Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Flynn PTO Update 3/20/12

 Hey There Flynn Families - Kids and parents were working hard this past weekend building and painting sets for this week's production.  Hope you can make it to see Narnia this weekend!
JJ Flynn Theatre Presents NARNIA Friday, March 23rd @  7pm and Saturday, March 24th @ 4pm  - come see your favorite Narnia characters come to life on the Flynn School stage! There will be entertainment, goodies to purchase and affordable flowers to buy for your favorite actor/actress/singer - cheapest family entertainment in town - we promise, no wardrobe malfunctions!

Spring Bookfair - April 2-5  Opportunities galore to help out.  Can you help set up on Monday? Run a cash register on Thursday evening?  Help move books from  the Library to the multipurpose room on Monday?  Contact Alice Wells  at awells@bsdvt.org to sign up.

PTO Pizza orders due TODAY!  Did you forget?  There are forms in the office and/or contact Tammy Kuypers at kuypers5@yahoo.com.   Pizza is delivered on Tuesday, 3/27. Your family deserves a pizza night and you deserve a night off from cooking!

Burlington School Food Project We "heart" Vegetables!
Getting students to eat their vegetables is a constant battle. However, based on a CDC report put out earlier this year through Shelburne Farms and VT FEED, Vermont students are prone to consuming more vegetables that many kids in our country. Although this is dynamite news there still remains room to grow.  The Burlington School Food Project is always finding ways to urge our students to be adventurous in their food choices. We are constantly reaching out and trying new things. For us experiential learning is one of the best ways to get students more involved in their food.
Here is a list of some of our emerging project:

The Burlington High School Greenhouse - Earlier this year Mr. Brian Hoffman, a teacher of science at BHS, offered an unbeatable deal by granting us access to the department's greenhouse. This is a fully functional, glass structure, with automatic sprinklers and temperature sensitive vents. Basically a Farm 2 School dream. With help from Jenn McGowan and her Healthy City crew, as well as City Market volunteers we plan to have the place cleaned out and ready for an April planting. Our goal is to use this greenhouse space to grow healthy starts for all of our district's school gardens. Also by using this space as an educational tool teachers will be able to bring students onto the ground floor of food production. For me this is the most magical part of growing fruits and vegetables and I hope that this experience will cultivate new relationships between our students and their vegetables.

C.P. Smith Heritage Apple Orchard - C.P. Smith, having the space, sun-exposure and proper drainage has become the focal-point for our first ever district apple orchard. This orchard, with the support of principle Thomas Fleury, will house approximately fifteen apple trees of various heritage varieties. Apples play a big role in both the history and landscape of Vermont. Our intent is to offer a space that promotes the examination of both of these topics. In the spring we hope to: break ground, fill site with compost and plant a cover crop in order to ready the ground for tree planting next year. The learning that can be paired with this project is almost limitless.

Our vision includes: community harvest dinners, food-based education curriculum, district-wide field trips, taste-tests, pruning workshops, gardening classes, Vermont storytelling

New Foods coming soon! We have been busy this winter developing new local vendor partnerships. Here is what we have coming your way:
Vermont Bean Crafters Located at the Mad River Food Hub in Waitsfield, Vermont the Bean Crafters will be making: Falafel, Black Bean Crumble, Black Bean Burgers,Hummus
Kingdom Creamery These delicious dairy products come from a family farm in East Hardwick, Vermont. Our schools will be partaking in their rich and flavor-filled non-fat yogurts.
Vermont Soy Company Finally! The USDA recognizes tofu as a source of protein. With that being the case we will now be able to experiment with recipes that include Vermont Soy Tofu

PTO minutes from the March meeting are included at the end of this post.

Check your Calendar...
  • March 21 - Dress Rehearsal for Narnia 2:30-6
  • March 22 - In School performance of Narnia - 12:30-2:15
  • March 23 - Narnia Performance - 7pm
  • March 24 - Narnia Performance - 4pm
  • March 29/30 - Joseph Bruchac 2 day Artist in Residence
  • March 30,31 - Hunt MS presents GREASE (G-rated version!)F@7pm, Sat @4pm
  • April 2 - Chess Club
  • April 2-5 - Bookfair!
  • April 5 - Principal's Coffee at 8:15 - check in at office
  • April 5 - 3rd Grade Hot Dog Dinner Fundraiser and Bookfair Shopping Extravaganza!
  • April 5 - PTO Meeting 6:30-7:30 - childcare provided
  • May 4 - Flynn Talent Show and bake sale to benefit the 3rd grade overnight trip to Camp Abenaki

March PTO Meeting Minutes
6:30 pm

Farm To School – Sarah Huesner
Updates about the program included: supper program,
summer extensions for food to kids, challenges with
Nat’l Farm to Cafeteria Conference to be held in
Burlington: August 2nd

Treasurer’s Report- John Boone
Money incoming from: PTO Pizza, Zumba, Narnia Playbill
Ads, School Pictures
Kate B. asked for the restricted $2,000 for post-
construction gardens be added as a line item in the budget

Principal’s Corner – Graham Clarke - Tabled until next meeting

Enrichment Update– Jeh Kulu/ Narnia
Narnia Performance: 3/23 @ 7pm, 3/24 @ 4pm
Looking at next year…. Possibly Circus Smirkus?

Fundraising Update- Tammy Kuypers
Ongoing fundraising successful! Looking into Spring
fundraising ideas

Ellison Die Cut Machine – Mary Mitchell
Voted YES to pursue using PTO funds to purchase a DIE cut
machine for staff (Claire Nobles confirmed that teachers
are interested in having one)
John Kuypers asked that Claire present to the staff a
question of any other item that is in high demand that
could possibly purchased by the PTO- Claire will report
back to PTO

Room Parents/Staff Appreciation Update–
Kindergarten providing dinner for teachers during April
conferences for Teacher Appreciation
May 11 set for Staff luncheon

Talent Show- parent volunteers needed for lunchtime

School/Family Partnership Update– Shanta Eastman
Family School Partnership working on surveying teachers
about Literacy activities already happening in school

Tammy Kuypers suggested open forum for homework
discussion. It was noted that the presence of Graham and
representative teachers from each grade be present- dates
and format to be discussed at next mtg.

Next Meeting: Thursday, 4/5/12, 6:30-7:30

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