Monday, February 11, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 2/10/13

Hey There Flynn families - Hope you enjoyed our extended weekend and all the snow that came along with it!  Have a great week, Kate

STEM at Flynn If you missed the meeting last Thursday, never fear, no big change happens quickly (especially in education..)  You did miss a fun, problem based lesson where participants had to build freestanding structures with a limited amount of spaghetti, tape, string and a marshmallow.  Keep your ears open as the PTO will be asking Mr. Clarke about the future of STEM at Flynn and what other changes  might be simmering.  Can't hurt to ask!

Flynn Talent Show this Friday at 7pm.  Flynn has talent, the bake sale has goodies to sell and you've got nowhere else to be...  Be there!

Safety talk notes at the end of this post.

Lost bike light...  Rob Hondal lost his bike light at the Flynn Movie night .   anyone find it?  If so, contact Rob at

Minutes and a Treasurer's Report from the February PTO meeting can be found at the end of this post.

Frankenstein Update- Kids are busy rehearsing, stage crew has begun and the chorus is all signed up.  Now the real work begins....  set meeting this Tuesday at 4pm in the library.  Still looking for many costume pieces: white buttondown shirts, an einstein wig, gauze to wrap our mummy, tophat, large magnifying glass, smallish size trenchcoat - tan or black,catwoman mask, brown fur for a wookie, royal blue sweatpants/shirt, royal blue fur, white contact paper - let me know if you have any of the above! Thanks, Kate


February 11 - Chess Club 2:45-3:45pm - library - all levels welcome!
February 12 - Frankenstein stage/sets meeting - 4pm, library
February 12 - PTO Pizza Order Forms due
February 15 - Flynn Talent Show - 7pm
February 19 - PTO Pizza pick-up
February 20- Knit 2gether, drop in knitting bee, 6:30-8, Library
February 23-March 6 - February Break
March 6 - Vickie Hoefle Duct Tape Parenting Book Tour Comes to Flynn!  7pm, library
March 10 - Bottle Drive at Merola's
March 13 - Knit 2gether, drop in knitting bee, 6:30-8, Library

Updated Treasurer's Report:  click below

PTO Minutes 2/7
Graham spoke about safety procedures (please see blog for more details). Tammy provided a brief intro and then the abbreviated (30 minute) meeting proceeded before the STEM discussion started at 7:00pm

Treasurers Report- tabled
Principals Corner- tabled
Enrichment Update- Sara Smith
- Set mtg tuesday 2/12
- Chorus rehearsals starts next week
- Old halloween costumes needed
- Chess Update- monday afternoons 2:45-3:45 in library
- VOTED $100 for new chess boards

Fundraising Update- Chris and Amanda
- Calendars- voted yes on loaning money for calendars which will be
printed for and sold at the Talent Show next Friday
FSP- Shanta (via Ian)
- Traditions dinner was a great success! smaller attendance for
several reasons such as TKD and Boy Scouts events on the same night and also
it was discussed that perhaps people were hesitant because of the predicted big
numbers and the 2 seating dinner
Room Parents- Lisa Tulkop
- 3rd grade spiffed up the staff room and provided daily treats for a
- 4th and 5th grade doing soup and salad and bread 2/19
Playground- Mary Mitchell
- Did not receive the playground Lowes grant
- CP Smith and SA both were awarded Lowes grant and that may have had
something to do with Flynn not receiving this year- going to resubmit
- Potential playground fundraiser for this Spring would be Dan's
Chocolate's- more about that at the next meeting
Other Announcements
- Officer Birdie will be coming to school to talk to kids about internet safety
- On deck for next month- mindfulness speaker and spending policy suggestions

Safety Talk notes:  Graham described Flynn as a model school in terms of entryway safety. Through the construction Flynn has eliminated 14 entrances and implemented a plan for all visitors to come in through the highly visible front entrance where they are greeted by Karen Carr. He also discussed ongoing concerns about safety in the parking lots and how this is and has been one of his main concerns throughout the year. The following questions were asked:

- What are the main risks you see facing Flynn School? Concerns about safety in the parking lot were highlighted further. Graham also noted that the officials working at pick up and drop off will continue to wear the orange safety vest to clearly indicate to drivers who is directing the traffic.

- What are the various levels of lockdown? Lockdown is when there is a proposed threat within the building and a modified lockdown is when there is a potential threat in the vicinity. Alert nows are now standard practice to let parents know when these have occurred.

- What happens if Karen is not at her desk? Karen will ask that the nurse come to the desk to cover when she leaves. Also, the speaker system is functioning in all the classrooms so Karen does not have to go to each classroom to deliver messages.

- Will Flynn install security cameras? There is no plan for them to be installed by the district- If Flynn wanted to install cameras it would need to raise its own funds- projection: $5,000.

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