Sunday, January 26, 2014

Flynn PTO update 1/26/14

Hey There Flynn Families - Thanks for tuning in to what's happening at Flynn school... Have a great week.

January Staff Appreciation was hosted by the 5th grade this past week.  Parent volunteers went to school bright and early to clean the break room and re-stock favorite items like coffee, tea, fresh fruit and breakfast breads.  Thank you to the parents that sent in money to buy restocking items and thank you to Lisa, Kate and Janet for cleaning.

Outdoor Learning Landscape Presentations  The two-year renovation at John J. Flynn School has transformed the building into a wonderful teaching and learning environment with brightly lit, energy-efficient spaces for all. Are you wondering what landscaping changes might be taking place in the upcoming months?

          Members of the Outdoor Learning Committee here at Flynn have been working with faculty and students from the Landscape Design Department at UVM to generate ideas for our surrounding outdoor learning space.  In fact, each student was charged with creating a design focusing on different areas of the schoolyard as his/her final project.  Resulting drawings are provocative and inspiring.

          We want to invite you to join us at school from 2-3:30 pm on Wednesday, January 29th for a gallery walk (2-3:00) where those innovative and multi-faceted final projects will be displayed followed by a brief presentation (3-3:30).  There will also be an opportunity for those attending to share perspectives and creative ideas.  We welcome and encourage your input as we move forward in this endeavor with community at its heart.

Looking forward to seeing you on the 29th!

P.S.   If you are unable to attend and would like to be involved please contact Karen Carr (802)864-8478.

Tom Sawyer Update - Rehearsals are underway!  Remind your child actor that they should be learning their lines at home.  School rehearsals are for practicing scenes, songs and dances..

Parent Meeting TOMORROW (1/27) at 7pm in the library.  One stop shopping for all the info you need, get your questions answered and find out how you can be part of the team.  We request that all families take an active role in making the play a fabulous experience for the cast, crew, chorus and audience.  There are jobs big and small and they are all important.

Chorus signups are complete.  Chorus rehearsals will start on Thursday, February 6th.

Stage Crew permission slips went home and should be returned this week.  Start date tba

Artwork We are now accepting artwork submissions for the poster and playbill.  More info will be sent home on T with 4th and 5th grade participants.  ALSO, the same info is included at the end of this blog post.  There is no special paper - submissions can be on regular copy paper - just make sure to put the name of the student on the BACK of the paper.  (you can print the googledoc below) 

Advertising sales for the playbill/poster has begun.  Do you have a business or work for a business that might want to take out a very reasonably priced ad?  This year we are producing a glossy poster that can be hung throughout the community - much wider exposure...   For more details on sizing and pricing, click on the googledoc below.  We appreciate your support and sponsorship!

Questions?  Contact Kate or Kim ( or

Hunt Principal Search UpdateJanuary 22, 2014

Parent and faculty input meetings have been held. The questions generated from those meetings are posted below and on the Hunt website.
The hiring process timeline has been amended to ensure compliance with the District policies regarding training for all PSAC members. There have also been changes to the PSAC. The changes are as follows:
  • The posting has been extended to January 24, 2014. 
  • Jeff Fournier has resigned from the PSAC for personal reasons. He is being replaced by Hal Colston, Executive Director of the Partnership for Change.
  • Kevin Garrison also has also resigned for personal reasons. Given how far we are into the process, we have opted not to replace the person for this seat.
  • Application Reviews will begin on January 29, 2014.
  • Interviews have been rescheduled for:
February 10, 2014:

PSAC 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Faculty/Staff 3:15 PM – 5:15 PM
Parent/Comm. 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
February 17, 2014:

PSAC 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Faculty/Staff 3:15 PM – 5:15 PM
Parent/Comm. 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
February 18, 2014:

PSAC 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Faculty/Staff 3:15 PM – 5:15 PM
Parent/Comm. 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
You may attend any of the interview sessions. Established questions will only be asked by the moderator.
There is now an email for questions about the Hunt Principal Search. Your questions will be answered on the website’s FAQ page. Please note there are instances where we cannot answer questions for legal reasons or concerns about the impact on the hiring process. You will be informed of this by email.

The email address is

Here is a link to the interview questions drafted by parents and faculty:

Save the date...

January 27 - Tom Sawyer Parent Meeting - 7pm
January 29 - Chess Club
February 6 - PTO meeting at 6:30 in the library
February 14 -Flynn Talent Show - 7pm (Free admission and bake sale too) 
March 7 – Free Family Skate Night  at Leddy Arena and Pizza Dinner Out (fee) to benefit Tom Sawyer production- 6-8pm
March 8 - Spring Bottle Drop at Merolas - Save your cans and bottles!!!
March 16-21  - Tom Sawyer
March 25 Book Fair dinner and shopping

April 4-Drive In Movie Night with building of cars in the afternoon.  
April 10-Flynn Math Night 

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