Sunday, February 3, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 2/3/13

Hey There Flynn Families - Hope you enjoyed the flick on Friday night - just one of many Flynn Family nights brought to you by PTO volunteers.  Thank you Heather, Wanda, Missy and Jessica for hosting a fun movie night!

Actually, we are all volunteers and all parents of Flynn students - regular folks just like you!  If you attend an event, be sure to take note of all the volunteers making a difference at Flynn school - we are many and varied from K-5.  It is never too late to take an active role in the Flynn community - studies show that parent involvement increases student academic achievement - that and it feels good to get to know the other kids and families that your child spends 30+ hours with each week. 

6pm - Flynn School Safety Update with Mr. Clarke, FREE pizza- have your dinner, ask your questions and find out about safety protocols at Flynn school
6:30-7 Quickie PTO Meeting ( who doesn't love a quickie...meeting?)  (childcare available in the stage gym) Agenda at bottom of this post
7- 8 pm - Is STEM coming to Flynn School? (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Those edgy PTO moms... Wondering if the Flynn PTO should consider some new fundraising tactics...  Watch this funny video and let us know what you think!
(I can see Tammy making a video  like this...)

Partnership For Change Community Learning Conversations  This past Saturday, more than 300 interested parents, teachers, students and community member from Burlington and Winooski gathered at BHS for  a full morning devoted to the question, What do our graduates need to succeed?   The cafeteria was overflowing with people, energy and the wonderful diversity of Burlingtonians we see in our town and schools - everyone was truly represented.  There was a panel of speakers from the business and education community, ranging from the chancellor of Vt state colleges, to the Director of the Boys and Girls Club, to the director of Vt Works for Women.   Everyone was asked to talk about what they believed students need at school to be successful.  Small discussion groups had many opportunities to chat and send questions to the panel.   It was really inspiring and I, personally, feel really grateful to be in a community having these big discussions about race/diversity and educational change - we are part of a rising and our children are part of it.  Consider getting involved in some way - we are only beginning to dream...  check out the website for the Partnership:

Interested in learning more about our Education Innovation Tour to NYC? Check out this video by trip participant and BHS junior Henry Prine:

Talent show coming to a stage near you...  Friday, February 15th at 7-pm  Be ready for an amazing show of young acrobats, master burpers, girls getting giggly, instrumental wonders and the longest 3 minute dance numbers you can imagine...  Admission is free - bring a cushion for your behind -it's a long night with talent too good to miss!  There will be concession items to purchase during intermission.

Frankenstein Update  The kiddoes have been cast and rehearsals are in full swing.   So far we have 45, 4th/5th graders in the cast and we should have a list of interested chorus members this week.   If you have a 3rd grader, be sure to ask them if they signed up - if not, it is not too late!  It's madness and mayhem not to be missed!

There was a production meeting last week focusing on the beginning of rehearsals, costuming and ads for the playbill.  Costuming folks will get to the shared costume closet at Edmunds this week and will let families know soon what things we have found for costumes and what has to be made or found.  We still need to sell some ads to help make our playbill profitable.  We have to pay for the setting and printing of our gorgeous playbill before we start making money...  If you have friends and family or local businesses that might benefit from having an ad in the playbill, send them our way.  They can contact Sarah Smith at  Here is a link to the pricing sheet:

There will be a set design/building meeting on Tuesday the 12th at 4pm in the library.  Come help us figure out how to make a castle and bring Frankenstein to life - if you have creative skills in any way, shape or form, we need you!  No skills but good intentions?  We need you too!

PTO pizza on sale this month.  $12 pies delivered to school on February 19th.  Orders due into the office by 2/12 or via email to

New Food Pantry opening in the NNE.  Pantry will be opening soon to provide freefood to individuals and families who need extra food support, especially during the Weekends. The North End Food Pantry will be open every Saturday morning from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in
the basement of the Oddfellows and Rebekahs Lodge at 1416 North Avenue.
Please enter by the back door of the Lodge. The pantry will feature nonperish­able food items, as well as a limited supply of bread, fruit, and milk. For more information, please Contact Thom Fleury at 651-0978 or


February 4 - Chess Club - NEW TIME AND DAY OF WEEK - 2:45pm-3:45pm in the library (if you are in afterschool, you must let them know that you will be going to chess....)
February 6 - Knit 2gether, drop in knitting bee, 6:30-8, Library
February 7 - School Safety Protocols Q&A with Mr. Clarke, 6pm in the library - pizza provided
February 7- February PTO meeting 6:30-7, library - childcare provided
February 7 - Will Flynn be a STEM school? 7-8pm, library
February 11 - Chess Club 2:45-3:45pm
February 12 - Frankenstein sets meeting - 4pm, library
February 12 - PTO Pizza Order Forms due
February 19 - PTO Pizza pick-up
February 20- Knit 2gether, drop in knitting bee, 6:30-8, Library
March 10 - Bottle Drive at Merola's
March 13 - Knit 2gether, drop in knitting bee, 6:30-8, Library

February PTO Meeting AGENDA
Welcome-Tammy Kuypers
Introductions& introduce board members to new members
Treasurer’s report- John Boone – 5 min. .
Enrichment Update -Sarah Smith - 5 min.
Fundraising Update- Amanda Robbins and Chris – Fundraising calendar- is pto funding $ , is the $ raised going to general fund or the playground? (Sarah D. –Dan’s chocolates?) 5 min.
School/Family Partnership Update– Shanta Eastman–5 min. ( Jan. Family Tradition dinner)
Room Parents – Lisa Tulkop –5 min.
OTHER - 5 min.
  • Vote for photographer for next year
  • Officer Berti- April meeting?
Next Meeting: Thursday March 7, 2013

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