Sunday, April 6, 2014

Flynn PTO Update 4/6/14

Hey There Flynn Families - Sooo loving this sun and warmer weather.  I encourage you to visit the Flynn playground for some good (muddy) family fun!  We have a great, new play structure, accessible to everyone and a full basketball court (not muddy).  Enjoy!

The North Avenue Corridor study presented at the PTO meeting last week.  Below is a link to the document.  They will have a public forum on May 20th at 7:00 pm.

Attention 5th Grade Families  There will be an organizational meeting for the fifth-grade bridging ceremony on Thursday, May 1st at 5:30 in the library.  5th grade parents organize this event to mark the transition of their kids from elementary to middle school.  The event usually consists of a slideshow, certificates, songs and a dessert reception.  Come be part of the planning team.  There will be a PTO meeting to follow if you choose to stay.

Dan's Chocolate orders due in on MONDAY!!!

Math Night at Flynn this Thursday - be there or be square(d)- get it, be squared???  Come play fun math games from around the world and eat free pizza with your friends and neighbors - family fun for all ages!

PTO Minutes are included at the end of this blog post.

BFOE The Burlington Friends of Education will be hosting a meeting on Tuesday, April 8th at 7 pm in the BHS cafeteria to educate community members about how they can assist efforts to pass the next budget. 

The specifics and timeline for the next vote are not yet known, but the next vote is likely to occur in early June.  It is critical that supporters of public education in Burlington rally and organize now to avoid the drastic cuts that will result if this second budget gets defeated.

Donations of any size are always welcome to help defray expenses related to advertising and the get out the vote effort that we are currently planning. 

Checks can be written to BFOE and mailed to Christopher Hood at 44 Caroline Street Burlington, VT 05401.  Paypal donations can be made by visiting

After the April 8 meeting, the BFOE will send out information and updates so that people can learn how they can help get the next budget passed!


Christopher Hood
BFOE Treasurer

Check out the BFOE Facebook page at:  The clip below is from their Facebook page
A quote from the last school board meeting: "What we're doing is working. Why would we choose to break it?"

We're not the only ones who think Burlington Schools are doing great work. Just read this article from The Atlantic.

Tom Sawyer wrap up meeting scheduled for Monday, April 14th at 7pm at the home of Kim Hunt.  Play families new and old are welcome to wrap up this year's production and weigh in on choosing a play for next year.  If you have an incoming 3rd grader, you might want to chime in too - all are welcome!  This is an adult only event.  Contact Kim for directions to her home

Save the date...
April 7 Chocolate orders due in to Flynn
April 8 - BFOE meeting to pass the school budget - Tuesday, April 8th at 7 pm in the BHS cafeteria
April 9 - Chess Club meets in the cafeteria - 7:30am
April 10 -Flynn Math Night - Dinner starts at 5:30 - Please RSVP to dinner if you want to eat at school! 
April 14 - Tom Sawyer Wrap up meeting
April 16 - Chess Club meets in the cafeteria - 7:30am
April 17 - Principal's Coffee, 8:30am
April 21-25 - Spring Break - No School!
May 1 - Meeting about 5th grade Bridging Ceremony - 5:30pm
May 1 - PTO Meeting
June 11 - Last Day of School (note date change due to last snow day...)

PTO Meeting Minutes – April 3, 2014

Meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm.

Heather Simmons facilitated meeting, standing in for President, Jessica Hook.  Minutes kept by Christine Leithead, standing in for secretary Sarah DeShaw. 

Kathy Mathis, Family School Partnership coordinator for Burlington School District.  -Annual Title 1 Meeting.
Discussion included what Title 1 means, how schools qualify, presentation of the Burlington School District Parent/Guardian involvement policy, and presentation and discussion of  JJ Flynn’s Home and School Compact. 
Parents were made aware that they can give feedback regarding the Flynn Home School Compact.   Information about doing so for this year will be on the PTO blog and at Family Math Night.  Kathy Mathis can also be reached directly at
Homework is one of the items included on the compact.  A question was raised regarding whether or not there is an official homework policy at Flynn.  Parents are interested in seeing one created. 
 A copy of the Compact is sent home to every family at the beginning of the school year, to be signed and returned.  It is offered in several languages. There was a suggestion to change the form to include a space for feedback.

Principal’s Corner – Graham Clarke was not in attendance.  Information was presented via written handout, with Graham fielding questions via phone.
Because the budget did not pass, Spanish will not be taught in Burlington elementary schools next year.   At Flynn, STEM will be added as a specials class. 
New school board will be in place soon – agenda and minutes are available online at the BSD website. 
Next Principal’s coffee will be April 17th.

Family School Partnership – Shanta Eastman
Math Night is next week from 5:30-7, with pizza at 6:00 for families who have returned forms.  FSP will be paying for dinner, organized by Mary Dunsmore.
Currently working to survey teachers regarding classroom events to which parents are invited.  FSP created a classroom events scheduling tips checklist which has been adopted by the district.   Family School Partnership has lost its funding due to budget cuts.

Treasurer’s Report – Betsy Ward  - (See treasurer’s report)
Fundraising for the play was very successful.  We’re about halfway to our goal for fundraising for the year.

Fundraising – Tammy Kuypers
Dan’s Chocolates fundraiser is currently happening.   Spring Fest will be on Sunday, May 18th, and will include a fun run, bouncy house and silent auction.   “Gift Certificates” from either businesses or those in the school community with talents/skills are needed for the silent auction.  The Fundraising committee was asked to create a form parents can use to try to solicit donations of gift certificates from businesses.
Next year will be Tammy’s last year at Flynn, so if anyone is interested in fundraising chair position, they could “apprentice” with her next year. 

Enrichment – Kim Hunt
The play was great!  There will be a wrap up meeting at Kim’s house, during which, options for next year’s play will be discussed/decided.  Anyone is welcome to come, but please email Kim so she can plan for the right number of people.   There was a suggestion of exploring seating/stage options to hopefully improve visibility of actors for next year.

Flynn Family Nights – Heather Simmons
Plan is to create schedule for next year in advance for improved coordination and planning.

Staff Appreciation –
3rd grade’s goal of buying a popcorn machine for the staff break room was not met, but will hopefully still be able to happen at a later date.
In May, the PTO will sponsor a luncheon for teachers and staff – any volunteers to help please contact Kate Belluche.

Kindergarten Tours and lunch to be offered to incoming families in addition to an orientation meeting with Graham are in the works, and volunteers are needed.   Heather, Tammy and Christine volunteered.

Meeting finished with a presentation about the North Avenue Corridor Study. 

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