Sunday, October 14, 2012

Flynn PTO Update 10/14/12

Hey There Flynn Families - Short week this week due to Parent Teacher conferences.  Did you sign up yet?  P/T conferences is another opportunity to show your student how important school is to your family.  Come find out the good, the bad and the wonderful!

Chess Club is back! Have you ever wanted to learn how to play chess? Or do you like to play but want to improve your game? Join us for fun and learning! Because of Flynn construction, we are going to meet in the learning center every other Thursday morning. All grades and skill levels are welcome!
Any parent interested in joining us to help guide and encourage our chess players, please contact Sarah Smith at or 651-9462.
Upcoming meetings:
Thursday, Oct 25 7:30am
Thursday, Nov 8 7:30am
Thursday, Nov 29 7:30am
Thursday, Dec 13 7:30am

PTO Pizza Pickup this Tuesday from 4:30-6

October Staff Appreciation is this Wednesday during Parent Teacher Conferences.  2nd grade parents will be providing lunch for Flynn staff as they regroup and prepare to meet Flynn parents.  Many thanks!

Parenting On Track is a parenting program run by Vickie Hoefle of Middlebury, Vermont.  All the Burlington PTOs got together to hire Ms. Hoefle to host a 6 week parenting course for BSD parents a number of years ago.  Did you attend?  I did and I am a HUGE fan.  Anyway, I noticed that she is soon hosting another course in Burlington this Fall - thought some of you might be interested in checking her out.  This is just a friendly FYI.  Click below to check out the class.

Room Parent meeting this Tuesday at 6:30 in the learning center. Childcare is provided. This is an opportunity to learn about the role of room parents, meet fellow Flynn room parents and have planning time for staff appreciation events.  Would you like to be a room parent in your child's classroom and have yet to sign up?  Contact Lisa Tulkop at

The Principal’s Coffee was held on Wednesday, October 10, 2012. Approximately 15 parents were in attendance, and Mr. Weisenstein was present to answer questions and participate in the discussion. Mr. Clarke could not attend due to a prior commitment. Mr. Weisenstein updated parents on the busing situation for third through fifth graders who attend school at St. Joseph’s. Mountain Transit has hired more staff and the bus schedule and safety have been improving. Many parents expressed concern about some happenings on campus at St. Josephs. While most aspects of attending school at St. Josephs have been very positive and the Flynn School Staff has made the commute and learning environment positive and pleasant, there are some safety concerns. An arrest made on the playground while children were at recess, a foot chase that happened through campus, and a child being stuck with a needle on the playground were of concern. Parents are requesting an increase in communication in order to hear about these events promptly in order to discuss them with their children. Hearing about these events through hearsay and from children is concerning, and parents would like to be informed of such events via AlertNow, email, or a newsletter. Playground sweeps for unsafe items should be taking place daily. Parents also inquired about lockdown drills and fire drills that have yet to take place on St. Joseph’s campus. These drills are a work in progress and will be happening soon. In addition, parents expressed concern of the age group that is scheduled to attend school at St. Joseph’s campus next year. Parents asked that a different venue be looked into while the first and second grade wing is under renovations.
Some parents inquired about the recent news that the Fifth Grade would not have the opportunity to attend the Starbase program this school year. Fifth graders had been told last year that they would be attending this widely popular science program completely funded by the Vermont National Guard during the 2012-2013 school year. It was then decided in the spring of 2012 that the students would not be attending, but families have not yet been informed. Parents and students would like to know why this decision was made. Mr. Weisenstein took names and email addresses from concerned parents to be passed on to Mr. Clarke.

The Scholastic Bookfair (11/8) and Mrs. Wells is still looking for some more assistance in the following areas: 4-5:30 - Set up helper (1 more), Cashier and general volunteers between 5:30-7 (5 more), Wrap up 7-8pm (2 more) Contact Alice Wells at to help. (pretty please....)



October 16 - PTO Pizza Pick-up - 4:30-6pm
October 16 - Room Parent Orientation
October 17 - Early Release at 11:30
October 18, 19 - No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 24 - Boloco Night to benefit Hunt MS
October 25 - Chess Club at 7:30 am
November 8 - Bookfair and Pasta Supper at Flynn


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