Math Night this Wednesday, May 1st!- 6:30-7:30pm
May PTO Meeting this Thursday, 6:30 -8pm. Free pizza! Agenda and guest speakers at the end of this post.
Staff Appreciation Luncheon – Wednesday, May 22, 2011 Thank you to the many parents across the grades who have supported the monthly staff Appreciation events organized by grade level Room Parents. (and a special thanks to those Room Parents!) Flynn staff had their break room cleaned and stocked, were treated to breakfasts and special luncheons. Needless to say, the teachers are tickled by the outpouring of support.
Every May in celebration of Teacher Appreciation week, parents throw a luncheon for Flynn Staff. For the past few years, Flynn families from the Vietnamese community have made some fabulous main dishes for teachers – we are inquiring about this again this year. Families round this out with delicious salads, drinks, desserts and playground staffing so teachers can relax and chat without having to supervise kids on the playground.
NOTE: At the end of this post is a copy of the memo being sent home in backpacks this week. This event depends on your generosity of time and cooking! Let's show our Flynn staff some love and appreciation by putting out a nice spread for them! Check your calendar and your pantry and sign up now via email or wait for the memo and send that back into the office. Emails can go to or
If enough families enter, we have a shot at winning a schoolyard habitat at Flynn - how cool would that be - a new school garden and new playground!! Read below and visit the Facebook page to enter (or the email below)
Enter to win our Schoolyard Habitat Sweepstakes
Schoolyard Habitat. are similar to the Wildlife Habitats that we install for clients and then NWF certifies. They must include the same basic features - Food, Water, Cover, Places to Raise Young, and may also incorporate Sustainable Gardening features such as compost bins, raised vegetable beds and other container gardens. The Schoolyard Habitat is coupled with curriculum and a maintenance plan to keep the students, teachers and community involved and assure its long-term success.
The design will be tailored to meet the needs of the school, the interests of its members and the challenges of the site. The value of the design and installation of the Schoolyard Habitat that we are donating is $2,000 ($500 plants, $500 other materials, $1,000 labor) and could include:
- native plants that provide food and shelter for wildlife including birds and butterflies,
- supplies such as feeders, a birdbath, and bird houses,
- a compost bin,
- a raised bed, and
- pathways and seating made out of natural materials such as mulch, stumps and boulders.
If you live in Addison or Chittenden County VT and would like to have a Schoolyard Habitat at your school then either send me an EMAIL (lindenlandscaping@ or visit our FACEBOOK PAGE TO ENTER the sweepstakes. The deadline is May 6th and the schoolyard will be installed in September 2013. The more parents in your town that enter, the greater your chances are of your school being picked, so share with gusto!
Link to Facebook page:
* "like" them and write a quick message like, "Put my name in the hat for the schoolyard habitat."
April 29 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!
May 1 - Family Math Night - 6:30-7:30
May 2 - PTO Meeting
May 1 - Family Math Night - 6:30-7:30
May 2 - PTO Meeting
May 6 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!
May 10 - Kindergarten Orientation
May 10 - Kindergarten Orientation
May 13 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!
May 19 - Springfest! Flynn Playground area 2-4pm
May 21 - Fifth Grade Orientation to Hunt Middle School (parent meeting)
May 22 - Staff Appreciation Luncheon at Flynn (more info to come on how families can participate with providing food and recess support)
May 22 - Open House at St. Joes for students entering grades 1,2. 6-7pm
May PTO Meeting
6:30 - 8 pm
FREE PIZZA FOR ALL!!! Enjoy a dinner out with free food and learn what’s going on at Flynn School!!
****6:15 -6:30 – Come a little early if you want to get pizza and settle the kids into childcare.
6:30-6:45 Mr. Amato, Hunt Middle School Principal, talks about 5th grade orientation to Hunt
6:45-7:15pm Discuss PTO meeting agenda items- (listed below)
7:15-8pm – Officer Berti discussing internet safety
· Welcome-Tammy Kuypers
· Introductions& introduce board members to new members
OPEN FORUM–What’s on your mind?
Treasurer’s report- John Boone – 5 min. –detailed budget
· Principal’s Corner – Graham Clarke –5 min.
· Enrichment Update -Sarah Smith – 5 min.
· Fundraising Update- Amanda Robbins and Chris – Calendars, Lake Monsters, Dan’s Chocolates-Sarah D., Springfest- 5 min.
· School/Family Partnership Update–Shanta Eastman–5 min.
· Room Parents – Lisa Tulkop – 5 min.
- Teachers suggestions from box – Christine Leithead
Final Meeting this year: Thursday, June 6, 2013 - Officer Elections for 2013-14!!!
Memo to be sent home this week:
Memo to be sent home this week:
TO: Flynn Parents and
DATE: April 29, 2013
Staff Appreciation Luncheon – Wednesday, May 22, 2011
Thank you to
the many parents across the grades who have supported the monthly staff
Appreciation events organized by grade level Room Parents. (and a special thanks to those Room
Parents!) Flynn staff had their break room
cleaned and stocked, were treated to breakfasts and special luncheons. Needless to say, the teachers are tickled by
the outpouring of support.
Every May in
celebration of Teacher Appreciation week, parents throw a luncheon for Flynn
Staff. For the past few years, Flynn families from the Vietnamese community
have made some fabulous main dishes for teachers – we are inquiring about this
again this year. Families round this out
with delicious salads, drinks, desserts and playground staffing so teachers can
relax and chat without having to supervise kids on the playground.
Here is
what is needed from Parents to make the May 22nd Luncheon possible:
Lunchroom/Playground Duty - ~1 hour
shifts- 8 parents needed per shift (there will be several Flynn Staff as
1 – 11:15-12:15 – K/1
2 – 11:55-12:50 – 2/3
3 – 12:05-1:05 – 4/5
Food Items – Fresh items sent in
morning of May 22nd
2: Fruit Salad or cut fruit platter
Extra large green Salad ( no croutons please)
Cut vegetables or grain salad (rice salad, bulgur, tabbouleh, quinoa, wheat
berry….) (one Gluten Free would be great!)
Special Dessert (again, a gluten free goodie would be great!)
I Can Help
MAILBOX ASAP – no later than May 10th
(or contact Kate at 658-6831, or
Teacher: _________________________________________
How to
Contact me with a reminder: (phone, e-mail…)
Contribution: (fill out any that apply)
Duty Shift 1
Duty Shift 2
Duty Shift 3
Food Item:
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