Hey There Flynn Families - You might notice that transitions at Flynn are starting to smooth out at Flynn drop off and pick-up. Thanks for helping to keep all our kids safe. We had our first PTO meeting of the year with upwards of 30 attendees plus more kids than I could count! Thank you to Scott Hook and the Kuypers boys for babysitting while we get our high school helpers lined up! If you missed the meeting, minutes can be found at the end of this post. We meet the first Th of each month and in between you can come in for face time (real face time, not apple Facetime) with the Principal at the Principal's coffee. Questions/comments/ideas can be sent to us via our email - flynnschoolpto@gmail.com or on Facebook.
JJ Flynn Theatre Is pleased to announce that Kim Hunt and Kate Belluche have stepped up to be co-production managers of the play this year. At the PTO meeting, Tom Sawyer was selected as the play. Many hands will be needed to bring this play to the stage - we will begin organizing late this Fall - if you know in the meantime that you would like to be involved, send an email to flynnschoolpto@gmail.
Burlington School District Budget Process Survey FY 2014-2015 The Burlington School District is soliciting input from the community on three broad issues. They wish to hear early in the process your priorities for possible additions or deletions to District programs. Click the link below for more information and to leave your input.
The PTO is forming an Enrichment Committee to expand our offerings of enrichment activities at Flynn. In years past, enrichment funds have gone to offering a school play, trips to the Flynn theatre, artists in residence and the chess club. We are committed to exploring ideas new and old and expanding offerings. Some ideas brought up at the meeting is a STEM/science night, Lego robotics, VSO petting zoo and mindfulness. Parents/Teachers - Do you have ideas for enriching opportunities at Flynn school? Would you want to be part of a committee that helps develop opportunities at Flynn? Would you be able to provide manpower for activities. Let us know what you have in mind at flynnschoolpto@gmail.com.
STEM at Flynn BSD is still looking at whether one of our city schools might identify as a STEM school (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Flynn school is a possibility and being the pro-active parents that we are, Flynn parents have expressed interest in researching what that might mean in our school. Interested in finding out more and/or joining , contacting Tracy Truzansky at tracytruzansky@gmail.com,
A Landscaping committee is forming in the PTO. This committee would plan for enhancing our school environment with natural playscapes and learning environments as well as certifying our front garden with the National Wildlife Federation. If you are excited by the new garden in front entrance of the school and want to be involved in expanding schoolyard habitats and outdoor learning opportunities throughout Flynn's campus- join the landscape and garden committee! Please contact Sarah DeShaw (sdeshaw@mac.com) to be added to the list of interested parents.
Partnership for Change Join the Partnership for Change for the first Implementation Team Meeting of the year on Thursday, September 12th, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Winooski Middle/High School. Implementation Teams are made up of students, educators, parents, and community partners working together to move Burlington and Winooski Schools forward in five areas: Teaching and Learning Environments, Family-School Partnerships, Youth Engagement, Community Based Learning, and Personalized and Proficiency Based Learning. Snacks, child care, and interpretation will be available. All are welcome!
Proposed Regional Calendar Changes on Channel 17
Linda Deliduka – School Board Member, Ward 7, Burlington
If you are concerned about the proposed changes here is another opportunity to get informed about the proposal.
Greetings from Channel 17/ Town Meeting TV:
Proposed Regional School Calendar Changes was recorded on 2013-09-05.
*WATCH ON TV : * You can watch this program on Channel 17/ Town Meeting Television, on Comcast Cable and Burlington Telecom at the following times:
Friday September 13, 3:00 PM
Saturday September 14, 4:00 PM
Friday September 20, 3:00 PM
Sunday September 22, 6:30 PM
Friday September 27, 3:00 PM
September 12 - Parnership for Change Implementation Team meetings - 6:30 - Winooski High School For more info: http://partnershipvt.org/ or see above
September 18 - St. Joe's Open House - 6pm
September 19 - Principal's Coffee - 8:30
September 26 - Flynn Open House - 6pm
October 2 - Flynn Picture Day
October 3 - St. Joe's Picture Day
October 9 - Calendar 2.0 meeting at BHS
October 9 - Walk to School Day
JJ Flynn Elementary
September 5, 2013
Art Room
6:30-8:30 pm
Pizza was enjoyed before the meeting
Meeting called to order: 6:40
Principal’s Corner- Graham Clark
- Rubber surfacing base layer has been laid- final coat will be laid tomorrow- security personnel will be on all night to deter any vandalism
- Dismissal procedures continue to evolve- increased level of support for children coming off bus to St Josephs has been added
- Early release was discussed- parents asked that the district provide feedback/accountability on how time will be/was used by teachers
- All teachers participating in Math professional development this week- We are the only school in district having Para-educators participate in professional development- Math expert, Bob Laird from VT Math Initiatives
- Outside cameras- 2 will be installed in front entrance next week and then 6 PTO funded cameras in a few weeks (after cameras installed at other schools)
Enrichment - Do we have a committee?
- Vote on this year’s play- Tom Sawyer
- Other enrichment opportunities were discussed- see blog for committee
Treasurer – Betsy Ward
- IRS status- 501C3. Was not in compliance- John Boone submitted and Betsy is awaiting word on our current status
- Finance committee established with goal is to have a committee vet financials of proposals
- Budget Vote- It was discussed that more detailed view of the budget needs to be presented in order to vote. Tabled until October meeting
Fundraising- Tammy Kuypers
- Need to raise funds!
- School Pictures- Oct. 2 & 3- Ambient gives us 15% back- last year we made $900
- Wrapping paper- coming up. We made $4000 last year
- Pay it Forward- coming soon!
- Bottle drive coming at daylight savings- contact Mary Mitchell
Landscape/Garden- Sarah DeShaw
- Landscape Installation reviewed- see blog for more information and committee sign up
Flynn School/Family Partnership - Shanta Eastman (TABLED DUE TO TIME)
Room Parents- Lisa Tulkop
- Sign up sheet at open house
STEM- Tracy Truzansky
- Looking for interested parents to join a committee on STEM initiatives at the school- look for info on the blog
Teacher Suggestion box – Christine Leithead- (TABLED DUE TO TIME)
- ReDiscuss Memorial for Brad Ingalls- plaque in stage gym? Karen – do you have more information to provide?
- Black signs announcing events – Once or twice a week commitment
- Family directory
- How do we want to spend our money?
- Ideas for guest speakers during the school year?
- Flynn Family nights - Heather(?)
- Walk to school day is Oct. 9th
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