Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 2011 Minutes

Can't come to the monthly PTO meeting?  We encourage you to stay up to date by reviewing the meeting minutes.  Comments, suggestions and agenda items should be directed to  Enjoy. 

BTW: We are still looking for Room Parents for Mrs. Pecor's class.  Do you have a child in this class?  Step up and volunteer!  Contact Lisa at

P.T.O Meeting Minutes

September 8, 2011

Meeting was called to order at 6:30pm

-          Babysitting was offered in the multipurpose room.


·         Kate Belluche is the current and the outgoing PTO President for the 2011-2012 school year.  She welcomes anyone who is interested in being President in for the 2012-2013 school year to contact her and she will be more than happy to show them what she has learned. 

·         Flynn PTO provides a connection between home and school for families.  We support and encourage connections between parents of children at Flynn and support educational opportunities (ex: Very Merry Theater and Jeh Kulu, Grants, Chess Club, etc)

 Treasurer’s Report

·         ~ $16,000.00 in checking

·         ~ $3,500.00 in savings 

 Family Directory

·          The family directory is a class by class contact list for students and their families.  This year’s list will be under way as soon as all of the information from the first day packed has been compiled.


·         The Very Merry Theater production of Narnia will be the weekend of March 24th.  Fourth and Fifth graders who wish to participate will have a speaking role.  Third graders are welcome to join the chorus.  Sarah Smith has been hard at work applying for Grants to help offset the cost.

·          For the 2011-2012 school year, Kindergarten thru Grade 2 will have the opportunity to  work with Artist In Residence Jeh Kulu Drumming and Dancing for one week in January.

·         Chess Club is a work in progress and more information is to come!

 Room Parents

·         Room parents are volunteer who help increase parent involvement at Flynn School

·         There will be room parent sign ups in each classroom during open house.

·         There is a room parent meeting in the evening on September 28th.


·         Wrapping paper order forms have gone home

·         Also upcoming is the Book Fair Spaghetti Dinner

·         To date, we have raised $330.00 from the PTO donation letter that went home.


·         The idea that PTO will provide grants available to teachers for the things that they cannot be reimbursed for. 

·         Mini-Grants will be available to ALL teachers, not just classroom teachers.

·         There was some discussion about the teachers applying for grants, or if each teacher should be given a flat grant at the beginning, and then whatever is left over is accessible by application.

 Family/School Partnership

·         Flynn’s Family/School Partnership team has been working hard to plan and offer activities at Flynn to encourage family involvement. 

·         Over the summer, they were able to fund the bookmobile (over 70 students participated).  They have also purchased RazKids to help with reading comprehension, several math games, reading games, and books accessible to all students and families. 

·         The Family/School Partnership team has also planned a Flynn Math Night scheduled for October 27th.

 Walk To School

·         Walk To School Week is the first week in October.  There was some discussion whether this should just happen on one day or if we should encourage walking busses for the whole week.  Volunteers are welcome!!

Meeting closed at 7:50pm

The next meeting is Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 6:30pm in The Learning Center
Childcare provided

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