Sunday, January 6, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 1/6/12

Hey There Flynn Families -  No rest for the weary.  Monday and Tuesday are your last opportunities to weigh in on the proposed budget cuts.   Join families from around Burlington in the BHS cafeteria at 7pm on Monday and Tuesday.  Can't make it?  Please take a moment to contact your school board representative and let them know your thoughts. 

Wondering what's on the table?  Me too. The info out there is pretty vague, but there are many paraeducator jobs on the chopping block.  These cuts will not be to paraeducators assigned to a single student, but are likely to be the paraeducators that assist all students in the classrooms.  The Kindergarten teachers each have one full time which allows each child to have more teacher attention.  Imagine yourself in a K classroom with 20 children just learning to read and write and count.  Some kids come to school with a wide range or skills, but many more are starting right at the beginning - 1 teacher, 20 kids...  Other paras assist a grade level and provide support for reading and math groups and an extra teacher during writing workshop - again, imagine one teacher, 20-22 students, many of them needing extra assistance.  Taking away valuable assistance in the classrooms seems to fly in the face of "no child left behind". 

A Spanish teacher is on the chopping block - likely to mean that Spanish instruction starts later in the elementary school.

Our library assistant may be on the chopping block.

This is your opportunity to provide input about what is important to your family.  School Board members are closely tracking letters, emails and parents who choose to speak out at meetings.  Your voice cannot be heard unless you're making some noise.

While you are making some noise about these cuts, consider that Flynn school has been wired for the placement of video cameras to provide for student safety and anti-theft.  While we have not had any major student safety issues, there have been many thefts at Flynn school over the past year.  If you think that some video surveillance at Flynn would be a good thing, please let your school board member know.  Principals are requesting, but parents will have to speak out and push the issue.

**Don't forget that this coming Tuesday is a 1/2 for Flynn students.  All students must go home at 11:30.

Minutes from the PTO meeting last week can be found at the end of this post.

All BSD elementary students are taught math using the Bridges Math Program.  For nearly all parents, today's math instruction looks much different that what we were taught - I like to compare it to learning a new math language.  If you are ever feeling stuck to help a struggling child or are just feeling inquisitive, pop onto the Bridges website to take a gander at the parent resources.  It is broken up by grade level

BSD Superintendent, Jeanne Collins released the following letter to parents this week.   BSD Safety Protocols    Jan. 1, 2013
Dear parents and guardians:
As students return, I want to update you as to the safety planning in the Burlington Schools. 
Following the recent shootings in CT, Burlington Schools met with Burlington Police and Fire and revisited our safety protocols. Much of what is recommended is already in place in Burlington: the use of identification in the buildings, locking all but one door at each school during the school day, monthly planning meetings at the school and district levels to be as prepared as possible for safety incidents that may occur, regular lockdown and evacuation drills, and on some campuses such as BHS, cameras to help us monitor hard to see places.  
In addition to these proactive plans, we are assessing our physical plants and determining priority need for changes to be made. At the top of our list are Edmunds Elementary, where the office is on the 2nd floor, Champlain Elementary where the office cannot see the front door, and BHS, where there are many entrances. We will be working to develop a plan for facility safety improvements and will be sharing these plans with the Board in the next month or so. We anticipate making some changes in the current school year and budgeting for other changes going forward.  

We all care deeply about your children – our students. All Burlington schools have a well-earned reputation of being student-centered. Nothing is more at the center of our hearts and minds than our students' safety. Please know that we will do everything we can to ensure their safety.


Jeanné Collins

Note: The PTO has asked Mr. Clarke to address parents on February 7th (6pm - pre PTO meeting) We are asking him to be specific about student safety at Flynn school and to answer questions about families/community members coming and going at Flynn school.  We will provide more information as soon as we can

Family Traditions Potluck Dinner on January 25th. This is the first in the line-up of Flynn Family Nights.You bring a yummy dish to share and the PTO will throw in ice cream sundaes to sweeten the deal.  We are looking for parents to volunteer to help in one of three shifts (set-up/beginning, middle, end/break-down)  Set-up:4:30-6.  Middle 6-7.  End/Break-down 7-8.   All those friendly faces that regularly volunteer would welcome you to take a shift so they can have a chance to eat and play with their families too...  Many hands make light work.  Please email Shanta Eastman to sign-up for a shift.

 Inquiry Fair Coming to Flynn for grades 3-5.  Mr Clarke is looking for some family support during the day to provide assistance to the inquiry fair on January 23, 24, 25.  Sorry I cannot be more specific, but if you have daytime flexibility and like hanging out with kiddoes this might be a great opportunity for you!  Contact Mr. Clarke for more information (please cc Ms Carr at


January 7, 8 - School Budget Public Comment at BHS - 7pm
January 8 - Flynn (only) early release day - not on Dist. calendar
January 8 - PTO pizza forms due
January 10 - Chess Club at 7:30am in the Learning Center - all abilities welcome! 

January 10 - Principal's Coffee at 8:30
January 15 - PTO Pizza delivery!
January 17 - Chess Club
January 21 - No School- MLK Day
January 25 -Annual Family Traditions Dinner - 6-7:30pm

PTO mtg 1/3/13
Time: 6:35

Conferences were discussed and the fact that report cards come out after and the fact that some people feel it would be more productive to have the conferences after the report cards go out. It was brought to the group's attention that these are district decisions and would be difficult to change.

Discussed increased attendance at the meetings, Tammy brought up idea of having PTO mtg with a theme- here are some discussion suggestions generated:
- Viewing of the movie Play Again (as done at SA), Mothers Nature's Child or Race to Nowhere as an add on to PTO Mtg or as a stand alone mtg. (Kate B is looking into getting license for Race to Nowhere movie to be a part of the parent lending library)
- Internet safety (Tammy will contact Officer Beerti)
- Budgeting for college

-Pizza for February Mtg- possibly an alert now and a Flynn Flyer announcement?

Connecting with other organizations to support our learning and finance- SA has a strong connection with Shelburne Farms for example- please bring ideas to next mtg.

- Homework discussion has been tabled


Treasurer's Report (John Boone)

Only a few teacher grants have been awarded, John will email the staff with reminder to use their grant money. John filled out the form to reinstate our non- profit status (it was revoked because of missed filing deadline)

Principal's Corner (David Wisenstein)

- Family Tradition dinner and last day at St. Joe's will be 1/25
- Inquiry Fair-1/23-1/25: ECHO, Shelburne Farms, drumming, theatre, cooking etc. Many enrichment activities offered to students while teachers pack up and move back to Flynn. Still looking for volunteers! (David/Graham will write up a blurb about volunteer opportunities to post on the blog)
- Parents are invited to to talk to school board members about the need for security cameras
- Graham will review safety protocols at Feb PTO mtg. (new entrance, sign- in protocol, etc.)

Enrichment Update (Kate Belucci)

- There has been an initial Frankenstein mtg and letters will go home this week. Auditions will begin during the inquiry fair.
- Looking for parent volunteers! (sewing and costume making)

Fundraising Update (Tammy)

- Sarah talking to Dan's chocolates about potential fundraising opportunities
- Discussed lowering pizza cost- suggested to do a one month special for $12 pizza just for Feb, FPF ad (asking Karen Carr to post) North Ave News, something in the after school newsletter.

FSP Update (Shanta)

- Shanta asking for parent volunteers for family traditions dinner
- Suggestion of asking Lisa to check in about room parents helping to coordinate volunteers

Room Parents Update (Christine Leithead)

- 3rd grade parents going to clean the break room
Playground Update (tabled)


Outerwear swap- a big donation of coats, hats and gloves made by Gadues

Flynn Family Nights-

March 8th- (Family Night Event) Book swap, book mark making and prizes for book character costumes

March 29th Family Skate Night at Leddy- free! (Shanta)
April 12th Lego Night (Kate Belucci)

Open nights: 2/1, 2/8, 3/15

Field Trips- can parents drive or do kids need to take bus? More discussion and investigation needed

Adjourned at 8:10 

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