Monday, March 24, 2014

Flynn PTO Update 3/24/14

Hey There Flynn Families
- Busy weekend with Tom Sawyer productions running Th- Sat.  Hope your kids had a great experience.  The K-2 audience on Th was incredible - not a wiggly one in the bunch!  It is so fun to see them mesmerized by the kids on stage and the live music.  Hopefully they are already dreaming about their turn on stage.  

We owe great thanks to Very Merry Theatre for their dedication and expertise in getting these kids ready to perform - they are masters in their craft.  Very Merry does a wide array of very affordable summer camps and spring break camps for kids of all ages - do check them out on the web.  

Also huge thanks to the parents that were able to contribute their time and energy to bring Tom Sawyer to the stage - we are very grateful for your talent and energy.  It really is hard work and a little bit crazy, but after doing productions with Flynn school for the past 6 years, I can honestly say it is one of the highlights of the year for me personally.  Part of it is the kid transformations - quiet ones finding their voice on stage and the growth in acting from one performance to the next - it really is magical.  The other part is the community building.  There is some much communication between parents and organizers and so many parents get involved in ways small and large - and all of them are needed to make the play a success.  It really feels good to pull together as a community and it strengthens the relationships for events later in the year and beyond.  

BOOK FAIR Tomorrow night At Flynn  Join us for our Spring Scholastic Book Fair Tuesday evening from 5:30-7pm in the Multipurpose room.  We could still use some awesome volunteers to help us set up the fair in our multipurpose room from 4-5pm.  We appreciate your help!  Cara ;)

Also, bring your appetite - the 3rd grade is hosting a Hot Dog picnic dinner and bake sale to benefit Spring Field Trips.

Early release on Thursday (11:30) and no school on Friday for Parent Teacher Conferences.  Please take this opportunity to discuss your child's progress and ask all those burning questions.  You might want to consider bringing your child into the conference.  If so, you might want to check in with your child's teacher.  To read some comments on benefits/drawbacks of doing this from other parents and teachers, click the link below

Parents of 5th graders - Mark your calendar for May 20th.  On this day your child will visit Hunt to meet the sixth grade teachers  and get a tour of the school.  In the evening, parents are invited t Hunt for an orientation - 7pm in the library.  Teachers will be introduced, there will be a tour and Q&A time.  Last week you rec'd a welcome letter and questionnaire from Hunt - please return that ASAP to your child's teacher as they will begin to determine class assignments partially based on your input.

Also - we will be making a slideshow of fifth graders from K-5th grade to show at the 5th grade Bridging ceremony in June.  We are compiling digital images to put in the show - do you have pics from past years that you can share?  Files can be emialed to Sarah Orndorff (thanks for doing this Sarah!!!) at

School Budget info  The following email was circulated at Edmunds Elementary - some of you might find it interesting.   There is some parent organizing happening concerning getting a school budget passed.  For more information about what is happening contact Barb Prine at

Also- this off the website:

From: EES PTO <>
Date: March 22, 2014 at 9:46:07 PM EDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: *IMPORTANT*: BSD School Budget Second Vote
Dear EES Families,
Burlington did not pass the school budget on Town Meeting Day.  The proposed budget was a 9.9% increase, which broke down to 5% from the state because of a change in the base homestead tax rate, 2% from the city to account for the certified level of appraisal, and 2.9% from the local school budget.  This proposed budget included many cuts to the schools, such as the elimination of Grade 1-6 Spanish and library support services.  Presently the School Board is deciding whether to put forth a new budget for vote, and what a revised budget would include.  If they DO put forth a new budget, it will contain more cuts than the initially proposed budget.  These cuts must come from non-mandated services, which are listed below and include, among others, increasing class size, eliminating or reducing after school, co-curricular, and athletics programs, decreasing the technology budget, and reducing professional development for our teachers.  If they DO NOT put forth a new budget, the property tax increase will still be 8% because they will get the same funds that were approved last year.  The difference in an 8% property tax increase compared to a less than 9.9% property tax increase is 1.9% at the most, but the difference for our students could mean significant losses in their classrooms.  The School Board needs to hear from you.  If you would like to see the school board put forth a second budget to prevent more cuts, please write or email them (listed below).  Please also consider attending the upcoming School Board meetings (Monday, March 24 at 7pm in Ira Allen – Room 1G, 150 Colchester Ave, and Tuesday, March 25 at 7pm in BHS cafeteria) to voice your opinion.
Thank You,
EES PTO (Marni Slavik, Clare Wool, and Stephanie Mueller)

Half Day Kindergarten
BHS courses: 1 English, 1 Business, 1 Social Studies, 1 -2 Foreign Language, 1 Math, .6     Reading
Middle School PE
BHS Lead Teachers
Level of ELL Services
Reduce Nursing by 20% (80% days)
Reduce guidance by 10%
Reduce music by 20%
Increase class sizes (reduces 4 teachers) to 25 elementary
Eliminate Library Paraeducators
Eliminate SAPs (Student Assistance Counselors) to 1 (2FTE)
Afterschool programs
Summer school programs
Co-Curricular programs
Technology Budget - hardware and software
Technology Budget- Integration specialists
ELL Liaisons
Preschool Partners
On Top program
Horizons program
Eliminate social work contract
Magnet School Staffing (3.0 FTE)
Not replace Partnership for Change Fellow openings in local budget (backfill)
Coaches (embedded PD for teachers)

Percentage Reductions
Preventive Maintenance
General Maintenance
% cut across the board in maintenance and facilities staff
% cut across the board in Trades
% cut across board in different departments

School Supplies
Professional Development
Cell Phone Use
Board Secretary & AV Speaker


MS, HS Assistant Principals (5)
Technology Director
Curriculum Director
ELL Director
Grants program
ELL Liaison Coordinator
Diversity/ Equity
Admin Assistants
Business office beyond Director of Finance
Facilities Director
Food Services Director
Property Services Trades
School Resource Officers
HR Office

Other Ideas for Exploration

Reduce the School Year
Revisit Transportation Subsidies
Other Ideas
Sell Murray Street House/ Champlain Street House
Reduce Graduation Requirements
Delay BHS planning
Research payment of deficit over three years
Bill Burlington for use of buildings

School Board Email List:

School Board Mailing Address:
Alan Matson, Chair of School Board
792 S. Prospect St.
Burlington, VT  05401
Save the date...
March 25  -Book Fair dinner and shopping - 5:30-7:30
March 26 - Chess Club at 7:30am
March 27/28 - Parent Teacher Conferences
April 3 - PTO Meeting - 6:30 in the library - come early for a light dinner and free childcare
April 4-Talent show-7pm
April 10 -Flynn Math Night 

April 17 - Principal's Coffee, 8:30am
April 21-25 - Spring Break - No School!
June 11 - Last Day of School (note date change due to last snow day...)

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