Sunday, December 2, 2012

Flynn PTO Update 12/3/12

Hey There Flynn Families - Winter is upon us, stay well, rested and hydrated - who has the luxury of being sick? Have a great week.  KB

December PTO meeting this week - Thursday at 6:30 in the Learning Center.  You are a parent or guardian, so you are the PTO!!!  Please join us!  The agenda is included at the end of this post.

It's that time of year again - Coats, boots, snowpants, hats and gloves/mittens - if your child is not dressed to play in the snow, they have to hang out on the sidewalk during recess....
Flynn school can help!  Are you in need of a warm coats, snow pants, mittens, hats or boots? Check the outerwear swap in the front lobby!!   There are many sizes, infant through adult, and all items are free for anyone.  Please help yourselves to whatever you need.

We also welcome donations of clean items – Any winter gear can be donated.  Please contact the Flynn PTO with any questions at

Frankenstein meeting this week Monday at 6:45 in the Learning Center.

Theatre programs at the elementary level take a lot of parent support. Come find out what's in
the works and how you can be part of the team.

As a long term play volunteer, I can tell you that is a lot of work but also so much fun. What happens in the 6 week practice cycle is amazing! It is also a great opportunity to get to know other flynn families.

Flynn Firefly Giving Campaign Flynn school has kicked off its annual giving campaign and the recipients this year are Flynn families in need!  At the schoolwide assembly last Friday, Ms. Lessard's class led the meeting and asked students to send in $1 to help other Flynn families.  Each donor will receive a person cutout to decorate and those paper people will stretch around the school, holding hands in support of all Flynn families.  No family is obligated to participate.  Donations above $1 are always welcome.  Money can be sent in via Home/School folders.  Any family choosing to give on-line via INLU will be recorded and their children will be given a person to decorate.  All INLU donations will be forwarded to this fund.  To date, the on-line portion of this campaign has raised $95 thanks to generous Flynn families.  MANY THANKS!
To donate on-line, click the link:

Common Core is Coming...You may have read in the paper or heard your child's teacher talking about Common Core Standards and how BSD is aligning its curriculum to Common Core Standards.  Wondering what that's all about?  The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a state-led effort to establish a shared set of clear educational standards for English language arts and mathematics that states can voluntarily adopt. The standards have been informed by the best available evidence and the highest state standards across the country and globe and designed by a diverse group of teachers, experts, parents, and school administrators, so they reflect both our aspirations for our children and the realities of the classroom. These standards are designed to ensure that students graduating from high school are prepared to go to college or enter the workforce and that parents, teachers, and students have a clear understanding of what is expected of them. The standards are benchmarked to international standards to guarantee that our students are competitive in the emerging global marketplace.
Click on the link for Common Core FAQ's:
Click on the link for the Common Core List of books:

Burlington New American Parents for Change Student Placement Research Report   November 19, 2012
Immigrant families have been resettling in Burlington throughout our city’s history. In the past few years, new refugee families have come to Burlington from Somalia, Burundi, Bhutan, and many other countries in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Today, in Burlington Schools the home language of about 20% of our students is not English.  Click on the link below to read the report - good reading!

 Espanol  Spanish instruction at Flynn starts in the first grade.  Did you know there is a page on the Flynn Website with tons of vocabulary that you can read and listen to?  Check it out - maybe plan out a Spanish immersion day over break and/or a cooking project focusing on foods from Spanish speaking countries.  Click the link below to get to the JJ Flynn website/spanish page:

Project Explore Word on the street is that Project Explore with Ms. Elliot will commence  after the holiday break and after the move of  grades 3-5 back to JJ Flynn.  No firm dates yet - stay tuned!

PTO PIZZA Thanks to the PTO and Ramuntos Pizza in Williston you can look forward to a non-cooking night and help your school at the same time!!!
We are now offering fully cooked and partially cooked pizzas to cater to our busy and differing schedules!!

Order forms are due Tuesday December 11 Order forms are always due the Tues. one week before the pick-up date.  Order Forms come home in the Flynn Flyer -  Extras are always in the office  Order form due dates are now on the magnetic calendars!!

Pizza Pick Up Date is: Tuesday December 18th So grab your friends, neighbors, co-workers, family and yourselves and take a night off from cooking, raise $$ for Flynn School and enjoy a yummy Ramuntos pizza!!

Pizzas are $15 for cheese or pepperoni and $8 goes directly back to the Flynn PTO to help enhance our school and our students educational experience!!  


December 3 - Planning meeting for JJ Flynn theatre production of Frankenstein - 6:45, Learning Center
December 5 - Principal's Coffee at 8:30am
December 6 - Flynn PTO meeting 6:30pm - Learning Center - Everyone is welcome!
December 11 - Pizza orders due
December 13 - Chess Club at 7:30am in the Learning Center - all abilities welcome!
December 18 - PTO Pizza pick-up
December 24-January 1 - Winter break - school is in session January 2nd 
January 25 - Family Traditions Dinner 

Dec. PTO Meeting
6:30- 8 pm


Welcome-Tammy Kuypers – 5 min.
Introductions & introduce board members to new members

OPEN FORUM– What’s on your mind? Burning questions and novel ideas – 10 min.
(possibly some ?'s can be brought to discuss at the principal's coffee)

  • Have conferences after report cards come out?
Treasurer’s report- John Boone – 10  min.
Principal’s Corner – Graham Clarke - 10 min. (garden grants)
Enrichment Update -Sarah Smith -  10 min. (Monthly walk to school days)
Fundraising Update- Amanda Robbins and Chris –  Fundraising calendar (Sarah D. –Dan’s chocolates?) – 10 min
School/Family Partnership Update– Shanta Eastman– 10 min. ( Jan. Family Tradition dinner)
Room Parents – Lisa Tulkop – 10 min.
Playground Update– Mary Mitchell  10 min (babysitting sign ups update)

  • Teachers suggestions from box – Christine Leithead – 5 min. (outer wear swap)
OTHER  -   5 min.
* Food at meetings to encourage participation?  Themed meetings before or after main meeting? ( Ex. Play again movie.)  Connecting with other organizations to support our learning or finances?
* Gift for babysitter?
*Flynn Family Nights
* Magnetic Calendars- went home in report cards
* Sign-ups for 2012-13

Next Meeting: Thursday, Jan. 3, 2012 6:30


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