Sunday, April 13, 2014

Flynn PTO Update 4/13/14

Hey there Flynn families - So fun to see so many families turn out for math night!  If you weren't able to make it, it was a super fun night with 300+ Flynn family members playing math games and solving math puzzles, gambling with Mr. Abbey and chowing down on pizza, salad and fruit provided by the Family School Partnership.  Many teachers and families had a hand at making this another successful evening of learning and community building.  Just ask your kids, math is fun!!!

Tom Sawyer wrap up meeting tomorrow -  Monday, April 14th at 7pm at the home of Kim Hunt.  Play families new and old are welcome to wrap up this year's production and weigh in on choosing a play for next year.  If you have an incoming 3rd grader, you might want to chime in too - all are welcome!  This is an adult only event.  Contact Kim for directions to her home

Principal's Coffee this Thursday at 8:30

Staff Appreciation Luncheon coming up on May 22nd.  A flyer will be coming home this week with details about parent volunteers to cover playground duty and/or send in specific items for the luncheon.  This is an annual event at Flynn much anticipated by the staff.  Not only do they get a delicious lunch, they get the entire lunch/recess period to sit back, enjoy and chat with their colleagues - something that does not happen enough!  Parent volunteers in the cafeteria and playground allow this to happen.  I hope you have the opportunity to come in on the 22nd to help pamper the staff and hang out with our awesome kiddos on the playground.  

Please respond to the handout or contact Kate Belluche at and she will hook you up with a job or a food item to send in.  Many thanks!

The Vermont City Marathon needs a WATER STATION in the NEW NORTH END.  They would like it to be organized by parents or faculty from one of the three neighborhood schools and staffed by students.  The marathon will be run on Sunday, May 25th at 8 am.  The water stop will be "open" from 9 am to 1:30 pm.  It will be located on the bike path at the end of North Ave and requires about 20 students to operate.  If you are interested, contact J.P. Gagnon at or

Save the date...

April 14 - Tom Sawyer Wrap up meeting
April 16 - Chess Club meets in the cafeteria - 7:30am
April 17 - Principal's Coffee, 8:30am
April 21-25 - Spring Break - No School!
May 1 - Meeting about 5th grade Bridging Ceremony - 5:30pm
May 1 - PTO Meeting
May 9 - Kindergarten Orientation
May 18 - Springfest at Flynn
May 22 - Staff Appreciation Luncheon
June 11 - Last Day of School (note date change due to last snow day...)

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