Sunday, May 26, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 5/26/13

Hey There Flynn Families - I don't know about you, but I am going a little stir crazy from all this precipitation - not to mention, being cooped up with kiddoes that could use some fresh air and sunshine...  Things are looking up weather wise for this week and hopefully we'll get a long stretch of warm air and sunshine!
The Staff Appreciation Luncheon was a great success last Wednesday.  We had a great variety of salads, sandwiches and other yummy lunch stuff as well as decadent desserts and lovely flowers.  Staff were able to enjoy a relaxing break thanks to the many parents who came in to cover recess duty.  HUGE thanks to parents that sent in food and/or helped with recess duty - the staff appreciates your culinary skills and your kid herding prowess.  The following parents helped out with Staff Appreciation this month:
Beth Fialko Casey, Emily Pham, Ashat Baunsana, Nicole Huff, Sarah Smith, Leah Davis, Kate Belluche, mother of Samir, Laurie Ploesser, Christine Liethied, Heather Simmons,  Jen Debedout, Brenda Jackson, Leah Davis, Miranda Purvis, Shanta Eastman, Tammy  Kuypers, Shelley Waterman, Janet Greene
Heather Simmons, Jessica Hook, Happy Vail, Holly Hausner, Lisa Tulkop, Mary Mitchell, Mary Anne Kohn, Deb Maher, Sarah DeShaw, Heather Vaughan, Sandrine Kibuey, Hatidza Dzinic, Tracy Truzansky, Janet Coutrayer, Jane Hondal, Kate Wheeler, Marty Welsh, Amy and Matt Perry - and if there is anyone I overlooked, THANK YOU too - sorry if I inadvertently overlooked you!

Springfest at Flynn - thanks yous and a reporting TBA....

Parent Help needed for:The Flynn Olympics to be held on Tuesday, June 11th (rain date Wednesday, June 12th).  Modeled on the Olympic Games, each class will compete in several contests as a team to reach goals and win medals for their class. We will have Opening Ceremonies, the events themselves (K-2, and 3-5), and a Closing Ceremony at the end of the day. Each class will be awarded the medals they have earned.

To help make sure that this is a safe and positive experience, we need volunteers. (Volunteers run a variety of stations - each station is clearly explained by Lida and there are teachers helping out their class while they are at your station.  There are events like the rope climb, skipping rope, hoola hooping, softball throw and hurdles)  There are two time slots on June 11th; 8-11am - set up and run the event for 3-5th graders, and 12:15-2 pm for the K-2 events. Please come 15 minutes prior your start time.  There will be a quick briefing for Volunteers in the Flynn Learning Center on Monday June 10th at 3 pmThis briefing will be particularly important in order to get your assignment.  We very much appreciate any help you can give. Please return the form below or email to before noon on Friday 6/7. Thank you.  Sincerely, Lida Dvorak

PTO meeting minutes from May are included at the end of this post.
Parents are wondering... Is Flynn becoming a STEM school?  Flynn school has been exploring the possibility of becoming a STEM magnet school, including professional development, presentation at a PTO meeting, chat at the Principal's coffee as well as a recent presentation to the Curriculum committee for the Burlington School Board (as referenced in the Front Porch Forum last week by Greg Jenkins) Mr. Clarke also plans to discuss this topic as part of his Principal's Corner time at the June PTO meeting.  The Power Point presentation given to the school board can be viewed below.$file/Exploring%20STEM%20at%20Flynn%20PPT%20for%20curriculum%20comittee%20May%2020.pdf
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! Flynn School students raised $6,000 towards our new playground!  Thank you to all who set out and sold Dan's Chocolates- you will be rewarded!
CHOCOLATE PICK-UP  Parents may pick up chocolates in the STAGE GYM
Thursday May 30 from 2:30pm - 5:30pm
Friday May 31 from 7:50am -  8:30am
(For smaller orders that can be easily carried, we will try to send home with students) **Watch out for an Alert Now message on Wednesday 5/29 with more information**
REWARD PICK-UP Please note that an adult MUST collect your rewards- They will be available in the office on Thursday May 30th and Friday May 31st.  Chocolate rewards will be included in chocolate pick-up
Thank you for making this such a success!  The Flynn School PTO
Burlington School District English Language Learner Survey Results  May 23, 2013
Burlington School District is sharing the results of a survey examining the services and support provided to English Language Learners (ELL) to find ways that services might be enhanced. Survey topics included support for ELL, beliefs about ELL and parent involvement. Between January 31st and February 22nd, 2013, a total of 356 people participated in the survey, comprised of 204 teachers, 82 middle school students and 70 high school students, for response rates of 48%, 82% and 40%, respectively.
In terms of beliefs, both teachers and students highly agree that ELLs can be successful at school, with students saying that their parents place a high priority on education in general and college attendance in particular.
To read the full press release, click here.

To view the full report, click


June 6 - Last PTO meeting of the year - 6:30-8pm - Officer Elections!  Free Pizza and childcare

June 11 - Flynn Olympics

June 11 - 5th Grade Bridging Ceremony

June 13 - Last Day of School (early dismissal) 11:30 - Parade of students out back and a visit from Mr. Ding-a-Ling

Flynn Elementary School PTO minutes

Hunt Middle School

Mr. Rich Amato, Principal at Hunt Middle School discussed the transition for 5th graders. He handed out abbreviated versions of the Hunt Parent Handbook. Hunt guidance counselors and Flynn alumni will be included in the transition for 5th graders. Current 5th grade teachers have also been sent questionnaires about the students so Hunt can learn more about them before placement. The open house date for Hunt is May 21 at Flynn Elementary School.

There are two 6th grade teams at Hunt. Each team has 3 teachers and a special educator. When students move to 7thgrade they are on the same team for 2 years. All students will have 1 to 1 electronic devices during the 2013/2014 school year.

For more information contact Hunt Middle School at 864-8469 or check out the website at


John Boone treasurer presented. Budget updates were presented. Complete finance documents can be found on Google docs. The play committee is still wrapping up the finances. There is a separate budget for income and expenses. The fundraising did well and with the money budgeted from the PTO and the fundraising there was more money raised than spent.

The overall balance of the PTO account is almost $19,000. About $6,000 is restricted for the garden and playground.

Mail John Boone at jbgoode@gmail.comfor more finance information.

Mary Mitchell

Flynn School is part of an online contest to be awarded a $2,000 grant for the garden. Check out the PTO blog for more information.


The sale of the calendars continues to go well. Income has exceeded expenses and each calendar/raffle ticket sold is 100% profit. The big raffle items will be pulled at Spring fest on May 19 at Flynn.

The next fundraising project is Dan’s Chocolate which will raise money for the playground. See the blog for more information.

Spring fest is Sunday May 19, 2013. Lots of fun activities have been planned including a silent auction, bounce castle, bake sale, and a magic show.

The staff appreciation lunch at Flynn is May 22. Parent volunteers are still needed to cover recess duty and donate food.

There was nothing in the suggestion box this month.

A PO has been submitted for the sandbox repairs.

Mr. Ding a Ling

In the past Mr. Ding a Ling has come to the last day of school to hand out free popsicles for students. This cost has been covered by the PTO. A motion was made to cover this expense again for 2013. All voted in favor of the PTO covering this cost again. Jen Debedout offered to look into the expense and organize.

Graham Clarke

$7,500 has been approved by the Burlington School District to be used for security cameras for Flynn. No PTO money will be used. They will be external cameras

Math night was a success. At least 118 people attended. Thanks to everyone that helped.

Several staff went to a science conference to learn more about STEM standards. Graham is working on a timeline for the decision to move forward with Flynn becoming a STEM school. He is also working on the best way to involve parents and the Flynn community in the decision.

Some Flynn staff will present to Burlington School District staff what STEM curriculum they have implemented and what they think the benefits of STEM would be for Flynn.

Flynn staff are exploring how to utilize Shelburne Farms as a resource to help design the landscape outside after the construction is done.

Staff are also exploring the use of UVM landscape architect students to work with the school on the grounds.

Flynn is also getting 64 solar panels and a green house with funding from the Burlington School District.

Ms. Dvorak is inviting parents to help with the Flynn Olympics on June 11.

Dana Stevens also is inviting parents to help with art in the park.

The total cost for the playground is $50,000 to $60,000. The space will be approximately 50’ by 50’. We can save money by having parents and community members help with the installation. Staff are looking atAugust 17 or August 24 as the installation date. We can save approximately $5,000 by having help.

Other business

Staff custodian Jon’s recently passed away. We discussed what is appropriate as a gift from the PTO. Claire Noble offered to find out from the Sun Shine committee a recommendation for a gift.

Officer Berti from the Burlington Police Department presented on internet safety. She is the SRO for Hunt and Edmunds Middle Schools. She presented a lively slide show which is part of her school presentations.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 5/19/13

Springfest at Flynn School!  Lucky for us the weather cooperated and Flynn families of all ages turned out for bubble making, bouncy castle jumping, face painting, magic shows and yummy treats.  So nice to catch up with families and watch the kiddoes having a ball.  Lots of lucky kiddoes got to take home books from our first annual bookswap.  Do you have books that you no longer use that you want to donate to the Summer Bookmobile?  Send them on in to the PTO mailbox and we will pass them over to Mr. Tim - You may see your same books this Summer when Mr. Tim bikes into your neighborhood on his Bike-mobile!

PTO purchased playground gear is getting put to the test.  The basketball court got chain nets in hopes that neighborhood kids stop cutting them down - let's hope these ones stick around.  Word has it that the custodial staff put them up and were sighted "testing them out to make sure they worked ok..."  Other goodies include a variety of balls from footballs to kickballs, sand toys and ball pumps.

The Annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon is this Wednesday.  Flynn families will be treating staff to a yummy sit down luncheon and the luxury of  a leisurely lunch thanks to the army of parents coming in to cover lunch/recess duty.   I know the staff members are grateful for the monthly events that show them how important they are to our children - and to us.  Thank you in advance to all the families giving their time and culinary skills to this event!

Word on the street is that Flynn won the Linden Landscape and Design Schoolyard Habitat Contest - not yet confirmed, but we'll keep you updated!

Dan's Chocolate Reminder: Order forms due in the office TOMORROW Monday May 20th.  Please enter in your orders online at the following link:
Thank you for everyone who supported our playground fundraiser- chocolates and your child's rewards will be ready to be picked up on Thursday May 30th


May 21 - Fifth Grade Orientation to Hunt Middle School (parent meeting)

May 22 - Staff Appreciation Luncheon at Flynn

May 22 - Open House at St. Joe's for students entering grades 1,2.

May 23 - Principal's Coffee

June 6 - Last PTO meeting of the year - Officer Elections!

June 11 - Flynn Olympics

June 11 - 5th Grade Bridging Ceremony

June 13 - Last Day of School (early dismissal) 11:30 - Parade of students out back and a visit from Mr. Ding-a-Ling!!!


Monday, May 13, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 5/13/13

Hey There Flynn Families - Sorry the blog is out late - I'm going to blame it on the virus our computer "caught" and the cold snap that sent me back into hibernation.  Don't pull out the woolen wear just yet - eye on the sky reports fair weather to come by mid-week!  Have a great one

Staff Appreciation luncheon next week.  Thank you to all the families that signed up to provide food and recess coverage so that Flynn staff can take a leisurely lunch.  I will be emailing a reminder at the end of the week in case you forgot what you signed up for or the time to come for recess coverage. 

We still need more parents for recess coverage - Here is the breakdown:

Shift 1      11:15-12:10 (K/1) - 2 more parents needed

Shift 2    11:55-12:50 (2/3) - 4 more parents needed
Shift 3      12:15-1:05 (4/5) - 4 more parents needed
Email to sign up for one or more of the shifts above.

Box Tops for Education  is year round!!!  Keep clipping them over the summer and we'll start the new year with a stash!  Most are worth $.10!  This year we have earned hundreds of free dollars due to your clipping!  HUGE thank you to Denise Haggerty for sorting, totaling and sending in Box Tops for Flynn school.  If you "like" Box Tops on Facebook, you can select our school and we get 5 free box tops - click the link below:

Alas, Chess Club is ending for the school year...  The last meeting is on Monday, the 20th at 2:45 in the library.  All abilities welcome.  We are also looking for some parents to host the Chess Club next Fall.  All the materials are in place and there are plenty of kiddoes who love to play chess - all they need are some fearless leaders!  Chess club can be early morning at 7:30am or right afterschool on a day that you choose...  Interested?  Maybe a few parents want to sign on and each take a turn each month...  Email to inquire.

Flynn parent Amanda Reid looking for donations.  Can you help?
The World Council of Credit Unions spearheads many charitable causes throughout the world, and is assisting in raising the funds and building an orphanage in Kenya which is slated to open in June/July. The orphanage will house 50 young boys and 50 young girls who have nothing. If anyone has gently used clothing for children ages 1 year to 17 years that they would be willing to donate to the children of the orphanage please contact Amanda Reid at Clothing will be collected for the remained of the school year so that Joe Finnigan can bring the clothing to help these children start their new lives at the orphanage.
If you would like further information on the orphanage please visit:

Your Dan’s Chocolates order form came home on Wednesday, May 8th in your child’s backpack. They now have everything they need to start selling chocolates! Please help your child sell chocolates (guidelines for doing so are on the order form) over the next 2 weeks (May 8-May 20). Submit your order online or bring order forms to the office on MONDAY MAY, 21st. All chocolate and your child’s cash reward* will be available to pick up at school on Thursday May, 30th. ALL the proceeds from this fundraiser will go directly to the playground! Our hope is to sell enough chocolate to have a NEW PLAYGROUND THIS FALL!
If you have questions- please contact Sarah DeShaw | 399-2882
The Burlington School District is considering a weekly release Wednesday schedule for the 2013-14 school year for grades K-8, all year. This would replace all other early release days except for two parent conferences. This change is being considered due to a state mandate for restructuring that includes identifying dedicated time for Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) intended to increase student achievement. The information below will explain PLCs, and answer common questions about the changes being considered. The decision on the weekly release Wednesdays will be made by mid-May as we complete our restructuring mandate.
Explaining Professional Learning Communities - Overview
Professional Learning Communities, or PLCs, are school improvement models aimed at improving student learning for each individual student.
The professional learning community is based on a single, simple premise: To be effective, educators must change their focus from teaching to learning. In a PLC, educators have three goals:

Click here to read the full overview and FAQs.

Math Night Recap
Math Night at Flynn was lots of fun this year! We counted 118 tally marks on our sign-in sheet. Pretty great for a beautiful spring evening with plenty of sports events and other happenings. A big thank you to the Family School Partnership, the PTO, and all the Flynn staff members, Flynn families, and special guests who helped make Math Night a success.

Here are the estimation jar results:
V.L., Ms. Solomon’s class, won the Skittles jar.
O.C., Ms. Burdick’s class, won the popcorn jar.
K.V., Ms. Noble’s class, won the Rollos jar.
The popcorn jar contained 1379 kernels of corn.
The Skittles jar contained 1111 skittles.
The Rollos jar contained 244 rollos.

Winners were drawn randomly from entries that fell within a range of reasonable estimates. There were many reasonable estimates and lots of hard work and excellent math thinking that went into the estimates that were submitted. Great job, everyone!

Ms. Tenenbaum's class counted the contents of the Tootsie Roll jar and presented awards to the winners. B.D., Ms. Solomon's class, N.E., Ms. Tremblay's class, and K.H., Ms. Brooks' class, each received one-third of the 30 Tootsie Rolls.

Parents: Making estimation jars with your children is a great way to work on math at home!

2012-2013 DCF Winner!
Congratulations to Wendelin Van Draanen, author of The Running Dream, winner of the 2013 Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children's Book Award! 

Stay tuned for more details about the DCF Award Ceremony.Thanks for Staying Tuned!

Unfortunately, schedule conflicts will prevent this year's winner,  Wendelin Van Draanen, from attending the DCF Award Ceremony.  However,  there will be quite a treat for all students at the ceremony.

This year’s ceremony take place on June 4th, and all four Vermont authors who have books on the 2013-2014 DCF list will be attending:
  • Jo Knowles (See You At Harry’s),
  • Rebecca Rupp (After Eli),
  • Phoebe Stone (The Boy on Cinnamon Street) and
  • Sarah Stewart Taylor (The Expeditioners)

Flynn 4th and 5th graders who read 5 or more DCF books this year will be taking a roadtrip to this event and will get to hear inspiring words from the above authors.
New DCF List is Out  With the above announcement comes the happy news that the DCF Committee has chosen the DCF Master List for 2013-2014. Here are links to:
These books are in at the Fletcher Free library - check them out as you enter the Children's Area - they are on the bookshelf to your left - top shelf.  Children can take out 3 DCF books out at one time. - Happy Reading!!!


May 17 - Kindergarten Orientation

May 19 - Springfest - 2-4pm

May 21 - Fifth Grade Orientation to Hunt Middle School (parent meeting)

May 22 - Staff Appreciation Luncheon at Flynn

May 22 - Open House at St. Joes for students entering grades 1,2.

May 23 - Principal's Coffee

June 6 - Last PTO meeting of the year - Officer Elections!

June 11 - Flynn Olympics

June 11 - 5th Grade Bridging Ceremony

June 13 - Last Day of School (early dismissal)  11:30 - Parade of students out back and a visit from Mr. Ding-a-Ling!!!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 5/5/13

Hey there Flynn Families - Hope you had a fine, sun filled, bike riding, math game playing, PTO attending week!  We were thrilled to see the huge turnout of families at Flynn Math night - thank you to all the staff that brought this opportunity to life - we look forward to this as a yearly event!

Flynn families continue to share their appreciation of Flynn staff each month.  Several weeks ago the kindergarten families treated the teachers to breakfast on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with each of the days provided by each of the three classes.

On Tuesday the break room got a burst of spring with flower arrangements. Along with small planters of mini daffodils and african violets from Flynn families, there were three large vases of flowers and a large flower arrangement provided by two local florists.
Chappell's Vermont Recycle's flowers provided flowers from their wonderful program, info here:  Chappell's is looking for donations of vases for this program!
Stray Cat Flower Farm, located in the intervale, donated a beautiful flower arrangement, created especially for our teachers and staff.   Stray Cat Flower Farm's website is here:
On Thursday, parents created a flower garden wall with paper flowers colored by kindergarten students. Each flower has a sentence about why our children love Flynn teachers.

Help Needed! to take picturess of incoming kindergardeners next friday during all 3 sessions...8:30, 10 and 12.  Contact Karen Carr if you can help with one or more of these slots!

Take note! There is a new tab at the top of the blog that will take you to the most updated Treasurer's report - take a look at how our fundraising is going and where our money is being allocated.  We always welcome questions and suggestions - the PTO is all of us and we aim to support initiatives at Flynn school that support the entire learning community.

Silent Auction Donations Needed  Hello Flynn Families! 

We will be holding a small silent auction at Spring Fest on Sunday, May 19 from 2-4.  We are looking for donations of woodwork, crafts, art pieces, photographs etc... that we could auction off to benefit the school. If you are an artist and have an item you are willing to donate please contact Tammy Kuypers at If you have any other ideas let us know! For example: ride to school in a fancy car, prepare a dinner, private yoga session, yard work, boat ride, etc.  Thanks for your consideration.  The Fundraising Committee

Young Women Talk About School, Work, and Becoming Adults:
Why We Should Listen and What We Can Do

EnoughSaidBalloonMany young women in Vermont describe themselves as ill-equipped and under-prepared for the challenges of school, work, career, economic independence, and adulthood—absolutes that await them in the not-too-distant future. Reflecting upon their educational experiences and job histories in nine listening sessions and in written surveys, two hundred young women, ages 15-25 from Brattleboro to St. Johnsbury, the majority from families of limited financial means, articulated a host of concerns:
  • minimal exposure to a broad range of careers and professional female role models
  • few personal allies to provide support
  • lack of practical skills related to personal finance
  • fears around how to live independently
  • relational aggression among their peers
  • limited expectations for work that taps into talent and passion
While Vermont should be proud of its high school graduation rate – at 91.4% the highest in the country – a number of signs indicate that we have more to do to ensure that the next generation is ready for college and/or work.
Download the summary or the full report, which examines how well we’re preparing young women, who are twice as likely to live in poverty as their male counterparts, to make informed, deliberate choices about education and work and to shoulder the financial responsibilities of adulthood.
Spring Playground Fundraiser:  Dan’s Chocolate’s  TIMELINE & INFO
There will be an order form that your child will bring home this Wednesday, May 8th.
Help your child sell chocolates over the next 2 weeks (May 8-20). Submit your order
forms online and drop off checks in the office no later than May 21. All chocolate (and
your child’s cash reward!) will be available to pick up on Thursday May 30th. ALL the
proceeds from this fundraiser will go directly to the playground! Our hope is to sell
enough chocolate to have a NEW PLAYGROUND THIS FALL! If you have questions
contact Sarah DeShaw 399-2882
May 8 - Order forms home - Start Selling!
May 8-May 20 - Sell!
May 21 - Orde forms due back to school
May 30 - Delivery and rewards
*Cash rewards MUST be picked up by a parent or guardian- no cash will be sent home with students
N o M o r e C h e a p Toy s !  Yo u r k i d s w i l l b e rewarded for t heir efforts with a cash reward!
Sell 15 packs: get $15 cash reward!
Sell 30 packs: get $30 cash reward!
Sell 45 packs: get $45 cash reward!
Sell 60 packs: get $60 cash reward!

Speaking of the Playground...  There is a lot of excitement being generated about plans for rehabbing our outdoor play/learning spaces at Flynn.  We are so lucky to have a large campus and loads of possibilities!  We need your help imagining what we can have at Flynn in the near future.  Take a look at the video below produced at the Sustainability Academy in Burlington.  Are there things here that you want for Flynn school children?  What are they?  We would love you to start dreaming, chatting with other parents and putting your ideas out there - this video might inspire you!

We encourage you to let Mr. Clarke know what you think.  Graham can be reached at


May 6 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!

May 9 - Flynn Chorus Concert - Hunt Middle School auditorium. 6:30 start, students in seats by 6:15

May 10 - Kindergarten Orientation

May 13 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!

May 19 - Springfest4pm

May 21 - Fifth Grade Orientation to Hunt Middle School (parent meeting)

May 22 - Staff Appreciation Luncheon at Flynn -forms were sent home last week in backpacks - let us know how you can help!

May 22 - Open House at St. Joes for students entering grades 1,2.

June 11 - Flynn Olympics

June 11 - 5th Grade Bridging Ceremony

June 13 - Last Day of School (early dismissal)