Sunday, September 29, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 9/29/13

Hey There Flynn families - Way to go mother nature for this beautiful weekend!  I was out at the Maker Faire this weekend and saw a large number of Flynn families taking in the science exhibits and cool demos.  If Flynn ends up going STEM or STEAM, I would except a lot more of this kind of stuff coming our way...

Room Parent orientation has been scheduled for 6:30pm on October 8th.  Haven't signed up yet?  Contact Lisa Tulkop at lisaspurplepalace@gmail .com

Picture Day this week!!!  Wednesday for Flynn campus, Thursday for St. Joes.  Looks like seasonal weather and no rain - keep your fingers crossed!  If your child misses picture day, there will be retakes for individuals and class photos...

PTO meeting this Thursday from 6:30-8 in the Library!  There will be a light dinner available as well as childcare in the multipurpose room.  Please come early if you would like to eat before the meeting starts.  The meeting agenda and the proposed 2013-14 budget can be found at the end of this post. 

Signage-  Volunteers Needed The front office is looking for volunteers to update the signs that go outside to alert parents of upcoming events. This is a small commitment and really helps get the word out about events. Is this something you could help with?

Average Kids Kick A** - Blog post From Parent Educator Vickie Hoefle of Parenting on Track             
kickass1Because they freakin’ do!
I’ve been taking a lot of heat lately for suggesting that for the most part, we are all raising “average” kids.  That it is unlikely there will be 100’s of Vermont kids (or kids from any other state) that go on to live exceptional lives doing exceptionally satisfying work that is sure to impact the world in some significant way.  It is far more likely, that the vast majority of kids will grow up to be average, everyday individuals who construct lives that they either find satisfying or lives that leave them feeling resentful that they aren’t satisfied with the life they were expecting to live.
I know what parents are thinking when I tell them they will probably raise average kids — “She doesn’t know MY child.  MY child is, in fact, exceptional, special, better than….”.  Maybe, but I doubt it.
After I ruffle feathers, I go on to ask “So what’s wrong with average?  When did being average become a bad thing?”  I’m average, my kids are average, most of my friends are average, most of my family members are average.  And we seem to be doing okay.
I’ll go on record now as saying that when I was pregnant with Hannah, 25 years ago, I prayed for an average child.  Not too cute, not too smart, not too athletic.  Just average.  Do you know why?  Because I think average kids have a better shot at creating a meaningful life for themselves.  After all, no one is paying attention to them.  No one has unrealistic expectations for them.  I think kids who really are exceptional in some way, may have challenges that few of us recognize, because, well, we are average.
I believe that average people, who work their fannies off, and accept that life is full of ups and down and believe that the universe is conspiring for (ALL of) our happiness, have a leg up on those who think they are exceptional.  Imagine the pressure to maintain your exceptional status.  Yikers.
Maybe besides being average, we are simple.  The truth is, I am happy a good portion of my life.  Even when things suck, I can be happy. My kids are happy. Believe me there have been times in their lives when things sucked.  But in spite of that, they were happy growing up and still are happy as twenty-somethings out there navigating the world on their own.
Happiness, connection to self and others, a strong work ethic, enjoyment in the simple things is far more important to me then being exceptional, special or as a my friend Cindy Pierce says “precious”.  I want average kids who kick ass.
My grandfather used to say, “Work harder than everyone else for less pay.”
I like that.  It fits with my idea of life.  I taught my kids this value.  From the time they applied for their first jobs, most of them at age 10 and certainly when they hit the job market at 14-years-old, they were taught to work harder than anyone else and never to expect anything more than the guy working beside them. When they got older I included these pearls of wisdom “from 18-years-old to 28-years-old you will, in all likelihood be eating Top Ramen, living in ratty apartments, shared with people who are complete slobs, commuting for 90 minutes one way, to jobs that are less than fulfilling.  This is the path you must travel so at 29-years-old you have the skills and experience, wisdom and patience, tenacity and insight to actually create a life that has meaning to you and for you in a job you find exciting, stimulating and satisfying.  It isn’t going to happen any other way, kids.  So buckle up and get ready for the ride.”
And all five of them will tell you that this is the truth.  And yet, for all that “tough love” talk, they are thriving and truly enjoying this rough part of the journey.  As they say, it builds character.
So when I got the 35th email with the link to this article sent to me, I decided maybe it was the universe suggesting I write about it and share a few of my thoughts. I don’t care so much about special or exceptional.
  •  I care that my kids love their lives as young adults when so many other young adults are really struggling to make sense of the world.
  • I love that my kids love each other, take care of each other and include each other in their lives.
  • I love that my kids call, text, skype, IM me when there is something exciting to share both good and bad.
  • I have a front row seat to their lives, because I can be counted on to sit quietly until I am asked to become an active participant.
So I guess what I am saying is this: I will take average any day of the week.  Anybody else out there feeling okay about average?

Save the date...

October 2 - Flynn Picture Day
October 3 - St. Joe's Picture Day
October 3 - Flynn PTO meeting - 6:30 in the library. Light dinner and childcare provided
October 9 - Calendar 2.0 meeting at BHS
October 9 - Walk to School Day
October 22 - Book Fair Dinner
November 2- Flynn Bottle drive at Merola's!
November 3 - Daylight Savings - set those clocks back an hour!

Flynn School PTO
Learning Center
October 3, 2013 - 6:30-8:00 pm

Enjoy a Pasta dinner and learn what’s going on at Flynn School!!
****6:15 -6:30 – Come a little early if you want to get dinner and settle the kids into childcare.
6:30-8:00pm -  Enjoy a pasta dinner for the whole family! While we discuss PTO meeting agenda items- 

Principal’s Corner- Graham Clark

Treasurer – Betsy Ward - vote on budget for the year
  • Vote
  • Spending Requests -  Library request for seating to make new space cozy (pee-proof couch, bean   bag chairs, area rug for story time, coffee table)
  • Repl  lacement dimmer for stage gym
Fundraising- Tammy Kuypers
  • School Pictures
  • Wrapping Paper
  • Dan’s

Enrichment – Kate Belluche

Flynn School/Family Partnership - Shanta Eastman

Room Parents- Lisa Tulkop

STEM- Tracy Truzansky

Teacher Suggestion box – Christine Leithead
  • Do we have a box set up for this year?

  • Walk to school day is Oct. 9th – Would anyone like to take lead on this?
  • Flynn Family Nights - Heather Simmons
  • Black signs announcing events – Once or twice a week commitment
  • Family directory
FLYNN PTO 2013-2014 BUDGET SUMMARY (to be approved)
Total Budget $17,500.00
Budget Breakdown Amount % of Budget Examples
Operating Expenses $1,300.00 10%
Copies, materials, food for PTO meetings  $650.00 5%
Reserve (for Maintenance) $650.00 5%
Future playground or garden maintenance
Activities* $10,400.00 80% (See breakout below)
Earmarked Funds
Garden $2,000.00
Security Cameras $2,500.00
Available Funds (as of 9/29/13)
Checking $2,178.63
Savings $3,253.59
* Activity Sub-Categories Amount Examples
Enrichment $7,500.00
Teacher Mini-Grants $1,500.00 Educational support/enhancement
Community Building Events $800.00 Back-to-school potluck, Spring Fest, family nights, etc.
Educational Support $400.00
Staff Appreciation $200.00

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Flynn PTO update 9/22/13

Hey There Flynn Families - Hope you had a relaxing and/or productive weekend.  Make a date with your child to attend the Flynn Campus Open House this Thursday at 6pm.  It's a great opportunity to meet your child's teacher, check out the classroom and meet other children/families in your child's class. 

Meadow Farm Orders are now due!  Thank you for supporting our school by selling and buying Meadow farms products!  Our school gets 40%-50% of the proceeds depending on which products were sold.  That money goes toward your child’s enrichment!  You may have also earned a waterpark pass to Jay Peak’s pump house if you sold two or more local products!
If you have not had a chance to buy yet, please do so by tomorrow, Monday the 23rd.  You can buy it through the catalog or online at by using Flynn School’s code – 3700277.  Please send in your completed packet tomorrow.
Contact me with any questions.  Teresa Giallorenzo at
Hannaford Dollars is up and running.  You might have noticed that there isn't a slot for JJ Flynn at present.  Never fear, inquiries have been made and hopefully it will up in a jiffy.  In the meantime, hold onto your Hannaford dollars OR send them in with your box tops and we will make sure they make it back to Hannaford before the December deadline.

Price Chopper Tools for Schools. Do you ever shop at Price Chopper???  They also have a program that gives money back to local schools.  Parents just need to register their cards online and choose the school of their choice - in our case, JJ Flynn.  Happy shopping!

Picture Day is just around the corner.  Look for forms to come home via backpacks this week.  We are once again using Ambient Photography and I have no doubt that we will have many happy customers again this year.  Never fear if your child is sick on picture day, Ambient will return on another day to shoot a whole class photo when all kids are present - it might not be the outfit you had in mind, but we provide a class photo as opposed to a composite picture.  Questions about picture day can be addressed to Lisa Tulkop at

Facebook For up to the minute posts, like us on Facebook: John J. Flynn

UVM Kids & Parents research study  Don't just talk about science - participate in a real life scientific study!  If your child/family structure fits the criteria below you might want to participate. 
* Participants are needed for the Kids & Parents research study – a study at the University of Vermont about families.
* We're looking for families to participate who have a 9- to 11-year-old child whose parents are married to each other.
* The study involves two 2- to 3-hour lab visits approximately 2 weeks apart (Visit 1: mother and child; Visit 2: mother, father, and child).
* Families will receive $100 for Visit 1 and $150 for Visit 2.
* To learn more, please call 802-656-4722.

Save the date...
September 26 - Flynn Open House - 6pm
October 2 - Flynn Picture Day
October 3 - St. Joe's Picture Day
October 3 - Flynn PTO meeting - 6:30 in the library.  Light dinner and childcare provided
October 9 - Calendar 2.0 meeting at BHS
October 9 - Walk to School Day
October 22 - Book Fair Dinner
November 2- Flynn Bottle drive at Merola's!
November 3 - Daylight Savings - set those clocks back an hour!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 9/15/13

Hey There Flynn Families - Ask your kiddoes to tell you about the new play structures that were opened last week.  There has been great excitement about the giant twirly slide and the bongos are in constant use!  Better yet, make a trip over to Flynn over the weekend or after school to play on them yourself.  The next upgrade will be security cameras so we can better monitor our investment - we'll let you know when the cameras are up and running.  Have a great week!

Open House for grades 1,2 this Wednesday at 6pm.  Don't miss this opportunity to get a tour of the school, chat with your child's teacher, meet the kiddoes that your child is spending the day with and ask questions relating to Flynn school or your child. 

1st Principal's coffee of the schoolyear this Thursday at 8:30am.  Can you swing a half hour with the Principal?  Join Mr. Clarke and other Flynn parents for coffee/tea and a forum for finding out what's happening at Flynn and to get those nagging questions attended to...  Sign in at the office please!

Room Parents - It's not just a fancy title...  Dear Flynn Families,
Are you looking for a way to get involved in your child’s classroom and the Flynn community?  You should consider signing up to be a room parent.  The role of the room parents is to help out with and organize class parties, volunteer or recruit other volunteers to help out in the classroom and send snacks and supplies for parties, help to organize one teacher appreciation event with other grade level room parents,  and organize other tasks as needed in your child’s classroom.  Being a room parent is a great opportunity to get involved in your child’s education, help out the school and to get to know all of the wonderful Flynn staff and families.  Please consider signing up to be a room parent.  Look for the sign up sheets at open house in your child’s classroom or contact me directly.  I look forward to working with you this school year.   If you have questions please feel free to call me at 864-3886 or email me at

Lisa Tulkop, Room Parent/ Teacher Appreciation Coordinator

Bottle drive coming soon...  Hold on to your cans and bottles for our annual daylight savings bottle drive at Merola's.   When you drop your bottles at Merola's on the weekend of October 2/3, let them know that you would like the money to go to Flynn school.  Questions?  Contact Mary Mitchell at

Box Tops are FREE money - what's not to love...    Hello Flynn Families,  The Flynn PTO will once again be collecting Box Tops for Education, Labels for Education (Campbells Soup Labels), and Hannaford Helps Schools certificates.  This is a short overview of each program, but if you have any questions please email me at .    Denise Haggerty
BOX TOPS:  The website for box tops for education is  Here you can read about the program and see what progress Flynn school is making during the year.  You can also find a list of products that Box Tops are on which include cereals, frozen foods, many paper products, and food items.   The box tops are usually pink but sometimes they are certificates, especially if you've bought something in bulk from a store like Costco.  Just cut them off the product and send them in to your child's teachers.  Sometimes it works easiest to have an small baggie at home to collect them in and then to send it in as it fills up.  There is a large box in the Flynn Library entrance to place them in- if you sent them in via your child's backpack, the teachers will know where to send them.  Last year we collected around 3,000 box tops and raised $300.  If you know of any family members or neighbors that can collect them for Flynn School-please ask them!  They can mail them to the school or send them in with a student.  Box Tops can be collected all year round and sent in throughout the year!  It is an easy way to support the PTO!
I will do a submission in October and another submission in early March.  If you've been saving them this summer-thank you and please send them in!
On the box top website you can also do online shopping and get credit for Flynn School-make sure to login and then make Flynn School the recipient.

Would love to increase the earnings from box tops this year!  Please cut them out before you recycle!  
LABELS FOR EDUCATION  The website for labels for education is  This website has information about the program and includes a list of products.  This is also a year round collection.  The box for this collection is also in the entrance to the Flynn Library.  The labels can be found on soups, goldfish crackers, some paper products and many other food items.  Many of you may know these as the Campbells Soup Labels, and they are still on soup cans, but can be found on many other products as well.  Again, send in with your child and they go to the box in the library. The labels are valued at different points which can be redeemed for various classroom items.
HANNAFORD HELPS SCHOOLS  Hannaford helps Schools usually runs from September to December.  It is a program where if you buy participating products, the store gives you a certificate to give to your school worth cash.  The certificates are given to you when you get your receipt from the cashier.  There is a display located in the front of the store to collect the certificates and you can put the certificate in the Flynn School slot.  You can also send these in to school with your child.  I will put a collection box in the library for them along with the other 2 boxes within the next week or so (haven't quite done that yet).  There is also a $1000 bonus for the school that collects the most in our area.  I like to send them into school only because sometimes the display in the store gets overloaded and they fall out and I'm not sure if they go back in the right slot.  Please try to keep these separate from the box tops and Labels for education because this program only goes through the Fall months so there is a deadline for getting them in!  is the website to find a list of products.  JUST FYI - Flynn has gotten the bonus $1k several times during my years at Flynn - more free money!!!

Community Forum on the Burlington School District English Language Learner Program  Come learn about the findings of the needs assessment conducted by the New England Equity Assistance Center of the Education Alliance at Brown University and give your input in a facilitated discussion on the priorities for English Language Learners and their families.

Monday, September 30, 2013
BHS Cafeteria
6 pm-8 pm

Join us for snacks at 6 pm. Program starts at 6:30 pm.

 Interpretation offered for speakers of Bosnian, Burmese, Kirundi, Maay Maay, Mahaa, Nepali, and Vietnamese. Transportation and childcare provided. Please contact a Multilingual Liaison or Nijaza Semic or 288-6048 to discuss your needs.

Please RSVP to Chelsea Piazza at or 865-5332 by September 27, 2013.


If you and your kids are interested in Science and Technology, you don't want to miss the Champlain Mini Maker Faire...     (FYI, don't wait to buy tickets - they sold out both days last year...)

Saturday, September 28, 2013 to Sunday, September 29, 2013
Time: Sat. 10 am - 4:30 pm; Sun. 11 am - 4 pm
Event Type: 
Special Event
Location: Shelburne, VT
Part science fair, part county fair, and part something entirely new, Maker Faire is an all-ages gathering of families and individuals celebrating the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mindset. It showcases makers who are exploring new forms and technologies, featuring innovation and experimentation in science, engineering,art, performance and craft.

See for more information.

Parenting Corner:  20 School-Year Myths All Parents Must Ignore From Vickie Hoefle's parenting website

As the back to school energy (fueled by crisp notebook paper and the scent of freshly sharpened pencils) starts to drop off into a more wrinkled routine, there are 20 Myths that you must not let creep into your mind.

These myths (below) are lies

They do not reflect who you are or how good a parent you are. Incidentally, these are not true for others, just in case you want to raise an eyebrow at someone else’s messy little munchkin. :)
  1. Kids will pack Twix bars and Twizzlers EVERY. SINGLE. DAY if left to their own decision-making.
  2. It’s not only okay to be the human alarm clock, the maid and the unpaid chauffeur, it’s also okay if I never here a “thanks mom, thanks pop”.
  3. Socks must match. Shirts must go on right side out. Shoes must be on the right feet. Kids need styling assistance.
  4. The backpack is yours to stuff, unstuff, pack, unpack, hang up, repeat.
  5. Homework police exist, and you’re the sheriff.
  6. A forgotten lunch causes a lifetime of trauma and life-threatening hunger pangs.
  7. Forgotten boots? Frostbite.
  8. Zombie kids are “good” kids (because they do as they are told and follow all directions appropriately and without questioning).
  9. Prompting a “please” or “thank you” to impress onlookers is always necessary.
  10. Only SLACKER parents do not log into their child’s online grade portal.
  11. Daylight hours are meant to be booked solid.
  12. Kids have to play fair and share or else you must interfere because it is the adult’s job to make it right!
  13. The principal’s office is a bad place for pad kids.
  14. That science project had better look amazing – and you should see to it.
  15. Kids who make messes have sloppy, unattentive moms and dads.
  16. Invite everyone! It’s worth spending an arm and a leg on that bday party to preserve hurting feelings.
  17. Mistakes are to be avoided and screw ups are to be punished.
  18. Kids will grow out of their “annoying’ or pesky behaviors.
  19. There is plenty of time LATER to train the kids.
  20. My reputation matters.
Do you have any other false beliefs you’re trying to let go of? Share!


September 18 - St. Joe's Open House - 6pm
September 19 - Principal's Coffee - 8:30
September 26 - Flynn Open House - 6pm
October 2 - Flynn Picture Day
October 3 - St. Joe's Picture Day
October 3 - Flynn PTO meeting - 6:30 in the library.  Light dinner and childcare provided
October 9 - Calendar 2.0 meeting at BHS
October 9 - Walk to School Day

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 9/8/13

Hey There Flynn Families - You might notice that transitions at Flynn are starting to smooth out at Flynn drop off and pick-up.  Thanks for helping to keep all our kids safe.  We had our first PTO meeting of the year with upwards of 30 attendees plus more kids than I could count!  Thank you to Scott Hook and the Kuypers boys for babysitting while we get our high school helpers lined up!  If you missed the meeting, minutes can be found at the end of this post.  We meet the first Th of each month and in between you can come in for face time (real face time, not apple Facetime) with the Principal at the Principal's coffee. Questions/comments/ideas can be sent to us via our email - or on Facebook.

JJ Flynn Theatre  Is pleased to announce that Kim Hunt and Kate Belluche have stepped up to be co-production managers of the play this year.  At the PTO meeting, Tom Sawyer was selected as the play.  Many hands will be needed to bring this play to the stage - we will begin organizing late this Fall - if you know in the meantime that you would like to be involved, send an email to flynnschoolpto@gmail.

Burlington School District Budget Process Survey FY 2014-2015  The Burlington School District is soliciting input from the community on three broad issues. They wish to hear early in the process your priorities for possible additions or deletions to District programs. Click the link below for more information and to leave your input.

The PTO is forming an Enrichment Committee to expand our offerings of enrichment activities at Flynn.  In years past, enrichment funds have gone to offering a school play, trips to the Flynn theatre, artists in residence and the chess club.  We are committed to exploring ideas new and old and expanding offerings.  Some ideas brought up at the meeting  is a STEM/science night, Lego robotics, VSO petting zoo and mindfulness.  Parents/Teachers - Do you have ideas for enriching opportunities at Flynn school?  Would you want to be part of a committee that helps develop opportunities at Flynn?  Would you be able to provide manpower for activities.  Let us know what you have in mind at

STEM at Flynn BSD is still looking at whether one of our city schools might identify as a STEM school (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).  Flynn school is a possibility and being the pro-active parents that we are, Flynn parents have expressed interest in researching what that might mean in our school.  Interested in finding out more and/or joining , contacting Tracy Truzansky at,

A Landscaping committee is forming in the PTO.  This committee would plan for enhancing our school environment with natural playscapes and learning environments as well as certifying our front garden with the National Wildlife Federation.  If you are excited by the new garden in front entrance of the school and want to be involved in expanding schoolyard habitats and outdoor learning opportunities throughout Flynn's campus- join the landscape and garden committee!  Please contact Sarah DeShaw ( to be added to the list of interested parents.

Partnership for Change Join the Partnership for Change for the first Implementation Team Meeting of the year on Thursday, September 12th, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at Winooski Middle/High School. Implementation Teams are made up of students, educators, parents, and community partners working together to move Burlington and Winooski Schools forward in five areas: Teaching and Learning Environments, Family-School Partnerships, Youth Engagement, Community Based Learning, and Personalized and Proficiency Based Learning. Snacks, child care, and interpretation will be available. All are welcome!

Proposed Regional Calendar Changes on Channel 17

Linda Deliduka – School Board Member, Ward 7, Burlington
If you are concerned about the proposed changes here is another opportunity to get informed about the proposal.
Greetings from Channel 17/ Town Meeting TV:
Proposed Regional School Calendar Changes was recorded on 2013-09-05.
*WATCH ON TV : * You can watch this program on Channel 17/ Town Meeting Television, on Comcast Cable and Burlington Telecom at the following times:

 Friday September 13, 3:00 PM
Saturday September 14, 4:00 PM
Friday September 20, 3:00 PM
Sunday September 22, 6:30 PM
Friday September 27, 3:00 PM


September 12 - Parnership for Change Implementation Team meetings - 6:30 - Winooski High School  For more info: or see above
September 18 - St. Joe's Open House - 6pm
September 19 - Principal's Coffee - 8:30
September 26 - Flynn Open House - 6pm
October 2 - Flynn Picture Day
October 3 - St. Joe's Picture Day
October 9 - Calendar 2.0 meeting at BHS
October 9 - Walk to School Day


JJ Flynn Elementary
September 5, 2013
Art Room
6:30-8:30 pm

Pizza was enjoyed before the meeting 
Meeting called to order:  6:40


Principal’s Corner- Graham Clark
  • Rubber surfacing base layer has been laid- final coat will be laid tomorrow- security personnel will be on all night to deter any vandalism
  • Dismissal procedures continue to evolve- increased level of support for children coming off bus to St Josephs has been added
  • Early release was discussed- parents asked that the district provide feedback/accountability on how time will be/was used by teachers
  • All teachers participating in Math professional development this week- We are the only school in district having Para-educators participate in professional development- Math expert, Bob Laird from VT Math Initiatives
  • Outside cameras- 2 will be installed in front entrance next week and then 6 PTO funded cameras in a few weeks (after cameras installed at other schools)
Enrichment - Do we have a committee?
  • Vote on this year’s play- Tom Sawyer
  • Other enrichment opportunities were discussed- see blog for committee
Treasurer – Betsy Ward
  • IRS status- 501C3.  Was not in compliance- John Boone submitted and Betsy is awaiting word on our current status
  • Finance committee established with goal is to have a committee vet financials of proposals
  • Budget Vote- It was discussed that more detailed view of the budget needs to be presented in order to vote.  Tabled until October meeting

Fundraising- Tammy Kuypers
  • Need to raise funds!
  • School Pictures- Oct. 2 & 3- Ambient gives us 15% back- last year we made $900
  • Wrapping paper- coming up.  We made $4000 last year
  • Pay it Forward- coming soon!
  • Bottle drive coming at daylight savings- contact Mary Mitchell 

Landscape/Garden- Sarah DeShaw
  • Landscape Installation reviewed- see blog for more information and committee sign up
Flynn School/Family Partnership - Shanta Eastman (TABLED DUE TO TIME)
Room Parents- Lisa Tulkop
  • Sign up sheet at open house
STEM- Tracy Truzansky
  • Looking for interested parents to join a committee on STEM initiatives at the school- look for info on the blog
Teacher Suggestion box – Christine Leithead- (TABLED DUE TO TIME)

  • ReDiscuss Memorial for Brad Ingalls- plaque in stage gym? Karen – do you have more information to provide? 
  • Black signs announcing events – Once or twice a week commitment
  • Family directory
  • How do we want to spend our money?
  • Ideas for guest speakers during the school year?
  • Flynn Family nights - Heather(?)
  • Walk to school day is Oct. 9th