Monday, April 29, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 4.29.13

Hey There Flynn Families - Welcome back! Hope you had a relaxing break.  Enjoy the spring weather!

Math Night this Wednesday, May 1st!- 6:30-7:30pm 

May PTO Meeting this Thursday, 6:30 -8pm.  Free pizza!  Agenda and guest speakers at the end of this post.

Staff Appreciation Luncheon – Wednesday, May 22, 2011  Thank you to the many parents across the grades who have supported the monthly staff Appreciation events organized by grade level Room Parents. (and a special thanks to those Room Parents!) Flynn staff had their break room cleaned and stocked, were treated to breakfasts and special luncheons. Needless to say, the teachers are tickled by the outpouring of support.

Every May in celebration of Teacher Appreciation week, parents throw a luncheon for Flynn Staff. For the past few years, Flynn families from the Vietnamese community have made some fabulous main dishes for teachers – we are inquiring about this again this year. Families round this out with delicious salads, drinks, desserts and playground staffing so teachers can relax and chat without having to supervise kids on the playground.
NOTE: At the end of this post is a copy of the memo being sent home in backpacks this week.  This event depends on your generosity of time and cooking!  Let's show our Flynn staff some love and appreciation by putting out a nice spread for them! Check your calendar and your pantry and sign up now via email or wait for the memo and send that back into the office.  Emails can go to or

If enough families enter, we have a shot at winning a schoolyard habitat at Flynn - how cool would that be - a new school garden and new playground!!  Read below and visit the Facebook page to enter (or the email below)


Enter to win our Schoolyard Habitat Sweepstakes

Schoolyard Habitat. are similar to the Wildlife Habitats that we install for clients and then NWF certifies. They must include the same basic features - Food, Water, Cover, Places to Raise Young, and may also incorporate Sustainable Gardening features such as compost bins, raised vegetable beds and other container gardens. The Schoolyard Habitat is coupled with curriculum and a maintenance plan to keep the students, teachers and community involved and assure its long-term success.

The design will be tailored to meet the needs of the school, the interests of its members and the challenges of the site. The value of the design and installation of the Schoolyard Habitat that we are donating is $2,000 ($500 plants, $500 other materials, $1,000 labor) and could include:
  • native plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife including birds and butterflies,
  • supplies such as feeders, a birdbath, and bird houses,
  • a compost bin,
  • a raised bed, and
  • pathways and seating made out of natural materials such as mulch, stumps and boulders.
If you live in Addison or Chittenden County VT and would like to have a Schoolyard Habitat at your school then either send me an EMAIL ( or visit our FACEBOOK PAGE TO ENTER the sweepstakes. The deadline is May 6th and the schoolyard will be installed in September 2013. The more parents in your town that enter, the greater your chances are of your school being picked, so share with gusto!
Link to Facebook page:
* "like" them and write a quick message like, "Put my name in the hat for the schoolyard habitat."

April 29 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!

May 1 - Family Math Night - 6:30-7:30

May 2 - PTO Meeting

May 6 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!

May 10 - Kindergarten Orientation

May 13 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!

May 19 - Springfest! Flynn Playground area 2-4pm

May 21 - Fifth Grade Orientation to Hunt Middle School (parent meeting)

May 22 - Staff Appreciation Luncheon at Flynn (more info to come on how families can participate with providing food and recess support)

May 22 - Open House at St. Joes for students entering grades 1,2.  6-7pm

May PTO Meeting
6:30 - 8 pm

 FREE PIZZA FOR ALL!!!   Enjoy a dinner out with free food and learn what’s going on at Flynn School!!

****6:15 -6:30 – Come a little early if you want to get pizza and settle the kids into childcare.
6:30-6:45 Mr. Amato, Hunt Middle School Principal, talks about 5th grade orientation to Hunt
6:45-7:15pm Discuss PTO meeting agenda items- (listed below)
7:15-8pm – Officer Berti discussing internet safety


· Welcome-Tammy Kuypers
· Introductions& introduce board members to new members

OPEN FORUM–What’s on your mind?
Treasurer’s report- John Boone – 5 min. –detailed budget
· Principal’s Corner – Graham Clarke –5 min.
· Enrichment Update -Sarah Smith – 5 min.
· Fundraising Update- Amanda Robbins and Chris – Calendars, Lake Monsters, Dan’s Chocolates-Sarah D., Springfest- 5 min.
· School/Family Partnership Update–Shanta Eastman–5 min.
· Room Parents – Lisa Tulkop – 5 min.
  • Teachers suggestions from box – Christine Leithead
Final Meeting this year: Thursday, June 6, 2013  - Officer Elections for 2013-14!!!

Memo to be sent home this week:

TO: Flynn Parents and Guardians
FROM:  Flynn PTO
DATE: April 29, 2013

SUBJECT: Staff Appreciation Luncheon – Wednesday, May 22, 2011

Thank you to the many parents across the grades who have supported the monthly staff Appreciation events organized by grade level Room Parents.  (and a special thanks to those Room Parents!)  Flynn staff had their break room cleaned and stocked, were treated to breakfasts and special luncheons.  Needless to say, the teachers are tickled by the outpouring of support.

Every May in celebration of Teacher Appreciation week, parents throw a luncheon for Flynn Staff. For the past few years, Flynn families from the Vietnamese community have made some fabulous main dishes for teachers – we are inquiring about this again this year.  Families round this out with delicious salads, drinks, desserts and playground staffing so teachers can relax and chat without having to supervise kids on the playground.

Here is what is needed from Parents to make the May 22nd Luncheon possible:

Lunchroom/Playground Duty - ~1 hour shifts- 8 parents needed per shift (there will be several Flynn Staff as well)

·         Shift 1 – 11:15-12:15 – K/1

·         Shift 2 – 11:55-12:50 – 2/3

·         Shift 3 – 12:05-1:05 – 4/5

Food Items – Fresh items sent in morning of May 22nd

·         2:  Fruit Salad or cut fruit platter

·         2: Extra large green Salad ( no croutons please)

·         2: Cut vegetables or grain salad (rice salad, bulgur, tabbouleh, quinoa, wheat berry….) (one Gluten Free would be great!)

·         6: Special Dessert (again, a gluten free goodie would be great!)


I Can Help


(or contact Kate at 658-6831, or


Teacher: _________________________________________

How to Contact me with a reminder: (phone, e-mail…)

My Contribution:  (fill out any that apply)

_____Recess Duty Shift 1

_____Recess Duty Shift 2

_____Recess Duty Shift 3


Food Item: ____________________________________________________________________________

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 4/14/13

photo.JPGHey There Flynn Families - What fun to have some many families turn out for Lego night at Flynn.  There was great focus, teamwork and simple technology free family fun.  To read more about the educational benefits of lego play, click on the following article.  If families have legos to pass along, I know there are Flynn classrooms that would love to get their hands on some bricks for classroom play and learning - let me know and I will match you up!  Sliding into vacation mode...  Have a great week!

Included Below:
  • Construction/Title I meeting
  • April PTO Treasurer's Report
  • PTO Leadership
  • Letter from Sarah Smith
  • Superintendent's blog
  • Safe Routes to School construction planned
  • Burlington Afterschool Summer Camp Fair

Annual Title I Meeting AND Flynn Construction Update
Tuesday April 16th, 7-8 p.m.Childcare Provided
Mr Clarke will be reviewing the Title 1 policy and Home/School Compact.
He will also talk about phase 2 of construction and how it will impact your child/ren!

PTO April Treasurer's Report - meeting minutes to be posted after break.

Planting a Seed...  The Flynn PTO will be turning over some key leadership positions for the coming school year including, President (or co-President), Vice President, Treasurer and Enrichment Coordinator.  We would be happy to talk to folks about the job commitment for each position.  Flynn school PTO is in good shape concerning fundraising, parent support and camaraderie.  We are grateful for the families who have volunteered their time and talents to benefit all students at Flynn and we welcome the next crop of parent leaders.  It is really important to share the workload and to continually build new leadership.  Please contact current President, Tammy Kuypers to chat about how you might get more involved in the Flynn PTO.

A Message from Sarah Smith - Outgoing PTO Enrichment Coordinator
Dear Flynn families,
As I finish up my 3rd and final year in the role of enrichment coordinator, I wanted to take a few moments to reflect on the importance of enrichment at Flynn Elementary and the importance of someone stepping into this job after I leave. The PTO serves many purposes, all of which are directly related to bettering the lives of all of the students and families at JJ Flynn Elementary. And enrichment is a huge part of the PTO’s mission, and budget. For those of you who don’t know what the enrichment part of the PTO does, let me elaborate. This year, the PTO sent every k-2 student to a performance at the Flynn Theatre downtown. Each grade chose a different show to attend and we bought the tickets and booked the buses. As enrichment coordinator, I’ve started a chess club which is in its second year, and going strong. Enrichment has brought in Jeh Kulu drum and dance for a weeklong residency as well as authors and local hip hop artists.
But our biggest undertaking of the year, both time wise and budget wise, is the spring musical, which is open to all students grades 3-5. We undertake the play in collaboration with Very Merry Theatre and their professional musicians and choreographers. Being in a play of this size and scope is enriching and educational to kids on so many levels. They memorize lines, learn choreography, learn to work as a team in their character groups, learn good time management skills, build their confidence by performing on stage and of course, feel that they are a part of something bigger than themselves and bigger than their class community. More than any other activity that happens at Flynn school, the play builds community. It is inspiring to see parents offering up their skills, creativity and most importantly, their time, to create a complex, engaging, high quality performance. Musicians from the community come in to provide a live orchestra. Dozens of families come to the set building day to build out the stage, cover windows in black plastic, build sets and paint. Parents spend countless hours making costumes and running lines with their children. This year was our fifth year of having a play at Flynn. Unlike many other things that the PTO spends money on, the play has the unique ability to be at least partially self-sustaining. That has been our goal. Because it is such a large endeavor, we have tried to create a structure that is the cost effective and we have worked hard to sell ads for the playbill, write grants and ask you, the parents, for any extra donations you might be able to provide, so that it is self-sustaining. However, no one is ever denied participation because of the inability to donate, or sew a costume or offer up their valuable time.
The opportunities and experiences we offer our children now will determine the future of their lives and the health and viability of our community in the future. This isn’t rocket science, it’s just common sense. If our children are engaged and inspired now, they will want to make a life that is engaging, productive and inspiring. I was proud to serve as enrichment coordinator on behalf of all of our children and I hope that one of you reading this will decide to take that torch from me and carry on.

Superintendent's Update from Jeanne Collins
Greetings all,  The sun is trying to be out and the marsh is muddy—we are officially in mud season, with spring near! In this season, the Board reorganizes. We have three new members (Liz Curry, Miriam Stoll and Greg Jenkins) and a new chair (Alan Matson). Board committee assignments will be out shortly and the Board is working to realign its work with District goals. Stay tuned for more on this.
A topic that has captured the ears of many is the Vision Calendar, which is being considered by the Champlain Valley Superintendents Association (CVSA). CVSA is responsible each year for setting a common regional 175 day calendar that aligns with the two technical centers in our region. The Vision Calendar takes those same 175 days and reformats it so that school is chunked into six to seven-week learning periods, with a time of reflection between each chunk. That one to two-week break could be used for timely student intervention through a Title 1 Program, faculty professional development, vacation and reflection, coursework for faculty, etc. Just as our December-June stretch does now, it allows everyone to pause and take a breath as the learning continues. It is intentional and focused on student achievement.
As mentioned above, the number of days does not change for students or staff. The school year would likely start one week earlier in August and end one week later in June. The summer is still quite lengthy for summer jobs, professional development and camps. Opportunities for vacations for families at off times is an added bonus. CVSA is talking with child care providers about camps and child care during the intersession weeks.
The discussion is just beginning. CVSA would need to decide by January 2014 if it were to take place in the 2014-15 school year. Share your thoughts and questions with me—I will bring them to CVSA.  Click here for a post of sample Vision Calendar :
Think differently—how might this benefit both students and staff?
Enjoy spring.


FYI for families that bike/walk to school: Safe Routes to School - North Avenue   Megan Moir – Dept. of Public Works, Burlington

The City of Burlington was awarded a grant for the planning, design and construction of improvements on three intersections along North Avenue (North Avenue and Plattsburgh, North Avenue and Heineberg Road, North Avenue at Ethan Allen Shopping Center) to make conditions better for students who will be walking or bicycling to school. Construction is expected during the 2013 construction season.
We would like to invite you to review and discuss the design of these improvements with city staff on Wednesday evening, May 1 at 7:00 pm at the Lyman C. Hunt Middle School Library (1364 North Avenue – Burlington, VT 05408)
If you have any questions about this project, I can be reached at
Guillermo Gomez
Public Works Engineer - City of Burlington, VT



April 15 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!

April 16 - Annual Title I meeting and Flynn Construction Update - 7-8pm - Stage Gym

April 20-28 - Spring Break - No School!

April 29 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!

May 1 - Family Math Night

May 2 - PTO Meeting

May 19 - Springfest! 2-4pm

May 21 - Fifth Grade Orientation to Hunt Middle School (parent meeting)

May 22 - Staff Appreciation Luncheon at Flynn (more info to come on how families can participate with providing food and recess support)


Monday, April 8, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 4/8/13

Hey There Flynn Families - Many thanks to all the families that turned out to support the grades 3/4 Hot Dog Dinner and Flynn Bookfair.  Ms. Wells has already done the math and sent along a message:

Hi wonderful people!  It has been another successful Scholastic Book Fair!  We earned Scholastic Dollars which can be used for buying books or products from the Resource Catalog.
Through a $100 donation to All For Books we can add to classroom libraries. Scholastic will match this donation for families in distress. We also earned enough to buy books for a second book distribution in June, so every Flynn student will take home another free book. Thanks again for your hard work and support.   Alice
Congratulations to Jenna Peterson for being the last girl standing at the Flynn Geo Bee last week.  Jenna is a two time winner of the Flynn Geo-Bee- Way to go Jenna- keep reading those maps and asking questions! A great place to "play" with geography is at the National  Geographic Site:

JJ Flynn Theatre Committee is meeting Wednesday evening to wrap up this year's production of Frankenstein and lay some plans for 2014.  ALL are welcome to join us at Sarah Smith's house at 7pm.  Please email Sarah for directions or to RSVP:

PTO meeting this Thursday 6:30-7:30ish in the Library.  There is pizza and childcare - come early enough to grab a slice for yourself and your kiddoes before the meeting starts at 6:30.  The agenda is included at the end of this post.

Flynn Family Lego Night this FRIDAY  7pm in the Stage Gym.  Bring your kiddoes and your constructing ideas and let's play Legos! 
The event is FREE, but PTO Raffle tickets ($10/each) will be on sale at event AND we will be drawing 5 tickets for fabulous prizes including...

5 free tans from Body Le Bronze,  Books from Barnes and Noble,  Dinner for 2 at Single Pebble (excludes alcohol and gratuity),   Free cut from 802 Lawn Care,  Free Skating at Cairns Arena- 5 free skating passes,  Free 4 wheel Tire alignment from Midas,  Gardening Tool set from Aubuchon Hardware,  Gift card to Al’s French Fries- $20,  Gift card to Al’s French Fries- $15,  Gift card to Hannaford’s,  Gift card to Price Chopper, Gift card to The Bagel CafĂ©- $10 and Tealight candle holder from Simon Pearce- Crystal,   Lake Champlain chocolates, Leonardo’s Pizza- 2 Free 12” , Lunch or for 2 at Leunig’s (excludes alcohol and gratuity), Dinner for 2 at Papa Frank, Bath product baskets, $25 gift card to Tiny Thai,   Our House Bistro gift card-$30
 *Prizes will be drawn at each of these next Flynn events – PTO meeting-April 11, Lego Night- April 12, Math Night-May 1, AND The rest of the Prizes will be drawn at Springfest- May 19 (you need not be present to win - but it is extra fun to win in person!!!)

Parenting Book Group???  Are you interested in focusing on parenting issues in a supportive learning environment?  Contact Holly Hauser to share ideas about utilizing the new parenting resource center in a hands on way.  Let's choose a book relevant to our parenting goals, intentions, curiosity, and share our challenges and insights.  Contact Holly at the following email:
Flynn Family Math Night is Wednesday, May 1, 2013, 6:30-7:30.   Come and enjoy math games and activities with your child. Try your hand at the candy estimation jars, experience the thrill of 99 with Mr. Abbey, blast off with Ms. Dee’s straw rockets, play iPad math games with Ms. Brown, and much, much more! This year we are beginning at 6:30 in order to give families a chance to eat dinner at home, as we won’t be serving pizza.
Students and families are invited to share their favorite math activities as well. If you want to run an activity for Math Night (a card game you play at home, an art or building project, a paper-folding activity, a family or cultural tradition, etc.) you would like to share, please signup here by April 15. You may also sign up by calling or visiting Karen Carr in the office.

April 8 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!

April 9 - Principal's Coffee, 8:30

April 11 - PTO meeting - 6:30 pm (note that this is a week later than usual due to the bookfair) Free childcare and pizza! 

April 12 - Flynn Family LEGO Night! 7pm, stage gym
April 15 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!

April 20-28 - Spring Break - No School!

May 1 - Family Math Night

May 2 - PTO Meeting

May 19 - Springfest! 2-4pm

April PTO Meeting  Agenda
6:30 - 8 pm

FREE PIZZA FOR ALL!!!  Enjoy a dinner out with free food and learn what’s going on at Flynn School!! **6:15 -6:30 – Come a little early if you want to get pizza and settle the kids into childcare.

· Welcome-Tammy Kuypers
· Introductions& introduce board members to new members

OPEN FORUM–What’s on your mind?
1. Discuss Memorial for Brad Ingalls- plaque in stage gym?
2.  Announce/Discuss openings on PTO board for 2013-14
3. Volunteers for Kindergarten Orientation/ May Staff appreciation
4. Pizza fundraiser to teachers?
5. Book request by 1st grade teachers
6. Alternative to water bottles at pto events- Shanta

· Playground update – Mary Mitchell and Sarah
· Treasurer’s report- John Boone – 5 min.
· Principal’s Corner – Graham Clarke – 5 min.
· Enrichment Update -Sarah Smith – the play - 5 min.
· Fundraising Update- Amanda Robbins and Chris – Calendars, Lake Monsters, Dan’s Chocolates-Sarah D., Springfest- 5 min.
· School/Family Partnership Update–Shanta Eastman–5 min.
· Room Parents – Lisa Tulkop – 5 min.
· Teachers suggestions from box – Christine Leithead

Next Meeting: Thursday, May 2, 2013 (Officer Berti doing talk on internet safety and Hunt Middle School Principal will talk briefly about incoming 5th grade))