Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Flynn PTO Update 9/4/12

Welcome to Flynn!

DOT - Do One Thing
 Hey There Flynn Families - On behalf of the Parent Teacher Association (PTO), Welcome to Flynn families new and old!  It was fun to see so many friendly faces at the annual Back to School Potluck held at our St. Joseph's campus.  We had a super turnout, families were treated to yummy potluck fare and Mr. Clarke led a very informative tour of our temporary school building.

Shanta is happily signing up on the Do One Thing display.  The PTO will be challenging all families to think about and commit to one thing they can do to support our Flynn learning community.  Look for the display at Open House and put your DOT on the board.  I committed to penning the blog this year to help connect families with Flynn happenings.  What could you do?  Attend PTO meeting each month?  Help with picture day?  Attend your child's Parent/Teacher conference?  Bake something yummy for the Fall Book Fair Dinner?  We can help you find something that fits into your schedule!

Back to School Transition/Construction  What a perfect storm of chaos - first days of school, construction at one school and half the school shuttling back and forth to another...  Especially for new Flynn families and K parents, this was likely a stressful week.  It is just like Flynn families to weather this storm with patience and understanding - thank you to all the parents who have been patient and calm - I'm sure you know that student safety is at the center of this chaos!  It has been interesting for me to both observe and be part of this transition as both a parent and building sub.  So many moving parts to consider and so little time to tweak the process.  My guess is that by the end of next week we will all settle into a comfortable routine - until then, feel free to share your constructive criticisms, helpful ideas and observations with Mr. Clarke.  Contact him at gclarke@bsdvt.org

Annual Fall Fundraiser is right around the corner!  You may have already rec'd a notice alerting you that the annual fundraiser is upon us.  Keep your eyes open for a packet coming home at the end of the week.  On average, the PTO (that's you!) brings in around $4,000 with this fundraiser - just over one third of our yearly operating budget.  A successful Fall fundraiser means we can focus more of our energy on providing programming, opportunities and fun family events for all Flynn families.   You can place orders on-line and share the opportunity with friends and family.  Not interested in any of the items offered?  Consider a straight donation to the PTO - 100% of your donation comes back to Flynn families...  Question about the Fall fundraiser can be directed to Theresa Giallorenzo at 540-0025 or tgiallorenzo@hotmail.com

Desperately Seeking Lego Guys and little Lego's for Mrs. T's kindergarten class. Young engineers in need of inspiring building materials!!! No duplos please!  Contributions can be dropped at the Front Desk with Ms. Carr or sent in with your child. 

PTO Meeting this Thursday, September 6th from 6:30-7:30pm.  We will be meeting in the library and there will be childcare in the multi-purpose room.  There is no joining or fees involved - each and every Flynn family is a member of the PTO.  Come find out what is in store for the year, how you can be involved in your child's school and meet other involved families.  Have an issue/idea to pitch - bring it on - this is your group and your concerns are important.  You can enter through the office on Starr Farm road and someone will be available to guide families through the maze to the library!  The meeting agenda is included at the end of this blog post.  Hope to see you on Th!

PTO Pizza is back!  Take the night off from cooking and help fund PTO events by participating.  For every pizza you order, Ramuntos will return $8 to the the PTO.  Think of us as back scratching buddies...  The next order is due next Monday - September 11th and pizzas will be delivered to the Flynn school office at 4:30 on September 15th.  You can pick your pizza up between 4:30-6pm.  Misplaced your form?  Contact Tammy Kuypers at kuypers5@yahoo.com or stop by the office and pick one up on the wooden shelf full of misc forms (right next to the chairs)

Election help  Thinking about the upcoming Presidential election?  Wondering how you match up with the candidates?  Check out the following website for help matching your concerns with theirs...  Take a look!   electnext.com

Hello Flynn families,
I just wanted to send some information out to you regarding the Box Tops for Education, Labels for Education, and Hannaford Helps Schools programs.  The Flynn PTO participates in all 3 programs which involve collecting and submitting the Box Tops, Labels, and Coupons at Hannaford.

Box Tops for Education- These are small pink coupons that include an expiration date on them.  We get 10 cents for each coupon, may not seem like a huge amount but these coupons add up very fast when collected so please clip them and send them in.  Some products have bonus certificates on them particularly when you buy a product in bulk-please clip the certificates and send them in!  Some of you may shop at Shaws and get certificates for box tops with your receipt-please send those in as well!  The website for Box Tops is 
http://www.boxtops4education.com/Default.aspx  On the website you will find information about products that carry the coupons, special bonus offers and the box top marketplace.  If you register, identify Flynn School as your school, and do frequent shopping online through the marketplace, we get a certain percentage of money from your online shopping as long as you are logged in.  A suggestion for collecting the box tops is having a zip lock bag in your kitchen or near your recycling and filling it as you go.  You can send in the box tops in zip lock bags, envelopes or however is convenient for you.  There will be a collection box in the office at school where you can put it or have your child give it to their teacher to send to the office.  I will sort, collect, and submit the box tops twice this year.  The first submission is at the end of October.  The second is in the Spring.  The PTO receives checks usually in November and April.  We have increased our earnings the past several years due to increased participation in this program.  Please ask neighbors and relatives to save them for you as well.  I've found that most people are happy to save and send them in as long as they are aware that we are collecting them!  The products vary in that they are on paper products as well as food products.  Please check the website and participate by collecting and sending in box tops!  Thank you

Labels for Education-These are UPC symbols that say Labels for Education on them.  The labels are collected and can be turned in for points that are good toward a variety of school supplies.  They are found on many products including Campbell Soup labels, Pepperidge Farm goldfish, and Bic pens.  Each label is worth a certain number of points.  The website for Labels for Education is   http://www.labelsforeducation.com/  The website has a complete list of participating products and more information on how it works.  Please send in the labels/UPC's V8 bottle caps to school and again, there will be a box in the office for the labels. 

Hannaford Helps Schools-This program is run by Hannaford in the Fall.  When you shop at Hannaford and buy certain products, you will get a slip with your receipt that says "Hannaford Helps Schools".  There is a collection box near the registers at the North Avenue store marked JJ Flynn School that you can drop the slip into.  You can also send it into school with your child to be sent to the collection box in the office.  Last school year our school raised the most money for the North Avenue stores and got a bonus check of $1000 on top of our collections.  Great job!  The PTO appreciates your support!

I think that's it for now.  Happy collecting!  Please email me if you have any questions about these programs!  denihaggerty@yahoo.com

Denise Haggerty


September 6 - First PTO meeting of the year - 6:30-7:30pm - library - childcare available - Everyone welcome
September 11 - Pizza orders due in office
September 18 - PTO Pizza pick-up 4:30-6
September 20 - Open House at St. Joe's school for grades 3-5
September 27 - Open House at Flynn for grades K-2
October 1 - School Picture Day at Flynn K-2
October 2 - School Pictures for grades 3-5

SEPT PTO Meeting
6:30 pm
  • Welcome- Tammy Kuypers  (Welcome Back Coffee thanks)
  • Introductions & introduce board members
  • Treasurer’s report- John Boone ( PTO 501c3 suspended)
  • Principal’s Corner – Graham Clarke
  • Enrichment Update  -Sarah Smith
  • Fundraising Update- Tammy Kuypers – PTO pizza, wrapping paper and D.O.T. theme
  • School/Family Partnership Update– Shanta Eastman
  • Room Parents – Lisa Tulkop ( the role of room parents in the classroom)
  • Playground Update– Mary Mitchell
*      Idling Facts – Holly Hauser
*      Picture Day, Oct.1 – Need volunteers (John B.?)
*      Magnetic Calendars
*      Sign-ups for 2012-13 Events
        *     Babysitting – guidelines for kids/sitters- Mary?  
OPEN FORUM – What’s on your mind?  Burning questions and novel ideas:
Next Meeting:  Thursday, 10/4/12   6:30-7:30

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