Monday, May 13, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 5/13/13

Hey There Flynn Families - Sorry the blog is out late - I'm going to blame it on the virus our computer "caught" and the cold snap that sent me back into hibernation.  Don't pull out the woolen wear just yet - eye on the sky reports fair weather to come by mid-week!  Have a great one

Staff Appreciation luncheon next week.  Thank you to all the families that signed up to provide food and recess coverage so that Flynn staff can take a leisurely lunch.  I will be emailing a reminder at the end of the week in case you forgot what you signed up for or the time to come for recess coverage. 

We still need more parents for recess coverage - Here is the breakdown:

Shift 1      11:15-12:10 (K/1) - 2 more parents needed

Shift 2    11:55-12:50 (2/3) - 4 more parents needed
Shift 3      12:15-1:05 (4/5) - 4 more parents needed
Email to sign up for one or more of the shifts above.

Box Tops for Education  is year round!!!  Keep clipping them over the summer and we'll start the new year with a stash!  Most are worth $.10!  This year we have earned hundreds of free dollars due to your clipping!  HUGE thank you to Denise Haggerty for sorting, totaling and sending in Box Tops for Flynn school.  If you "like" Box Tops on Facebook, you can select our school and we get 5 free box tops - click the link below:

Alas, Chess Club is ending for the school year...  The last meeting is on Monday, the 20th at 2:45 in the library.  All abilities welcome.  We are also looking for some parents to host the Chess Club next Fall.  All the materials are in place and there are plenty of kiddoes who love to play chess - all they need are some fearless leaders!  Chess club can be early morning at 7:30am or right afterschool on a day that you choose...  Interested?  Maybe a few parents want to sign on and each take a turn each month...  Email to inquire.

Flynn parent Amanda Reid looking for donations.  Can you help?
The World Council of Credit Unions spearheads many charitable causes throughout the world, and is assisting in raising the funds and building an orphanage in Kenya which is slated to open in June/July. The orphanage will house 50 young boys and 50 young girls who have nothing. If anyone has gently used clothing for children ages 1 year to 17 years that they would be willing to donate to the children of the orphanage please contact Amanda Reid at Clothing will be collected for the remained of the school year so that Joe Finnigan can bring the clothing to help these children start their new lives at the orphanage.
If you would like further information on the orphanage please visit:

Your Dan’s Chocolates order form came home on Wednesday, May 8th in your child’s backpack. They now have everything they need to start selling chocolates! Please help your child sell chocolates (guidelines for doing so are on the order form) over the next 2 weeks (May 8-May 20). Submit your order online or bring order forms to the office on MONDAY MAY, 21st. All chocolate and your child’s cash reward* will be available to pick up at school on Thursday May, 30th. ALL the proceeds from this fundraiser will go directly to the playground! Our hope is to sell enough chocolate to have a NEW PLAYGROUND THIS FALL!
If you have questions- please contact Sarah DeShaw | 399-2882
The Burlington School District is considering a weekly release Wednesday schedule for the 2013-14 school year for grades K-8, all year. This would replace all other early release days except for two parent conferences. This change is being considered due to a state mandate for restructuring that includes identifying dedicated time for Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) intended to increase student achievement. The information below will explain PLCs, and answer common questions about the changes being considered. The decision on the weekly release Wednesdays will be made by mid-May as we complete our restructuring mandate.
Explaining Professional Learning Communities - Overview
Professional Learning Communities, or PLCs, are school improvement models aimed at improving student learning for each individual student.
The professional learning community is based on a single, simple premise: To be effective, educators must change their focus from teaching to learning. In a PLC, educators have three goals:

Click here to read the full overview and FAQs.

Math Night Recap
Math Night at Flynn was lots of fun this year! We counted 118 tally marks on our sign-in sheet. Pretty great for a beautiful spring evening with plenty of sports events and other happenings. A big thank you to the Family School Partnership, the PTO, and all the Flynn staff members, Flynn families, and special guests who helped make Math Night a success.

Here are the estimation jar results:
V.L., Ms. Solomon’s class, won the Skittles jar.
O.C., Ms. Burdick’s class, won the popcorn jar.
K.V., Ms. Noble’s class, won the Rollos jar.
The popcorn jar contained 1379 kernels of corn.
The Skittles jar contained 1111 skittles.
The Rollos jar contained 244 rollos.

Winners were drawn randomly from entries that fell within a range of reasonable estimates. There were many reasonable estimates and lots of hard work and excellent math thinking that went into the estimates that were submitted. Great job, everyone!

Ms. Tenenbaum's class counted the contents of the Tootsie Roll jar and presented awards to the winners. B.D., Ms. Solomon's class, N.E., Ms. Tremblay's class, and K.H., Ms. Brooks' class, each received one-third of the 30 Tootsie Rolls.

Parents: Making estimation jars with your children is a great way to work on math at home!

2012-2013 DCF Winner!
Congratulations to Wendelin Van Draanen, author of The Running Dream, winner of the 2013 Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children's Book Award! 

Stay tuned for more details about the DCF Award Ceremony.Thanks for Staying Tuned!

Unfortunately, schedule conflicts will prevent this year's winner,  Wendelin Van Draanen, from attending the DCF Award Ceremony.  However,  there will be quite a treat for all students at the ceremony.

This year’s ceremony take place on June 4th, and all four Vermont authors who have books on the 2013-2014 DCF list will be attending:
  • Jo Knowles (See You At Harry’s),
  • Rebecca Rupp (After Eli),
  • Phoebe Stone (The Boy on Cinnamon Street) and
  • Sarah Stewart Taylor (The Expeditioners)

Flynn 4th and 5th graders who read 5 or more DCF books this year will be taking a roadtrip to this event and will get to hear inspiring words from the above authors.
New DCF List is Out  With the above announcement comes the happy news that the DCF Committee has chosen the DCF Master List for 2013-2014. Here are links to:
These books are in at the Fletcher Free library - check them out as you enter the Children's Area - they are on the bookshelf to your left - top shelf.  Children can take out 3 DCF books out at one time. - Happy Reading!!!


May 17 - Kindergarten Orientation

May 19 - Springfest - 2-4pm

May 21 - Fifth Grade Orientation to Hunt Middle School (parent meeting)

May 22 - Staff Appreciation Luncheon at Flynn

May 22 - Open House at St. Joes for students entering grades 1,2.

May 23 - Principal's Coffee

June 6 - Last PTO meeting of the year - Officer Elections!

June 11 - Flynn Olympics

June 11 - 5th Grade Bridging Ceremony

June 13 - Last Day of School (early dismissal)  11:30 - Parade of students out back and a visit from Mr. Ding-a-Ling!!!

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