subject: School District Early Release Proposal

Hello Jennifer and Tammy,
Commissioner Bernie O’Rourke and I are hopeful you can share the following information with Flynn and Smith PTO members and the school community. We are always happy to attend PTO meetings to discuss this and other school issues.
Discussion is circulating about one of the options the school district is examining for increasing student achievement, a possible early release on Wednesdays. In addition to its ongoing efforts, the district is following up on Agency of Education recommendations, and conducting a restructuring analysis. A significant part of this is to find how best to create dedicated teacher time to review student data and adjust instruction accordingly. To do so may include expanding to the entire district the kind of change in the end of the school day that has already been in place at Hunt and the Sustainability Academy, and mornings at BHS.
Many people have contacted us about this, concerned that it will be implemented without public input. Rest assured this is not the case.

Here’s where things stand right now. This proposal – it may be more accurate to call it a pre-proposal – is still being vetted by the district’s administration. That process includes careful study of any district wide rollout, including identifying barriers to implementation, such as child and after school care, and CCTA’s ability to accommodate any changes.

It is important to understand that this is why the concept has not yet been widely circulated. The work to flesh the proposal out, and get answers to the important questions parents will have, is not finished.

Once that step is complete, the proposal will be brought forward to families and the public at large for input and a full discussion. How this proposal impacts family schedules and student learning time are important issues and will be a part of that discussion.

For an idea of what is being considered, here is an excerpt from a brief overview Superintendent Collins provided to School Board members:
“We are looking at all options of when this work (dedicated teacher time) can occur, and have piloted an early release with child care option at Hunt Middle and Sustainability Academy with success. For example, at SA the student day is extended by 15 minutes four days a week, and students are dismissed one hour early on Wednesdays with child care options for that hour in the school. In this way, there is no net loss of instructional time and children are still supervised during the early release, if parents wish. Teachers then have a 2-hour uninterrupted block of time to work in teams and review student data, instructional methods and adjust and align instruction. We are exploring if this option can benefit the district and looking at barriers such as child care and after school programming if we are able to do this, so that students would continue to have full days. “

Early release has been reviewed in committee, and any final proposal will be studied carefully by the Board and follow procedure to arrive at a decision that will be in the best interest of our students.

More information will be available once any proposal is ready for public input and comment. We recommend everyone visit the district website to see committee and full board meeting and agenda information. Typically, our meetings are held on Tuesday, and all board members welcome input.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us about this and other matters.

Kind regards,

Ben Truman and Bernie O'Rourke
Ward 4 School Commissioners

School calendar changes would extend year, add vacations - Click on link to the article from the Burlington Free Press this week:

Flynn Book Fair and Dinner  This Thursday, April 4th from 5:30-7.  Come shop for some new books to beat Spring Break boredom!  Bring your appetite and support a joint grades 3/4 Hot Dog Picnic Dinner - including dogs, chips and lemonade (you'll have to get your veggies beforehand!)  There will also be a bake sale and popcorn sale.  All proceeds go to class team building/bonding trips.

Frankenstein Lost and Found  The following message was sent out to teachers last week...  Just FYI to teacher of grades 3-5. There is a Frankenstein Lost & Found box of items left over from the play. It is located in the hallway next to the other mounds of unclaimed clothing... Please let your kiddoes know it is there. For sure, there are items for: Mackaela Wheeler, Jeanette Abedi, Deborah, Seth and Chuck.


April 1 - Flynn School Geography Bee, 1:30 in the stage gym. 10 Flynn school finalists duke it out for the chance to go on to the next level. All friends and family invited.

April 1 - Chess Club in the Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!
April 4 - Book Fair and dinner! Doors open at 5:30 for shopping and dining - great deals to be had!
April 8 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!

April 9 - Principal's Coffee, 8:30

April 11 - PTO meeting - 6:30 pm (note that this is a week later than usual due to the book fair) Free childcare and pizza!  Agenda will be posted next week

April 12 - Flynn Family LEGO Night! 7pm, stage gym

April 20-28 - Spring Break - No School!


Monday, March 25, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 3/24/13

Hey There Flynn families - Unless your child was out of school all last week, you probably heard a lot about Frankenstein!  Flynn 3rd, 4th and 5th graders did a terrific jobs learning lines, songs, dance moves and how to work as a group.  The opportunity to participate in a production of this size with live music during school hours is quite unique.  It is so thrilling for the K-2 students to see the play produced at school and know that their turn will come.  For most 3rd graders, the chorus is their first experience in a play.  Usually these kids are chomping at the bit to get a role during their 4th grade year.  Finally, the 5th graders have paid their dues and get to star in the bigger roles with more lines to memorize and more time on stage. 

Whether your child prefers the thrill of the stage or the stress behind the scenes, they are getting so much more than just playing with friends.  I included an article at the end of this post focusing on the benefits of participating in live theatre for children. 

It was especially nice to see Flynn staff at the show with their own children - spotted were Mr. Brown, Ms. Pecor and Ms. Fitzpatrick with kiddoes in tow - thanks for supporting our show!

The kids aren't the only beneficiaries.  Our yearly production draws the community into our school and showcases our talent.  For many retired folks and families with grown children, this is the only time they get into the schools.  The more the community knows about what is going on at school, the more likely they will support the school budget as well as support our fundraising needs.   Finally, the 6-8 week play cycle is wonderful for Flynn community building.  Each year there is a new crop of 3rd graders/parents beginning their play experience.  They join with the 4th and 5th grade families to learn the ropes, expectations, culture and tasks required to support the play.  In the meantime, the adults form friendships over shared experiences, hard work and fun.  I dare say that the play is our most successful community builder each year.  We have just completed year 5 of live theatre at Flynn and it has been a pleasure being involved. 

As always, the majority of parents lend a hand in the production, but there are always individuals that put their whole heart into the show and they deserve special thanks for both this year and the multiple years they have been involved.

We are grateful to: Sarah Smith, Bren Alverez, Melisa Peterson, Jen DeBedout, Kate Belluche, Kate Trombly, Tammy Kuypers, Amy Perry, Marie Claire Smith, Jane Hondal, Kacey Boone, Trisha Richmond, Kim Hunt and Micaela Haggerty (Flynn alum!)

The Health office keep a stash of clothing for kids to use if there are clothing malfunctions, accidents or other needs.  Stock is kind of low right now.  The following items are needed.  All donations should be clean and in good repair.  Donations can be sent to the office in a bag labeled for the nurse - Thanks!

*girls stretchy pants or sweats, all sizes from 4t-14
*boys sweat pants or pants with elastic waist, all sizes from 4t-14
*boys and girls t-shirts or short sleeved shirts, all sizes from 4t-14


March 25 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!

March 28, 29 - Parent Teacher Conferences

March 28 - Early release at 11:30

March 29 - No School

March 29 - Flynn Family Night - Free Skating at Leddy Arena -7pm -  All Flynn families invited! (skates included if you don't have your own- but bring your own if you have them!)

April 1 - Flynn School Geography Bee, 1:30 in the stage gym. 10 Flynn school finalists duke it out for the chance to go on to the next level. All friends and family invited.

April 1 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!
April 4 - Book Fair and dinner!  Doors open at 5:30 for shopping and dining - great deals to be had!

April 9 - Principal's Coffee, 8:30

April 11 - PTO meeting - 6:30 pm (note that this is a week later than usual due to the book fair)

April 12 - Flynn Family LEGO Night! 7pm, stage gym

 Expert Author Susan ScacciaThe Benefit of Live Theatre for Children

It is well accepted that theatre activities are fun for young people, and that many children and teens absolutely love participating in plays and theatre workshops. They get to spend time with their old friends, make new friends and work on a project that culminates in their performing onstage and enjoying the applause. What's not to love?
But what are the actual cognitive, physical, emotional and social benefits for our young people who participate in theatre arts activities? In what ways does their participation help them to grow into more responsible and responsive adults?
The opportunities for cognitive growth in theatre are many. Just the amount of reading necessary for rehearsing a play makes a good case for that statement! But it doesn't stop there. Students must memorize their lines. To do this they must first organize their time in order to meet the deadlines for line memorization and then must keep practicing over and over to make the words their own. This involves repetitive and diligent work, and sometimes it is the only such work a child is willing to do. Studying spelling lessons is one thing, but memorizing your lines for a play, while admittedly the most boring and tedious part of the job, is an unavoidable task. The most resistant times tables learner will have to work on those lines, and he will be strengthening his memorization skills while he prepares to shine onstage.
The imagination too gets a great workout during play rehearsals as the young actor is encouraged to try new and interesting ways of interpreting his role. As he interprets his lines and develops his character, he will be developing his problem solving skills. His director will ask him "Why does the character do that?" "What is it that the characters want?" and "How do you think the character came up with that answer?" "How might you say that to give us a different impression of what the character means?" These questions and more will be running through your child's mind as he rehearses, prompting him to use his powers of metacognition as he tries to unlock the mysteries behind the motives of the character he is playing.
Concentration skills also get a workout as your child actor has to learn to do several things at once onstage. He will have to have his lines flawlessly in his head while remembering where and why he supposed to be moving across the boards. He will also have to be on his toes because this is live theatre being played by live human beings, and human beings make mistakes! Someone could drop a line. It could be your child himself. The power of quick thinking made available to him through his sharpened focus will help him smooth over any onstage glitches he or his fellow actors may experience and cover them flawlessly.
His communication skills will grow as he finds himself poised to talk with other actors onstage and discovers that he must turn and look at that other person in order for the line to ring true. And listening is often touted as the most important skill an actor can have. He must listen to the director, to the other actors and the central action onstage. Listening even comes into play when the actor is offstage as he must listen for his cue to go back on! As his listening improves his skills of observation are being honed. And when he says his lines onstage, your child will be encouraged to project his voice in a clear manner and to enunciate well so that what he is saying can be better understood by the audience, thereby increasing his verbal articulation skills.
Emotional development is also enhanced as your child has no choice but to learn to cooperate with his cast mates and the production staff. Unless your 7 year old is doing a one man show, he is going to need the other people in the play to be on his side, and to be good team member for them as well. The old saying, "there is no "I" in team," refers to theatre production teams too. The catharsis provided by theatre games and improvisations as well as rehearsal and performance by their very nature allow students to express a wide rang of strong feelings. They provide a safe outlet for the relief of aggression and tension in a controlled environment.
Your child will develop a heightened sense of empathy as he learns about and portrays a wide variety of characters from different cultures and times in history. He will also become more in tuned to the feelings of his fellow actors as he carefully monitors and supports them through their performances, providing kind encouragement to frustrated peers as well as accolades for a job well done. And as the recipient of this kind of reassurance himself, your child will learn about trust. He will learn to trust his fellow actors, and he will learn to trust himself and his responses.
Physically your child will benefit because he will learn to rely on the sense of his body in the performance space and carefully to monitor the movement required of him during his theatre work. He will learn warm-up exercises that help him stretch and release physical tension and improvisation exercises that will improve his physical coordination as he learns how his character moves through the world being created. There is much physical acuity necessary for the creation of a role, from the timing of comic bits to the staged combat that must be choreographed down to the very tiniest movement, and it all contributes to the physical confidence that your child will gain through being involved in a show.
The social rewards your child will gain through his participation in theatre activities will be rich and numerous. The long lasting friendships so commonly sparked in a cast that works well together are a fabulous bonus to the young actor, but they are only a portion of the opportunities for development available during the creation of a performance piece. Whether your child has been diagnosed with a learning difference that makes social encounters particularly challenging for them or not, all young people can profit from the myriad of opportunities for social growth available to them in the theatre.
An actor has to learn to mimic real life and real conversations in order to represent human truths on the stage. If holding eye contact is an issue for your child, he will be coached in this. If your child has trouble understanding the give and take of the rhythm of conversation, the dialogue in a script provides a template from which he can learn this skill. Physical movements must be matched to the text onstage, providing coaching for your child in the nuances of human body language.
Finally, your child will find himself immersed in an art form that is ancient, knows no cultural boundaries and will bring joy to himself and those around him. He will learn to bring humor and pathos into the lives of others, find joy in his work, and ultimately discover that we are all one community on this planet as he discovers the similarities in tales told from the beginning of time and from everywhere around the world.
From the tiniest part in the chorus to the biggest song and dance man in the show, he will learn that not one role can be overlooked as important, and that he must have respect for everyone involved from backstage to center stage. For your child these experiences will ultimately result in his growth into an adult who more clearly understands the value of collaborative work, the delight inherent in creating art, and the value of that precious, human treasure: the ability to communicate by telling stories.
Susan Scaccia graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre arts with a concentration in Acting and Directing from Castleton State College in Vermont, where she won the President's Scholarship. She studied classical voice training for 10 years, and has now completed 28 graduate credits toward her Master's Degree in Special Education. Before relocating to Columbia this past October to be near her favorite local resident, her mom, she co-founded and for seven years directed the Rutland Youth Theatre, a program for young performers ages 4 - 18, in conjunction with the Rutland, Vermont Parks and Recreation Department. While with the Rutland Youth Theatre, Susan discovered that attention to the learning style and strengths of each individual child in combination with providing training as pre-professionals in the theatre served her students well towards not only their collaborative goal of creating four lively, energetic full length productions each year, but also as tools they could carry with them in their everyday life as well-rounded, imaginative, self-confident individuals. Susan currently manages the production company Center Stage Youth Theatre and her blog is here, Childrens Theatre

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 3/17/13

Hey There Flynn Families - It's a busy week, no time for chit chat.  Hope to see families K-5 at Frankenstein!!!!  If you haven't experienced a Flynn show, you are in for a treat!

Bottle Drive Update  Thank you to the families who brought their bottles and cans to Merola's Market this past Saturday. We raised $125. For both the Fall and Spring we raised a total of $235 for the PTO. We thank Merola's Market for contributing 10% in addition to what was donated. Look for the bottle drops next school year in the Fall and Spring on the Saturdays of Day Light Saving Weekend.  Thanks!  Mary
JJ Flynn Theatre Presents:  Frankenstein 
This week only!!! School Performance on Thursday at 12:30 (limited seating for families with small children and grandparents who cannot attend later performances)  Friday night at 7pm - doors open at 6:30.  Saturday matinee at 4pm, doors open at 3:30
The play does not charge admission and there are no tickets- it is open seating.  Seating opens 1/2 hour before the show.  However, volunteers will have access to seating in the first 5 rows on one night to save seats for family.  We thank the many families who have donated their time, energy and talent to making this show awesome! 

If you will be bringing someone who needs special seating accommodations, please let us know in advance so we can be sure to have seating arranged.  Let us know your name, # in your party and what accommodation is needed - we will do our very best!  You can email us at or call the main office at 864-8478.

Play Families (especially chorus!)  ALL costume pieces (including shoes) should now be at school.  Chorus families can contact Tammy Kuypers at 863-1943 and cast members can contact Kate Belluche at 658-6831with questions/problems.

Wednesday Dress rehearsal is afterschool from 2:45-6pm.  Chorus 2:45-4:15pm

Concession Donations  Fire up your oven - we welcome your home baked goodies to sell at our concession stand on Friday and Saturday.  Your donations can arrive on friday morning  (drop in office) all the way up to showtime (drop on your way in).  We are all set with water donations - thanks!

Call Times:
5th graders (90 minutes prior to the show) Friday @5:30, Saturday @ 2:30
4th Graders (75 minutes) Friday @5:45, Saturday @ 2:45
3rd graders (30 minutes)Friday @6:30, Saturday @ 3:30
 Young Writers Project Announces :North by North Center Drop-in Hours
Mondays – Fridays, 3–6:15 p.m., beginning Monday, March 18
12 North Street, Burlington
Young Writers Project’s North by North Center drop-in hours are free and open to all youths. YWP will provide a writing mentor, computer support, constructive feedback and a welcoming, creative environment. Mini-workshops will be held each day at 4 p.m.
These open hours are a result of input from young people at a series of community meetings. We want to thank these youths for being engaged and involved, and we’re excited to begin this student-centered programming in our new writing center.
Please share this email with others and please POST the attached flyer. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.
Thank you,
Geoffrey Gevalt
12 North St., Suite 8
Burlington, VT 05401

The Spring Book Fair is Coming...Thursday, April 4, 2012
As always, Flynn school relies on parent volunteers to support the set-up, check out and break down of the fair.  Can you help for an hour or two?  T
here will also be a dinner sponsored by 4th grade families - come and make a night of it!
Book Fair VOLUNTEER Sign-Up for April 4th

Set-up 4:00-5:30  - 3 people needed
Family Event 5:30-7:00   5:30-6:15 2 cashiers, 6:15-7 2 cashiers
Clean-up & moving 7:00-8:00 - 3 people needed

 Please contact Alice Wells at to volunteer or inquire  


March 18 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!
March 21-23 - Frankenstein!!! (Th @ 12:30, F @ 7pm, Sat @ 4pm)
March 28, 29 - Parent Teacher Conferences
March 28 - Early release at 11:30
March 29 - No School
March 29 - Flynn Family Night - Free Skating at Leddy Arena - All Flynn families invited! (skates included if you don't have your own)

April 1 - Flynn School Geography Bee, 1:30 in the stage gym. 10 Flynn school finalists duke it out for the chance to go on to the next level. All friends and family invited.
April 4 - Book Fair

April 9 - Principal's Coffee, 8:30

April 11 - PTO meeting - 6:30 pm (note that this is a week later than usual due to the book fair)


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 3/10/13

ducttape-250x306Hey There Flynn Families - Hope you enjoyed the spring like weather and extra sunshine this past weekend - looks like mud season is upon us!  So great to see so many Flynn families at the Vivki Hoefle parenting event last Wednesday.   If you were unable to come, the PTO purchased Vicki's latest book, Duct Tape Parenting - check it out in the Parent Resource Library next to the main office.

PTO meeting minutes can be found at the end of this post. - thanks Sarah D.!

Reminder: Parent teacher Conferences can be scheduled by clicking on the link below:    If you would like to sign up via phone, contact Karen Carr at 864-8478
Spring Lacrosse in Burlington for 3rd - 8th Grade Boys and Girls
The Burlington Seahawks Youth Lacrosse Club is fielding boys and girls teams this Spring at the 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, and 7th/8th grade levels. Practices will be twice a week starting April 1st. Games are held once a week on weekends, boys on Saturdays and girls on Sundays during the Month of May. Emphasis will be on basic stick skills and the fundamentals of lacrosse. The organization is based upon promoting respect, teamwork, and commitment in a positive atmosphere.
coaches will provide flexibility to meet the players/ families busy schedules.

The Seahawks Club will offer scholarships to families not able to cover the $75.00 fee. Scholarships will be handled at the time of registration.
Join the fastest growing sport in America today!
Sign up with Burlington Parks and Recreation by calling 864-0123 or register online at For more information about our club go to

Frankenstein Update - This is the final rehearsal week and then we move into dress rehearsals and the show!  All costume items (except shoes your child might be wearing...) should be in by now - if not, please get stuff in so we can make sure your child is ready for the dress rehearsal.  Songs and lines need to be committed to memory - please help your child by running lines with them and playing the songs from the show - all songs are on the wiki - 

Set building this Saturday 9-???  Come help us bring the stage to life.  All kids must have parents with them - no drop-offs.  Helps to wear junky clothes, bring a cordless drill if you have one and old paintbrushes. There will be food to keep you going and lots of nice folks around.  Oh, and I hear Don Wright has a hankering for donuts - you would be very popular...

Starting this Sunday, there will be several out of school rehearsals that are mandatory - mark your calendars for:

Sunday, 3/17, 11:30-4: All Cast Tech Dress rehearsal(no chorus)- eat early and/or bring your lunch!
Monday, 3/18, 12-2:45: All Cast Dress rehearsal
Tuesday, 3/19 Rest Day
Wednesday, 3/20, 2:45-6: All Cast Dress rehearsal (chorus for first 90 minutes)
Thursday, 3/21, 12:30: School performance. Call times starting at 11:30
Friday, 3/22, 7pm: Performance. Call times starting at 5:30
Saturday, 3/23, 4pm: Performance. Call times starting at 2:30

Questions about anything show related? Contact Sarah Smith at

March 11 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!
March 12 - PTO Pizza orders due
March 13 - Knit 2gether, drop in knitting bee, 6:30-8, Library
March 16 - Frankenstein Set Building Day, 9-??? Friends, Food and Fun guaranteed!
March 16 - Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction at Hunt Middle School 8:30-11:30 (great deals and steals - not to mention pancakes!)

March 17 - Technical Dress Rehearsal for Frankenstein 11:30-4
March 18 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!
March 21-23 - Frankenstein!!! (Th @ 12:30, F @ 7pm, Sat @ 4pm)
March 28, 29 - Parent Teacher Conferences
March 28 - Early release at 11:30
March 29 - No School
March 29 - Flynn Family Night - Free Skating at Leddy Arena - All Flynn families invited!  (skates included if you don't have your own)

April 1 - Flynn School Geography Bee, 1:30 in the stage gym. 10 Flynn school finalists duke it out for the chance to go on to the next level. All friends and family invited.

April 9 - Principal's Coffee, 8:30

March PTO 3/7/13
Free pizza was enjoyed by all! The meeting was called to order at 6:35
- Kate Belluche asked for volunteers to re-instate the Birchwood reading program and Happy Vail agreed to be the coordinator. Additional volunteers will be needed to make this a success.
- PTO voted to contribute $500 to support a matched grant for Puppets in Education to come to Flynn and work with the first grade about acceptance- geared mostly towards impairments
Guest Speaker: Alice Rudd Elder presented a potential spending policy for the PTO- her handout will be made available on google docs but here are a few highlights:
- Monies that are raised should be spent in a timely manner to most benefit the students that attend the school during the fundraising effort (an example of this in place would be for the PTO to fund the remaining balance of the new playground)
- A finance committee should be formed to review the spending policy and determine the budget and forecasting measures
- Determine distinct reserve amount to help drive spending
- Having too much money in the account can undermine the fundraising efforts by making people disincentive to giving

Treasurer's Report- This was covered during Alice's presentation. It was noted that information will go out about the PTO supporting the remainder of the playground money and this will be voted on at the April meeting.
Principals Corner- Graham will be meeting with officials to discuss the placement of the geothermal wells and how this will impact the new playground
Online sign-up now available for conferences- you can access the link from the Flynn website and also the most recent blog post
The April Principal's coffee date has been changed to Tuesday April, 9th
Enrichment Update- Kate Belluche
The play is almost 2 weeks away and preparations are in full swing. Some additional donations needed for costumes- check the blog for specifics
Fundraising Update- Amanda Robbins
Lake Monsters fundraising event beginning in April- kids will take tickets home to sell- half of the proceeds go to Flynn. Champ may be making an appearance at Flynn to kick off the ticket sales
Dan's chocolates- Sarah DeShaw, Mary Mitchell and Jen DeBedout will be meeting with Dan Cunningham to get specifics on starting this fundraiser possibly in April/May after the vacation
Family, School, Partnership- Shanta Eastman
Suzy T. will be the guinea pig for the upcoming streamlined classroom event protocol. Alert Now as well as a google doc listing will be asked of teachers to ensure ample notice to families and provide planning steps for families who need translation and/or transportation to school for these events.
Room Parents- tabled
Guest Speaker: Mindfulness for Teachers and Students- Lindsay Foreman
Lindsay provided a presentation of the online software being used in several VT schools that provides schools a structure for focusing and relaxing students. Lindsay will be meeting with Graham later this month to discuss bringing this approach to Flynn. More information can be found at: Shanta Eastman