Sunday, October 28, 2012

Flynn PTO Update 10/29/12

Hey There Flynn Families - Maybe we are in for a wild week (in more ways than one...)  I was so tickled to read that 99% of Flynn families were able to make it in for parent/teacher conferences - we deserve a pat on the back!  Have a great week - stay dry!  Kate B.

JJ Flynn Elementary Bottle Drive this Saturday!
Saturday, November 3rd from 9am to 5pm  at Merola’s Market - 1563 North Avenue  
Bring your redeemable bottles, your neighbors bottles and any misc. bottles you can scare up - let Merola's know they are from Flynn school!  Merola's will also donate an extra 10% on top of what is redeemed - Many thanks to You and Merola's!

Did you know that Flynn School has an updated website?  Go poke around and see what kind of information is available to families - here is the link:
I was poking around on the site and noticed one of my favorite sites - Common Sense Media.  I go to this site to preview movies  and make sure they do not have content that is inappropriate for my kids - you might find it useful too...  The following link takes you to Common Sense Media and an article called, Advice for Families in a 24/7 Media World.
November PTO Meeting this Thursday (11/1) from 6:30-7:30 in the Learning Center.  There will be childcare in the multipurpose room.  If you are dropping off kiddoes, please note that there is a new sign-in procedure and expectations for behavior - we just want to make sure all kids are safe.  The agenda is included below.  Hope to see you there!
Halloween is coming...  While the class party situation is different in every classroom, all children will be offered the opportunity to take part in the annual Halloween parade to Birchwood Nursing Home.  All students will be at Flynn from 1:50-2:20 for the parade.  Students not participating will have alternate activities in the Learning Center.  Class parents will let families know if food/drinks are needed for a classroom party.  A list of Room Parent contacts went home last week attached to the Pasta Dinner announcement.  Feel free to contact one of your Room Parents if you do not hear from anyone.  Reminder:  No scary/gory costumes at school and save the intricate make-up for trick-or-treating...

Response to Physicians for Responsible Medicine School Lunch Report Card October 25, 2012      Burlington School District got a D+!?!

Click here to read a statement from Burlington School Food Project Director Doug Davis, in response to a recent release of grades given to 20 school lunch menus across the country, including for the Burlington School District.

Box Top News Denise has submitted our Fall box tops collection. We will be getting a check for just over $200 in December. Thank you to the families for continuing to collect and send in box tops all year long. Keep clipping! Also, we were able to get an extra $25 which is included in the $200 figure as a result of supporters logging into and going to the marketplace to do shopping online. If you are doing shopping online this holiday season, please take a moment to log in and earn some box tops while shopping! The next submission is in February-collection boxes are located in the library.  
Many thanks to Denise Haggerty for expanding and encouraging our collection of boxtops.  Her effort and your clipping get us FREE money that we can spend on Flynn students!  ALSO - Hannaford is still collecting Hannaford bucks on the way out the door - If you buy certain grocery items, you will receive the slips at checkout.  You can put them into the envelope marked Flynn or better yet - send them into Flynn school and we will guarantee they end up in the right place....  Last year, our school turned in the most bucks and we received that money plus an additional bonus of $1000 - We love free money... 
Pasta Dinner at the Bookfair on November 8th - A flyer went home last week requesting food items for the dinner - Can you help? Check the list and contact your Room Parent (list attached to the Flyer) or email and we will mark you down. We appreciate your donations and hope to see you for shopping and socializing on November 8th!
PTO PIZZA NIGHTS  Thanks so much to Ramunto's Pizza in Williston and to all the wonderful pizza purchasers!! We've raised $344 already this year in just 2 months!!! All that money ($8 for each pizza) goes right back into enriching the lives of our students right here at Flynn! How awesome is that!!

FREE PIZZAS  Each month we will do a drawing with 2 lucky winners - a teacher and someone who has ordered a pizza for that month.  Each will receive a coupon to be used any other month for a free pizza! This month’s lucky winners were: Ms. Cronin-2nd grade, and Shanta Karson!! Congrats

NEW!!!! ½ BAKED-  We are offering families the option of having their pizzas ½ baked to then finish baking at home or already fully cooked.  Look for the new option on the form

The PTO does a pizza night every month. So you can look forward to a no-cook night and help your school at the same time!!!

November ORDER FORMS DUE Nov. 13, PICK UP is Nov. 20 4-6pm - office

Grab your friends, neighbors, co-workers, family and yourselves and take a night off from cooking, raise $$ for Flynn School and enjoy a yummy Ramuntos pizza!!

***Order forms are always due the Tues., one week, before the pick-up date.***** Order Forms come home in the Flynn Flyer and there are always extras in the office.  THANKS SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING FLYNN SCHOOL!!!!

October 31 - Annual Parade at Flynn/Birchwood - 1:50pm
November 1 - PTO meeting at 6:30pm
November 6 - Early Release - Election day!
November 8 - Chess Club meets at 7:30 in the Learning Center at Flynn - ALL abilities welcome!
November 8 - Bookfair and Pasta Supper at Flynn - 5:30-7pm
November 13 - PTO Pizza forms due
November 16 - Principal's Coffee at 8:15am
November 20 - PTO Pizza Pick-up 4:30-6pm
November 21-23 - No School - Thanksgiving Recess
November 29 - Chess Club

Nov. PTO Meeting  11/1/12
6:30 pm


· Welcome-Tammy Kuypers
· Introductions& introduce board members to new members

* Special Guest- Henri Sparks, The district's new director of Equity, talking about Equity in the Burlington Schools

OPEN FORUM– What’s on your mind?Burning questions and novel ideas
(possibly some ?'s can be brought to discuss at the principal's coffee)
· Treasurer’s report- John Boone
· Principal’s Corner – Graham Clarke
· Enrichment Update -Sarah Smith
· Fundraising Update- Tammy Kuypers – PTO pizza-2 free pizzas- Ms. Cronin and Shanta Karson, Nov. book fair- need volunteers, introduce Chris and Amanda as the new fundraising chairs, discuss fundraising calendar. Any new members for the fundraising team?
· School/Family Partnership Update– Shanta Eastman ( Mary- bike mobile- $600)
· Room Parents – Lisa Tulkop
· Playground Update– Mary Mitchell


* Star Base is happening!!! May be asking for money from PTO.
* Suggestion box in teachers room- thanks to Christine
* Monthly walk to school days- shanta or sarah smith
* Garden grant and Farm to School Grant- Sarah Kleinman
* Outerwear swap- where to have it?
* Magnetic Calendars
* Sign-ups for 2012-13 Events
* Babysitting – guidelines for kids/sitters- Mary
* Family directory
* How do we want to spend our money

                                    Next Meeting: Thursday, Dec/6/12 6:30


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Flynn PTO Update 10/22/12

Hey There Flynn Families - Hope you enjoyed the extra time with your kiddoes and were able to make it in to a conference with your child's teacher.  Don't forget that chess club starts this week - all levels are invited - newbies to old pros - there will be a partner for everyone!   If you are a chess fan, you are invited to join the fun - 7:30-8am on Thursday in the Learning Center.  Interested parent helpers are welcome to join in too! 

Attention 5th grade families - word on the street is that Starbase will happen for 5th graders afterall - thanks to some parent push, our students will benefit from free science and technology enrichment.  More info to come.

Halloween is approaching and Flynn school understands that parents want  to continue the annual costume parade at Birchwood despite the two campuses and bus shuttling.  Final details are in the works, but at present, 3rd-5th graders will bus back early from St. Joes to parade at Birchwood Nursing Center around 2pm.  Keep your eyes open for more details in the Flynn Flyer.

The weather is changing, please remember to send your child with some warm clothes for recess and gym.  Gloves, hats and jackets that zip are becoming a must already!  If your child comes home without his/her clothes/outerwear, check out the lost and found - it is located at the end of the hall that has the climbing wall/mats (near Ms. Carr's desk)  The bin is already overflowing with kid clothes and lunchboxes.  If you are in need of some warm staff, the Outerwear Swap is coming soon - we are still working out the details and possible location.

BookFair/Pasta Dinner coming soon....There are still volunteer slots to fill to help make the Book Fiar a success - contact Ms. Wells at to inquire.   ALSO check the backpack this week for an important handout coming home about foods needed for the Pasta Dinner.  Your small food donation + participation at the dinner (i.e. eating!) = a great community building event and more money in the PTO coffers to fund amazing opportunities for your kiddoes!


October 24 - Boloco Night to benefit Hunt MS outdoor classroom(keep in mind, your child will be at Hunt in the next few years...)- 5-8pm
October 25 - Chess Club at 7:30 am - Learning Center
October 31 - Annual Parade at Flynn/Birchwood - 2pmish
November 1 - PTO meeting at 6:30pm
November 8 - Bookfair and Pasta Supper at Flynn

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Flynn PTO Update 10/14/12

Hey There Flynn Families - Short week this week due to Parent Teacher conferences.  Did you sign up yet?  P/T conferences is another opportunity to show your student how important school is to your family.  Come find out the good, the bad and the wonderful!

Chess Club is back! Have you ever wanted to learn how to play chess? Or do you like to play but want to improve your game? Join us for fun and learning! Because of Flynn construction, we are going to meet in the learning center every other Thursday morning. All grades and skill levels are welcome!
Any parent interested in joining us to help guide and encourage our chess players, please contact Sarah Smith at or 651-9462.
Upcoming meetings:
Thursday, Oct 25 7:30am
Thursday, Nov 8 7:30am
Thursday, Nov 29 7:30am
Thursday, Dec 13 7:30am

PTO Pizza Pickup this Tuesday from 4:30-6

October Staff Appreciation is this Wednesday during Parent Teacher Conferences.  2nd grade parents will be providing lunch for Flynn staff as they regroup and prepare to meet Flynn parents.  Many thanks!

Parenting On Track is a parenting program run by Vickie Hoefle of Middlebury, Vermont.  All the Burlington PTOs got together to hire Ms. Hoefle to host a 6 week parenting course for BSD parents a number of years ago.  Did you attend?  I did and I am a HUGE fan.  Anyway, I noticed that she is soon hosting another course in Burlington this Fall - thought some of you might be interested in checking her out.  This is just a friendly FYI.  Click below to check out the class.

Room Parent meeting this Tuesday at 6:30 in the learning center. Childcare is provided. This is an opportunity to learn about the role of room parents, meet fellow Flynn room parents and have planning time for staff appreciation events.  Would you like to be a room parent in your child's classroom and have yet to sign up?  Contact Lisa Tulkop at

The Principal’s Coffee was held on Wednesday, October 10, 2012. Approximately 15 parents were in attendance, and Mr. Weisenstein was present to answer questions and participate in the discussion. Mr. Clarke could not attend due to a prior commitment. Mr. Weisenstein updated parents on the busing situation for third through fifth graders who attend school at St. Joseph’s. Mountain Transit has hired more staff and the bus schedule and safety have been improving. Many parents expressed concern about some happenings on campus at St. Josephs. While most aspects of attending school at St. Josephs have been very positive and the Flynn School Staff has made the commute and learning environment positive and pleasant, there are some safety concerns. An arrest made on the playground while children were at recess, a foot chase that happened through campus, and a child being stuck with a needle on the playground were of concern. Parents are requesting an increase in communication in order to hear about these events promptly in order to discuss them with their children. Hearing about these events through hearsay and from children is concerning, and parents would like to be informed of such events via AlertNow, email, or a newsletter. Playground sweeps for unsafe items should be taking place daily. Parents also inquired about lockdown drills and fire drills that have yet to take place on St. Joseph’s campus. These drills are a work in progress and will be happening soon. In addition, parents expressed concern of the age group that is scheduled to attend school at St. Joseph’s campus next year. Parents asked that a different venue be looked into while the first and second grade wing is under renovations.
Some parents inquired about the recent news that the Fifth Grade would not have the opportunity to attend the Starbase program this school year. Fifth graders had been told last year that they would be attending this widely popular science program completely funded by the Vermont National Guard during the 2012-2013 school year. It was then decided in the spring of 2012 that the students would not be attending, but families have not yet been informed. Parents and students would like to know why this decision was made. Mr. Weisenstein took names and email addresses from concerned parents to be passed on to Mr. Clarke.

The Scholastic Bookfair (11/8) and Mrs. Wells is still looking for some more assistance in the following areas: 4-5:30 - Set up helper (1 more), Cashier and general volunteers between 5:30-7 (5 more), Wrap up 7-8pm (2 more) Contact Alice Wells at to help. (pretty please....)



October 16 - PTO Pizza Pick-up - 4:30-6pm
October 16 - Room Parent Orientation
October 17 - Early Release at 11:30
October 18, 19 - No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 24 - Boloco Night to benefit Hunt MS
October 25 - Chess Club at 7:30 am
November 8 - Bookfair and Pasta Supper at Flynn


Sunday, October 7, 2012

Flynn PTO update 10/7/12

Mrs. Tremblay's class releasing Monarchs
K Walk to School Sign in

Hey There Flynn Families - NECAP tests are underway in grades 3-5- one week down, one to go.  Get those kiddoes in bed early again this week as these tests are exhausting!  Picture Day for Grades K-3 went off without a hitch last Tuesday.  The weather cooperated allowing us to take pictures outside and all classes were present so class pictures could be taken as a group - so exciting!  We are so pleased with our change to Ambient photography! Hope you will be too!

Walk to School Day last Wednesday was a HUGE success with hordes of Flynn families hoofing it to school.  Big thanks to Shanta and Sarah for their leadership.  Plans are underway for more frequent Walk to school celebrations.  We'll get some photos up soon in the cafeteria - come on in to take a peek!

PTO PIZZA Don't forget that pizza order forms are due Tuesday, Oct. 9. You can drop them off in the office or you can email your order to Tammy Kuypers at Get your order in and enjoy a night off from cooking!! Delivery next Tuesday.

*****New this month- FREE PIZZAS*******
We are going to pick 2 names: 1.From the orders    2. From the staff list
and they will receive a coupon for a free pizza for any other month.

Principal's Coffee this Wednesday at 8:30 in the multi-purpose room.  All families are invited.

The Scholastic Bookfair is coming up in  a few short weeks.  Things will be a little different this year with our limited space.  Students will get a brochure showing some of the books being offered, but there will be no preview days for students or families - BUT, like always, there will be a Thursday eve Bookfair for families to come shop AND an affordable pasta dinner organized by the PTO.  Mrs. Wells is looking for some assistance in the following areas:  4-5:30 - Set up helper (1 more), Cashier and general volunteers between 5:30-7(5 more), Wrap up 7-8pm (2 more)  Contact Alice Wells at to help

Information will be going home soon via backpacks, asking for food donations and volunteers for the Pasta dinner.  There will be gluten free options available for dinner and on the bake sale table as well.  Let us know if there are any other allergy needs that we can accommodate - we want all families to be able to join us!

School Food is a hot topic these days with all the new FDA guidelines for schools.  Recently I have heard programs on VPR and seen some articles about how schools/kids/families are coping.  I was wondering what Flynn families think.  While working at Flynn, I notice the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables offered at every meal and there always seems to be ample food to fill every child's belly with something fresh and healthy - I'm impressed with how far school food has come in our community.  I took a few minutes to talk with Edith Ducharme who heads up our Flynn kitchen to get the inside scoop on how thing have changed.  Here is what I learned:

 There is a new poster at the entrance of the cafeteria and the food offerings are placed on the chart each day.  Students must pick 3-5 things, including a grain, a protein and 1 or more offerings of fruits or vegetables. 

  • The salad bar is only fruit, veggies and salad now - no cheese, no bacon bits, no mayonnaise based salads.  Kids can make unlimited trips to the salad bar.
  • Grains are all whole grains, brown rice, wheat bread
  • No transfats like margarine, no butter - olive or canola oils only
  • Protein is limited to 2oz of meat, beans or other meat alternative
  • At each meal the school must offer 2 different fruits or veggies, a grain and a protein
  • Flynn school serves breakfast before school, "breakfast" again as a snack, lunch, supper for afterschool kids and an additional snack bag for some students who stay until the end of the day.
Any thoughts? Observations?  What, if anything, does your child say about snacks/lunch at school? 

Parent Teacher Conferences are now being scheduled on the Flynn website or via phone at the main office.  As always, the goal is 100% participation.  Remember that your child is invited and welcome at Parent Teacher conferences - make them a partner in their learning.  If you want to have a private conversation with your child's teacher, consider having your child in the room for part of your conference time.  Click the link for sign-ups

Did you know that the PTO funds small grants for Flynn teachers?  Your fundraising efforts help us give $100 each year to classrooms to help them cover extra costs associated with field trips, buses, class books, teaching supplies...  You might not realize it, but many items used in teaching your child are just not covered by the budget.  Teachers spend a lot of their personal money on classroom supplies.  We just paid out several grants this week to help offset classroom trips to the Flynn Theatre this Fall.

Boulders & Burritos!!  October 24th, 5-8pm Boloco on 92 Church St. will be donating a full 25% of its revenue to the Hunt Middle School Stone Circle Project. 

This includes both dine-in and take-out orders.  Please plan to eat a globally inspired burrito at Boloco that evening, and encourage family and friends to do the same.  Many thanks to Boloco for the restaurant's generosity in supporting this great project!!

***Wondering why we included a Hunt event/fundraiser????  ALL of our kiddoes will be off to the Middle school in a few short years.  This outdoor classroom will benefit your child and be both a classroom and "hang-out" spot when your son/daughter gets to Hunt.  Plus, what better excuse to not make dinner???  Hope to see you there!

Flynn Elementary Bottle Drive Nov. 3

Saturday, November 3rd from 9am to 5pm
Merola’s Market, 1563 North Avenue  (the corner of Tracy Drive and North Avenue)
Help support the Flynn PTO and clean out those bottles from your garage. START SAVING NOW!!!
Drive down the right side of the building to the drive-up bottle drop off and say you are donating the cans and bottles to the Flynn PTO.  Merola’s will donate 10% in addition to what is collected to the school.
Tell your friends and neighbors to start saving!
Can’t make it that day? Questions? Contact Mary Mitchell and you can drop them at the school or her house.
Save those bottles and cans! This is a quick and easy way to help support our school.
We will also be having a second bottle/can collection Saturday, March 10th.

PTO minutes from the October meeting available at the end of this post - Thanks Christine for filling in!



October 8 - School Pictures for grades 3-5
October 10 - Principal's Coffee - 8:15 am
October 16 - PTO Pizza Pick-up - 4:30-6pm
October 17 - Early Release
October 18, 19 - No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 24 - Boloco Night to benefit Hunt MS
November 8 - Bookfair and Pasta Supper at Flynn

PTO meeting 10/4/12  - notes by Christine Leithead, standing in for Sara Deshaw

Welcome – Tammy Kuypers - Tammy raised the question of the structure and flow of our meetings and asked if we should consider a structure change, particularly the “open forum” section which we often don’t have time for.  Consensus was to keep structure the same but to assign time limits for regular monthly update features to keep those more concise and to start meetings with a “quick share” for members to share quick news, comments or suggest which topics will be part of open forum at end of meeting.

First “Quick Share/What’s on your mind?”:  Kate Belluche – suggestion for possible future enrichment activity:  Robotics/Lego mindstorm


Treasurer’s report – Presented via Tammy Kuypers (John Boone not present) – John has created new format for report, with categories broken out.  Format includes more details and more clarity, also includes graphs.

Fundraising update – Tammy Kuypers

Meadow Farms wrapping paper fundraiser was a big success and brought in about $6000 (net).  PTO keeps half of that amount.    

PTO pizzas sold 29 pizzas this month, bringing in 300!

This coming month PTO pizzas will have an added bonus feature:  There will be a drawing of names from everyone ordering a pizza – the winner will get a coupon for a free pizza!   There will be an additional drawing of all of the names of the teachers – one teacher will also win a coupon for a free pizza!

Pay It Forward donations are currently at about $300.

School Pictures were a great success at Flynn (Thanks Lisa Tulkop!)  Pictures at St. Joes will be on Monday, Oct 8. 

New Fundraising Chairs will be Chris and Amanda.

Enrichment update – Sarah Smith

Lack of space due to construction project had forced Chess club to be tabled until January, but solution of having morning chess club was found.  For the fall, Chess club will be held at 7:30 am, one day every other week.

This month the second grade classes will be going on a field trip to Flynn Theatre.

The stage gym will be usable in time for the school play practices. 

Room Parent and Staff Appreciation update – Lisa Tulkop

Lots of parents signed up to be room parents.  Lisa will be setting up an informational meeting for room parents soon.  Any interested parents can still sign up at any time!

Question was raised of what will be happening with the Halloween or costume-parade-day classroom parties for the older students.  Details are still being planned.  

October staff appreciation activity will be a luncheon at the start of parent-teacher conferences, on Wednesday October 17th, put on by the second grade families.


November Book Fair – Due to construction and lack of space, this year’s structure will be different.  Books will not be set out in library ahead of time.  Books will only be set up in multi purpose room on day of book fair, November 8. 

Volunteers are needed to help staff book sale portion of event.

PTO puts on a pasta dinner and bake sale.  Kate B. and Tammy K will coordinate pasta dinner.  Volunteers are needed. 

Garden Grant – Still in planning stages:  Sara Kleinman will be applying for a $2000 gardening grant.  Plan is for new gardening projects to happen outside of the school after construction project is completed.  More information and details about dates funding can be used and deadlines is needed before looking for volunteers with green thumbs.

Outerwear Swap – Takes place in November.   Christine L. volunteered to lead with support from Tammy.  Donations from Gadues dry cleaning and local families.  Usual space in front lobby is unavailable so we’ll need to secure a new spot to set up.

Black Signs – Lisa Tulkop has been doing them and volunteered to continue.  Thanks Lisa!

Magnetic calendars – There have been some difficulties getting them ordered.  They’re still in the works and once ordered, will arrive quickly.

Babysitting/Child care during PTO meetings.  It has been suggested that expectations for children, as well as a parent agreement and sign up be added.  Mary Mitchell worked on draft of agreement and expectations, with copies for feedback. 

Family Directory – District is collating information.  We’ll receive a list of all families who did not “opt out” via form at the beginning of the school year.  Once completed. Kate B. will create cover and copies of directory will be sent out.

Open Forum – Jon Kuypers:  Are teachers feeling supported by the PTO?  There is very little teacher attendance of PTO meetings, we’d love more feedback.  Christine L suggested and will create a comment/suggestion box for the staff break room.