Sunday, September 30, 2012

Flynn PTO Update 9/30/12

Hey There Flynn Families - Fall is finally upon us.  Bundle up your muchkins and hunker down - it won't be long before the heat kicks on....  Ahhh, October in Vermont! As you clean out and arrange Fall outerwear, keep the PTO in mind.  We will setting up our yearly outerwear swap for Flynn families - coats, boots, mittens, hats and fleeces in good condition and washed will be accepted.  We'll let you know, but in the meantime we appreciate any items you could set aside.  Have a great week! Kate

International Walk to School Day is this Wednesday, October 3rd!  Walk, bike, scooter, skate, jog or hop - we take all forms of body transportation! Let's celebrate safe streets, healthier habits and cleaner air! There will be tables set up at 3 locations outside. Check in by signing your name on one of the posters and let's aim for a record number of participants! Go Flynn Fireflies!

PTO Meeting this week!  Everyone is welcome as YOU are the PTO!  Join us in the library from 6:30 - 7:30 pm.  The agenda is included at the end of this post.

Picture Day for Grades K-2 is Tuesday, October 2st.  Picture Day for Grades 3-5 has been moved to October 8th

PTO Pizza order forms due this week- the deadline is Friday!  Get your order forms in for a hassle free no cooking night next Tuesday!  Need a form? Questions?  Contact Tammy at

Here is what some Flynn parents had to say...

"We have soccer at Leddy Tuesday night- I pick it up before practice and have a picnic dinner on the sidelines!"
"My wife picks it up on her way home from work- it is so nice to know in advance that I don't have to cook that night"
"I wish every Tuesday was PTO Pizza Night!"

"School Lunch for Dinner"...and a Movie! Burlington's celebration of local foods and local farms. 
Burlington High School      
October 12th,  5:30 - 8:30 p.m.  Free! 
What are kids eating in the cafeteria these days? Experience school lunch Burlington-style and pamper your pallet with an array of delicious local school food items.   After dinner join us for a screening of  What's on Your Plate?, a fresh and funny documentary about two 11-year-old girls as they explore where their food comes from.  Dinner and the movie are free and we will be gratefully accepting a $5-10 donation to the Burlington School Food Project at the door.

NECAPs start on October 2nd and there will be 8 testing days.  The best way you can help your child be in top tip shape is to make sure they are getting plenty of rest, some down time and good, fresh food!  Be sure to ask them how the tests are going and assure them that you recognize the great effort of testing!


October 1 - School Picture Day at Flynn K-2
October 3 - Walk to School Day

October 4 - PTO meeting 6:30-7:30ish in the Library
October 8 - School Pictures for grades 3-5
October 10 - Principal's Coffee - 8:15 am

OCT PTO Meeting
6:30 pm


·         Welcome- Tammy Kuypers  -(Will’s broken wrist, Secretary for tonight)
·         Introductions & introduce board members


·         Treasurer’s report- John Boone

·         Principal’s Corner – Graham Clarke

·         Enrichment Update  -Sarah Smith

·         Fundraising Update- Tammy Kuypers – PTO pizza, wrapping paper, pay it forward, Nov. book fair, School Pics ,  new chairs of the team

·         School/Family Partnership Update– Shanta Eastman

·         Room Parents – Lisa Tulkop ( the role of room parents in the classroom)

·         Playground Update– Mary Mitchell – volunteers for the Mall fundraiser


*      Idling Facts – Holly Hauser

*      Garden grant and Farm to School Grant- Sarah Kleinman

*      Outerwear swap

*      Black signs – anyone?

*      Magnetic Calendars

*      Sign-ups for 2012-13 Events

        *     Babysitting – guidelines for kids/sitters- Mary

        *     Family directory

        *     How do we want to spend our $

OPEN FORUM – What’s on your mind?  Burning questions and novel ideas:
Next Meeting:  Thursday, Nov/1/12   6:30-7:30

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