Monday, September 12, 2011

Flynn Family PTO Update 9/12/11

Hey There Flynn families - Hope everyone is settling into the school routine and finding time to enjoy this great Fall weather. Hope to see you at Open house on Thursday.  Have a great week. 

September PTO Meeting:  We had a whopping 25 parents at the first PTO meeting last week.  Lots of positive energy and great ideas to start the new year.  Minutes and the Treasurer's Report from the meeting will be posted by next week.  We hope to get the meeting agenda out earlier next month so folks not attending meetings can have a chance to weigh in on items of interest to them.  As always, e-mail your concerns/ideas/ramblings to us at 

Open House:  Hope to see you at Open House this Thursday from 6-7pm.  The schedule will be as follows: 6-6:10 - Arrive, get family photo taken for bulletin board, 6:10-6:20 Mr. Clarke will address Flynn families, 6:20-7pm Classrooms will be open for exploration and Teachers available for chatting.  There will be Room Parent sign up information in each classroom - please consider this important volunteer opportunity!

School Pictures on Wednesday!  Thank you to Gabi Baumann and John Boone for making all the arrangements and to the parents who have volunteered to help on picture day.  If you need another form, please see Karen Carr in the office.

Sticker Calendars:  K families rec'd magnetic calendars but everyone else was issued a sticker to be affixed to their 2010-11 calendar.  Wondering what your thoughts are about this?  We saved some money and some resources- Is this something we should continue with for next year or should we go back to the magnets?  We would love to hear your thoughts.

Walk to School Week:  Looking for volunteers to help organize Flynn School's efforts to participate in International Walk to School day on Wednesday, October 5. Getting to school via walking or biking is a great way to promote a healthy lifestyle and reduce our carbon footprint. Nearly 100 students at Flynn participated last year and we recruited older students to talk it up among younger students. As everyone arrived, we had students sign a poster. This year we're hoping to do something similar, but we're open to other ideas as well.
Volunteers are needed to help plan the event (through 1 or 2 evening conference calls to come up with ideas). Volunteers are also needed on October 5 to greet kids when they arrive at school.

Please contact Alex Messinger at for more information
Fundraising: Packets went out last Friday for the annual Fall fundraiser.  We encourage families and friends to purchase goodies and help the Flynn PTO fund all the great student/family programming.  Nothing catch your eye?  Consider making a tax deductible donation to the PTO - 100% of the donation goes towards programming.  Checks can be made out to the Flynn PTO and sent in to the office - thanks!

E-Mail/Blog:  Do you know a family that is not receiving these updates from the PTO?  Please let them know that we will happily keep them in the know if they send us an e-mail and let us know they want to be included on the distribution list.  They can write to

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