Sunday, November 17, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 11/17/13

Hey there Flynn families - Last week with kiddoes on two campuses...  For some of you, this is just the norm at Flynn school.  Get ready for the new and improved Flynn school reunion coming on November 26th!  You are invited to attend an All School assembly on Tuesday, November 26th at 2:15 to help celebrate and dedicate the new, universally accessible playground.

Donations to the annual Flynn thanksgiving food drive have been trickling in.  Trickling in might be generous… now is the time to really be generous!  Your donation of Thanksgiving type foods/turkeys/grocery store gift cards will be greatly appreciated by Flynn families in need.  Feast gift baskets will be assembled right before Thanksgiving break and distributed to Flynn families.  Can you help? Donations can be sent into the office anytime between now and the Wednesday before school break – November 27th.
PTO Enrichment Dollars. Did you know that the Flynn PTO has budgeted $7,500 this year towards enrichment for our kids?   (Total PTO budget this year is $17,500 ) Here is how we break down the budget so that all students get "equal" enrichment opportunities:
$2500 towards Spring play (almost half of the play expenses)
$2500 for K-2 Enrichment (this year all K-2 classes will go to the Flynn theatre)
$1000 to the 3rd grade overnight to Camp Abnaki (to offset their fundraising and compensate for smaller role in school play)
$1500 other experiences like Flynn Family nights, recess toys, VSO musical petting zoo

Want to peruse the budget with greater detail?  Go to the Treasurer's Page on the blog for the latest.

Parenting Resource Library Tucked into the corner just under the TV screen is a fabulous resource in need of some serious attention.  Have you poked around to see what is available in the Parent Resource Library? 

Everything on those shelves are for YOU - Flynn families!  There are parenting books -Including Duct Tape Parenting by Vickie Hoefle, multi-cultural picture books, cookbooks, books about divorce and death and learning styles.  There are educational games galore to play at home!  Your biggest problem will be deciding what to check out first!  The link below will take you to the catalog of resources available.  Browse around, come on in and check something out!   

During the schoolday, take your stuff into the office and Karen Carr will sign it out to you.  Afterschool, see Mandi or Elizabeth at the afterschool table and they will do the same.   

Missy  H. is a frequent visitor to the library - She recommends the game Dino Math Tracks-  super family fun and a great skill builder!

LINK to Parent Resource Library List:

Staff Appreciation breakfast this week for our fabulous Flynn folks.  Thany you to the 2nd grade doing breakfast

VSO SymphonyKids Musical Petting Zoo

The VSO's SymphonyKids Educational Outreach program will visit Flynn classes K-5 on January 8,9.
MPZ.pngVisiting is a program called the Musical Petting Zoo.  The "Zookeeper," Rebecca Kopycinski, brings a variety of orchestral instruments into the schools for a hands-on introduction to the VSO.  After an explanation and demonstration of each instrument, the children get a chance to play on their own, under the supervision of “handlers.”

Don’t miss out on this fun-filled introduction to the world of classical music!
When this event gets closer, we will be looking for parents to come in and help - no musical experience necessary. 

JJ Flynn theater kicks off Tom Sawyer on December 2.  Join us for the first production meeting of the season at 7 PM in the library.  Don Wright will join us to talk about the play.  We will discuss the production cycle, volunteer opportunities for parents and how we will pay for the play.  The more the merrier - it takes a lot of parents to help support our young actors.  (sometimes we even get parents helping who do not yet have a child in the play - it's that fun!!!) Students in grades 4,5 will be given speaking/singing roles while 3rd graders will join a chorus that performs several songs and dances during the show.  Everyone is guaranteed a spot!   Questions can be directed to Co-Production Managers Kate Belluche ( or Kim Hunt (

Speaking of Musical theatre... All of our young actors will hone their skills in reading , memorizing lines, interpreting lines, developing his/her character, time management, developing their focus and flexibility, listening, speaking, observing, developing their stage presence, cooperating, empathy, problem solving, trust, friendship, joy, pride, teamwork… 

 For some students who struggle everyday in their academics, acting in a play can be an important experience that allows them to shine on stage and see themselves as successful.  Many children do not have the opportunity to be involved in plays outside of school and this is where they can discover hidden talents and a passion for performing.  It really is a magical experience to watch children develop their voice and their characters under the direction of Don Wright.  Many of these same students continue with musical theatre at the middle school and some even at the high school level.  The majority of participants in Hunt plays like The Sound of Music, Grease and the Pajama Game came from Flynn school.  AND, each year the middle school play has grown in numbers by leaps and bounds.  This elementary play experience is wonderful for what it gives to our students now, but even more important is how it affects them going forward into those tricky adolescent years. 

For a really comprehensive article about the benefits of participating in live theatre, click on the link below.

Save the date...

November 4-27 Food Drive (items can come in via backpacks and will be collected in the office)
November 21 - Principal's Coffee CANCELLED due to the 1/2 move
November 21,22,25 - Inquiry Fair for Grades 1 and 2 at St. Joe's
November 26 - All Flynn students back on one campus!!!
November 27-29 - Thanksgiving break - No School!
December 5 - PTO Meeting

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