Sunday, February 24, 2013

Flynn School PTO Update 3/3/13

Hey There Flynn families - Hope you had a nice break, extra sleep and some time out in the snow.  It's back to work...

Parent teacher Conferences can be scheduled by clicking on the link below:   If you would like to sign up via phone, contact Karen Carr at 864-8478.  The Flynn goal is to meet with every family.  Ask your particular teacher, but most teachers welcome their students to be part of the conversation.  Talk to your child about what is working well at school, where they are having challenges and what they would like to focus on going forward.  Being reflective and taking responsibility for their schoolwork are necessary life skills that you can help foster
Frankenstein Update Pressure is on now that we are getting close to our production date.  Make sure your kiddoes are getting plenty of water and rest so there are in top form!  The play committee has a new communication tool to help keep everyone up to date about play happenings.  Check out our wiki (like in wikipedia) for updates, contacts, Frankenstein songs, costume info, volunteer info, make-up plans...  It is all there - and if it is not, we will get it there!

There is a Frankenstein production meeting this Thursday at 6pm in the teacher's lounge - this will be a quick pep rally to get everyone up to date on our final weeks - We need plenty of help at all stages - if you have not yet signed on for something, we rely on your gift of time.  Hope to see you at the meeting or email to inquire about volunteer needs.

Speaking of gifts.  Play families can contribute to the Flynn school Theatre Fund safely on-line via  Click this link:

Frankenstein Needs...  Do you have?
  • Tophat?
  • Halloween makeup - mostly black and white face paint also fake blood or oozy wounds for the zombies?
  • Brown kid size turtleneck
Bottle Drop this Saturday at Merola's! 9-5  - Bring your bottles, your neighbor's bottles and spread the word!  Merola's will donate an extra 10% above anything we earn!  By golly, we'll get this playground built bottle by bottle!

Last Day of School Change...Due to the snow day on Friday, Feb 8th school has been extended to Thursday, June 13th

Wednesday, March 6th! -  We are so lucky to have Vickie Hoefle presenting to parents at Flynn School.  Seating is limited, so please RSVP (link below)  We have maxed out our childcare, so unless you have already registered, we will not be able to accept unregistered children at the door.  A flyer for this presentation is at the end of this post.

PTO meeting this Thursday, 6:30-8 in the library.  Come find out what's going on at Flynn School.  Special guests will focus on mindful teaching and PTO budgeting.  As always, childcare in the Stage Gym.  This month, FREE pizza for all attendees.  I have included a link to the mindfulness project - the person who wrote the curriculum piloted the program locally in Smilie Elementary in Bolton.  Take a peek:   Agenda at the end of this post.

Vickie Hoefle parenting class starting soon... Parenting On Track™ Six Week Class, Burton Snowboards, March 13 – April 17, 2013, 5:30 – 7:30 pm, Burlington, VT
Register Here.


March 6 - Vickie Hoefle Duct Tape Parenting Book Tour Comes to Flynn! 6:30pm, library,  please register (see below)
March 7 - Frankenstein Production Meeting - 6pm, Teacher's Lounge
March 7 - March PTO Meeting 6:30pm - free childcare and pizza!
March 9 - Bottle Drive at Merola's
March 11 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!
March 13 - Knit 2gether, drop in knitting bee, 6:30-8, Library
March 16 - Frankenstein Set Building Day, 9-??? Friends, Food and Fun guaranteed!
March 16 - Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction at Hunt Middle School 8:30-11:30 (great deals and steals - not to mention pancakes!)
March 18 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!
March 21-23 - Frankenstein!!! (Th @ 12:30, F @ 7pm, Sat @ 4pm)
March 28, 29 - Parent Teacher Conferences
March 28 - Early release at 11:30
March 29 - No School
April 1 - Flynn School Geography Bee, 1:30 in the stage gym.  10 Flynn school finalists duke it out for the chance to go on to the next level.  All friends and family invited.

March PTO Meeting
6:30 - 8 pm

Enjoy a dinner out with free food and learn what’s going on at Flynn School!!
6:30-7pm Eat free pizza for the whole family! While we discuss PTO meeting agenda items- (listed below)
7- 7:15pm – Ideas of a PTO financial plan – Alice Rudd
7:15-8ish- Mindfulness for teachers and students – Lindsay Foreman (a friend of Jeanne Sullivan)
Welcome-Tammy Kuypers
Introductions& introduce board members to new members

OPEN FORUM– What’s on your mind? Birchwood reading program?
(possibly some ?'s can be brought to discuss at the principal's coffee)
Treasurer’s report- John Boone – 5 min.
Principal’s Corner – Graham Clarke – 5 min.
Enrichment Update -Sarah Smith – the play - 5 min.
Fundraising Update- Amanda Robbins and Chris – Calendars, Lake Monsters, Dan’s Chocolates-Sarah D., Springfest- 5 min.
School/Family Partnership Update– Shanta Eastman–5 min.
Room Parents – Lisa Tulkop –5 min.
Teachers suggestions from box – Christine Leithead –2 min
Next Meeting: Thursday April 4, 2013

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 2/17/13

Hey There Flynn Families - While I did not attend, I heard that the annual Talent Show was as popular as ever with hours of quality entertainment - thanks for supporting our kiddoes and a special thanks to Karen Carr who volunteers each year to lead this event and help the kiddoes prepare for their stage debut.  I bet I know someone who could use a vacation... Five more days until winter break - make it a good one.

Burlington Toddler In Need Of Life-Saving Transplant
Volunteers are raising funds for COTA in honor of transplant patient Mariella Desjardin.
Mariella is the daughter of Burlington's New North End residents Kyle and Tonya Desjardin and sister of Haylee Desjardin, who is a kindergarten student at Flynn School. Born on October 16, 2011, Mariella was diagnosed With Chronic Kidney Disease.
The doctors at Boston Children's Hospital in Massachusetts have recommended a life-saving kidney transplant. An estimated $75,000 is being raised by Burlington volunteers. 
The first fundraiser will be a benefit spaghetti dinner and bake sale held on Thursday February 21,
2013 at JJ. Flynn School at 6:00 pm. Seats are limited!

Adult tickets $6.00
Children tickets $4.00

To purchase tickets please Contact the Community Coordinators:
Laurie Carey-Ploesser 318-7742 or Melissa Sweetser (802) 324-4079

JJ Flynn Elementary Bottle Drop - Start Saving Bottles and Cans!
Saturday, March 9th from 9am to 5pm  (The Saturday of Daylight Savings Weekend.)
At Merola’s Market, 1563 North Avenue (the corner of Tracy Drive and North Avenue) Help support the Flynn PTO and clean out those bottles from your garage.  Drive down the right side of the building to the drive-up bottle drop off and say you are donating the cans and bottles to the Flynn PTO.   Merola’s will donate 10% in addition to what is collected to the school.  Tell your friends and neighbors as well!  Can’t make it that day? Questions? Contact Mary Mitchell and you can drop them at the school or her house.  (863.8983 or
Save those bottles and cans! This is a quick and easy way to help support our school.  Over $100 was raised in the fall for the Flynn PTO!!! Thank you!

Duct Tape Parenting Book Tour coming to JJ Flynn.  The PTO and Family School Partnership invite you to join parenting expert, Vicki Hoefle, on Wednesday March 6th from 6:30-8pm.  Vickie will be offering parenting tips, promoting her new book and inspiring families in raising respectful, responsible and resilient kids.  (must tell you that I took a parenting class from her ~5 years ago and her ideas and insight really helped me develop some solid parenting skills - I am a huge fan!)  There will be free childcare, light snacks and books on sale at the talk.  This is a great opportunity that you should not miss- we all have a lot to learn!  Space is limited, so please sign up in advance by clicking this link:  Questions?  Contact the PTO at

Frankenstein Update  We're in full swing now... There are daily practices during the lunch hour, chorus starts practicing this week, the set committee met and made a plan for setting the stage, the costume group is up and running and parents recently received letters detailing what items they will need to provide for their child's costume.  Thank you to parents who have sent in needed costume pieces - this all works when we work together! 

Speaking of working together, this production is a BIG deal at Flynn and your help is critical to the success of the play.  If your child is in the play, please consider how you can be involved - helping during production week at afterschool practices, sending in some money to help buy snacks for afterschool practice, helping in the green room or with the chorus on show nights, helping kids with hair and makeup, working at the concession area, set/up and breakdown of stage gym chairs...

Mark your calendar for the Frankenstein set building day on Saturday, March 16th from 9am - ???  This is really a fun day where the magic of the stage starts to come alive.  Helpers paint, build out the stage, construct set pieces and much more.  There are plenty of jobs to go around.  Come for 2 hours or stay the entire day - we will have food and drinks to keep you going and lots of very nice people to hang out with.  Kids grades 3 and above are welcome to come with parents.  Wear old clothes, bring a cordless drill if you have one and old paintbrushes if you can.  The more the merrier - your participation means we get the job done quicker!

Some Costume Needs:  contact if you have stuff to share
Kid size suits or suit jackets
Black tophat
Black felt type hat /Fedora- shaped with brim - kinda old fashioned looking
Striped or polka dot tights - the crazier the better!
oversize magnifying glass
Brown turtleneck
Oversize sunglasses

Sound Board Helper Needed - We are in great need of a helper to run the soundboards and help mic the kids.  If you have any experience with this, we need you!  Important days will be 3/17,21, 22, 23
Please contact Sarah Smith at to inquire

New North End Jazzercize offering a FREE week for all BSD families.  Click on the link below for a schedule of classes.


Spotlight: Superintendent's Column 2/13/13

Greetings Everyone,
With the unexpected loss of Dan Balón, Director of Diversity Education and Engagement, some have asked if the path we have set on to eliminate racism and inequities in our district is in danger. The answer is no, we will continue to move forward to work to create a district that is welcoming and accepting of all members and their differences.
Dan’s work will continue to impact us. He introduced us to Courageous Conversations and taught us to speak our truth and accept non-closure. His work this fall—bringing hundreds of staff and students through the Race Exhibit—will continue to resonate in our work. The first annual Equity Inclusion Report that he co-led with Paul Irish will be released at the March Board Meeting.
When one leg falls off a table, you prop it up until it can be restored. It is time for us to prop up our table. The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Community Partnership (DECP) continues to be led by Henri Sparks, Nikki Fuller, Linda Walsleben and myself. We will continue to work with Washington Consulting Group and invite others to join us in this journey of self discovery. Our commitment does not waver. To work and attend school in Burlington means to be committed to an equitable learning environment and to challenge racism and all other inequities.
This spring, Sparks will be working with the Equity Council and will help the members continue to increase their capacity to guide school-based conversations with the leadership and support of the principals. We are determining what resources are available within our community (and are reaching out to several) to help us finish out the school year. Later this spring, as we assess progress on the plan Diversity: Our Gift and Our Future, we will determine what the DECP Office needs for our next steps on this journey.
I end with a final thought: do not doubt that we can make a positive difference in the world of many students, as well as adults, in our community. We have the power to address racism, inequities and bullying and harassment. Please join me in continuing this pledge.

February 18 - Chess Club in Library from 2:45-3:45 - All abilities welcome!
February 19 - PTO Pizza pick-up, 4:30- 6 
February 20- Knit 2gether, drop in knitting bee, 6:30-8, Library
February 23-March 5 - February Break
March 6 - Vickie Hoefle Duct Tape Parenting Book Tour Comes to Flynn!  6:30pm, library, childcare avail - please register (see above)
March 7 - Frankenstein Production Meeting - 6pm, Teacher's Lounge
March 7 - March PTO Meeting 6:30pm
March 9 - Bottle Drive at Merola's
March 13 - Knit 2gether, drop in knitting bee, 6:30-8, Library
March 16 - Frankenstein Set Building Day, 9-???
March 21-23 - Frankenstein!!! (Th @ 12:30, F @ 7pm, Sat @ 4pm)
March 28, 29 - Parent Teacher Conferences

Monday, February 11, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 2/10/13

Hey There Flynn families - Hope you enjoyed our extended weekend and all the snow that came along with it!  Have a great week, Kate

STEM at Flynn If you missed the meeting last Thursday, never fear, no big change happens quickly (especially in education..)  You did miss a fun, problem based lesson where participants had to build freestanding structures with a limited amount of spaghetti, tape, string and a marshmallow.  Keep your ears open as the PTO will be asking Mr. Clarke about the future of STEM at Flynn and what other changes  might be simmering.  Can't hurt to ask!

Flynn Talent Show this Friday at 7pm.  Flynn has talent, the bake sale has goodies to sell and you've got nowhere else to be...  Be there!

Safety talk notes at the end of this post.

Lost bike light...  Rob Hondal lost his bike light at the Flynn Movie night .   anyone find it?  If so, contact Rob at

Minutes and a Treasurer's Report from the February PTO meeting can be found at the end of this post.

Frankenstein Update- Kids are busy rehearsing, stage crew has begun and the chorus is all signed up.  Now the real work begins....  set meeting this Tuesday at 4pm in the library.  Still looking for many costume pieces: white buttondown shirts, an einstein wig, gauze to wrap our mummy, tophat, large magnifying glass, smallish size trenchcoat - tan or black,catwoman mask, brown fur for a wookie, royal blue sweatpants/shirt, royal blue fur, white contact paper - let me know if you have any of the above! Thanks, Kate


February 11 - Chess Club 2:45-3:45pm - library - all levels welcome!
February 12 - Frankenstein stage/sets meeting - 4pm, library
February 12 - PTO Pizza Order Forms due
February 15 - Flynn Talent Show - 7pm
February 19 - PTO Pizza pick-up
February 20- Knit 2gether, drop in knitting bee, 6:30-8, Library
February 23-March 6 - February Break
March 6 - Vickie Hoefle Duct Tape Parenting Book Tour Comes to Flynn!  7pm, library
March 10 - Bottle Drive at Merola's
March 13 - Knit 2gether, drop in knitting bee, 6:30-8, Library

Updated Treasurer's Report:  click below

PTO Minutes 2/7
Graham spoke about safety procedures (please see blog for more details). Tammy provided a brief intro and then the abbreviated (30 minute) meeting proceeded before the STEM discussion started at 7:00pm

Treasurers Report- tabled
Principals Corner- tabled
Enrichment Update- Sara Smith
- Set mtg tuesday 2/12
- Chorus rehearsals starts next week
- Old halloween costumes needed
- Chess Update- monday afternoons 2:45-3:45 in library
- VOTED $100 for new chess boards

Fundraising Update- Chris and Amanda
- Calendars- voted yes on loaning money for calendars which will be
printed for and sold at the Talent Show next Friday
FSP- Shanta (via Ian)
- Traditions dinner was a great success! smaller attendance for
several reasons such as TKD and Boy Scouts events on the same night and also
it was discussed that perhaps people were hesitant because of the predicted big
numbers and the 2 seating dinner
Room Parents- Lisa Tulkop
- 3rd grade spiffed up the staff room and provided daily treats for a
- 4th and 5th grade doing soup and salad and bread 2/19
Playground- Mary Mitchell
- Did not receive the playground Lowes grant
- CP Smith and SA both were awarded Lowes grant and that may have had
something to do with Flynn not receiving this year- going to resubmit
- Potential playground fundraiser for this Spring would be Dan's
Chocolate's- more about that at the next meeting
Other Announcements
- Officer Birdie will be coming to school to talk to kids about internet safety
- On deck for next month- mindfulness speaker and spending policy suggestions

Safety Talk notes:  Graham described Flynn as a model school in terms of entryway safety. Through the construction Flynn has eliminated 14 entrances and implemented a plan for all visitors to come in through the highly visible front entrance where they are greeted by Karen Carr. He also discussed ongoing concerns about safety in the parking lots and how this is and has been one of his main concerns throughout the year. The following questions were asked:

- What are the main risks you see facing Flynn School? Concerns about safety in the parking lot were highlighted further. Graham also noted that the officials working at pick up and drop off will continue to wear the orange safety vest to clearly indicate to drivers who is directing the traffic.

- What are the various levels of lockdown? Lockdown is when there is a proposed threat within the building and a modified lockdown is when there is a potential threat in the vicinity. Alert nows are now standard practice to let parents know when these have occurred.

- What happens if Karen is not at her desk? Karen will ask that the nurse come to the desk to cover when she leaves. Also, the speaker system is functioning in all the classrooms so Karen does not have to go to each classroom to deliver messages.

- Will Flynn install security cameras? There is no plan for them to be installed by the district- If Flynn wanted to install cameras it would need to raise its own funds- projection: $5,000.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 2/3/13

Hey There Flynn Families - Hope you enjoyed the flick on Friday night - just one of many Flynn Family nights brought to you by PTO volunteers.  Thank you Heather, Wanda, Missy and Jessica for hosting a fun movie night!

Actually, we are all volunteers and all parents of Flynn students - regular folks just like you!  If you attend an event, be sure to take note of all the volunteers making a difference at Flynn school - we are many and varied from K-5.  It is never too late to take an active role in the Flynn community - studies show that parent involvement increases student academic achievement - that and it feels good to get to know the other kids and families that your child spends 30+ hours with each week. 

6pm - Flynn School Safety Update with Mr. Clarke, FREE pizza- have your dinner, ask your questions and find out about safety protocols at Flynn school
6:30-7 Quickie PTO Meeting ( who doesn't love a quickie...meeting?)  (childcare available in the stage gym) Agenda at bottom of this post
7- 8 pm - Is STEM coming to Flynn School? (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Those edgy PTO moms... Wondering if the Flynn PTO should consider some new fundraising tactics...  Watch this funny video and let us know what you think!
(I can see Tammy making a video  like this...)

Partnership For Change Community Learning Conversations  This past Saturday, more than 300 interested parents, teachers, students and community member from Burlington and Winooski gathered at BHS for  a full morning devoted to the question, What do our graduates need to succeed?   The cafeteria was overflowing with people, energy and the wonderful diversity of Burlingtonians we see in our town and schools - everyone was truly represented.  There was a panel of speakers from the business and education community, ranging from the chancellor of Vt state colleges, to the Director of the Boys and Girls Club, to the director of Vt Works for Women.   Everyone was asked to talk about what they believed students need at school to be successful.  Small discussion groups had many opportunities to chat and send questions to the panel.   It was really inspiring and I, personally, feel really grateful to be in a community having these big discussions about race/diversity and educational change - we are part of a rising and our children are part of it.  Consider getting involved in some way - we are only beginning to dream...  check out the website for the Partnership:

Interested in learning more about our Education Innovation Tour to NYC? Check out this video by trip participant and BHS junior Henry Prine:

Talent show coming to a stage near you...  Friday, February 15th at 7-pm  Be ready for an amazing show of young acrobats, master burpers, girls getting giggly, instrumental wonders and the longest 3 minute dance numbers you can imagine...  Admission is free - bring a cushion for your behind -it's a long night with talent too good to miss!  There will be concession items to purchase during intermission.

Frankenstein Update  The kiddoes have been cast and rehearsals are in full swing.   So far we have 45, 4th/5th graders in the cast and we should have a list of interested chorus members this week.   If you have a 3rd grader, be sure to ask them if they signed up - if not, it is not too late!  It's madness and mayhem not to be missed!

There was a production meeting last week focusing on the beginning of rehearsals, costuming and ads for the playbill.  Costuming folks will get to the shared costume closet at Edmunds this week and will let families know soon what things we have found for costumes and what has to be made or found.  We still need to sell some ads to help make our playbill profitable.  We have to pay for the setting and printing of our gorgeous playbill before we start making money...  If you have friends and family or local businesses that might benefit from having an ad in the playbill, send them our way.  They can contact Sarah Smith at  Here is a link to the pricing sheet:

There will be a set design/building meeting on Tuesday the 12th at 4pm in the library.  Come help us figure out how to make a castle and bring Frankenstein to life - if you have creative skills in any way, shape or form, we need you!  No skills but good intentions?  We need you too!

PTO pizza on sale this month.  $12 pies delivered to school on February 19th.  Orders due into the office by 2/12 or via email to

New Food Pantry opening in the NNE.  Pantry will be opening soon to provide freefood to individuals and families who need extra food support, especially during the Weekends. The North End Food Pantry will be open every Saturday morning from 9:00-10:00 a.m. in
the basement of the Oddfellows and Rebekahs Lodge at 1416 North Avenue.
Please enter by the back door of the Lodge. The pantry will feature nonperish­able food items, as well as a limited supply of bread, fruit, and milk. For more information, please Contact Thom Fleury at 651-0978 or


February 4 - Chess Club - NEW TIME AND DAY OF WEEK - 2:45pm-3:45pm in the library (if you are in afterschool, you must let them know that you will be going to chess....)
February 6 - Knit 2gether, drop in knitting bee, 6:30-8, Library
February 7 - School Safety Protocols Q&A with Mr. Clarke, 6pm in the library - pizza provided
February 7- February PTO meeting 6:30-7, library - childcare provided
February 7 - Will Flynn be a STEM school? 7-8pm, library
February 11 - Chess Club 2:45-3:45pm
February 12 - Frankenstein sets meeting - 4pm, library
February 12 - PTO Pizza Order Forms due
February 19 - PTO Pizza pick-up
February 20- Knit 2gether, drop in knitting bee, 6:30-8, Library
March 10 - Bottle Drive at Merola's
March 13 - Knit 2gether, drop in knitting bee, 6:30-8, Library

February PTO Meeting AGENDA
Welcome-Tammy Kuypers
Introductions& introduce board members to new members
Treasurer’s report- John Boone – 5 min. .
Enrichment Update -Sarah Smith - 5 min.
Fundraising Update- Amanda Robbins and Chris – Fundraising calendar- is pto funding $ , is the $ raised going to general fund or the playground? (Sarah D. –Dan’s chocolates?) 5 min.
School/Family Partnership Update– Shanta Eastman–5 min. ( Jan. Family Tradition dinner)
Room Parents – Lisa Tulkop –5 min.
OTHER - 5 min.
  • Vote for photographer for next year
  • Officer Berti- April meeting?
Next Meeting: Thursday March 7, 2013