Monday, June 9, 2014

Flynn PTO Update 6/9/14

Hey there Flynn Families - Last blog post of the school year - Have a great summer!  As my youngest is moving on to the middle school (ack!) I will be retiring my PTO responsitbilites...  Jon Dorwart will be taking over the blog for the next schoolyear, so there will be no break in PTO/home/school communication.  (in case you were worried...)  I encourage families to get involved and/or stay involved with classroom and schoolwide events.  Investing in the Flynn family is an investment in your child's education and in their future success - we are all responsible for this next generation - families, students, teachers and community members.  Flynn is a great place to lay a solid foundation- please take advantage of all the school/PTO has to offer outside of the classroom - chess club, theatre programs, family events, math club...  It is what you put in to it!  Finally, thanks so much for the PTO note/parting gift last week - while I was not able to make the last PTO meeting, I was treated to a big bag of kale!!!  Someone was paying attention -thanks!   Kate B.

Bylaws Update Meeting  Since our PTO bylaws are very outdated, we will be working on updating them this summer. If you are interested in providing your input and helping shape the bylaws, please join us! The first meeting is Thursday, June 19 at 7:00 at Betsy Ward and Jon Dorwart's house, 14k Sunset Cliff Road. (Sunset Cliff is the gravel road at the end of Starr Farm Road.) 
If you have questions, contact Betsy at 540-1067 or betsy.ward4@gmail.


June 9 -5th Grade Bridging Ceremony - 6pm
June 11 - Last Day of School - Early release and parade at 11:30
June  27- Flynn School Lake Monsters Game - get your tix!!!
August 27 - Back to school...

1 comment:

  1. Please let us know whenever you plan on hosting a fundraiser for your school so we can post it on
