Monday, September 26, 2011

Flynn family PTO Update 9/26/11

Flynn will be participating in International Walk-to-School day on Wednesday, October 5.  We encourage everyone to reduce their carbon footprint by walking, biking or taking the bus to school on that day.  When students arrive, sign in at one of the tables at the entrance (look for the balloons) to receive an official International Walk-to-School day sticker!

Room Parents:  Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to serve as room parents this year.  The orientation is planned for this Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 in the library.  Childcare will be available.  Not long after, parents should expect to get a letter from the Room Parents, introducing themselves, requesting contact information and letting you know how to reach them with questions and concerns.  Please take the opportunity to volunteer in the classroom when able or provide assistance for class trips or parties - many hands make light work.  Your Class Parent will let you know what kind of parent participation your classroom teacher is looking for.

Fall Fundraiser:  The Fall fundraiser ends on Wednesday.  Please send orders and money into the office so orders can be placed.  Thanks you for participating - your time and effort spent on this pays directly to programming for Flynn students and families.  When you come to see the school play or Jeh Kulu performance, attend a Flynn family night or potluck, you will see your hard work put to good use.  Thank you to Theresa Gaillorenzo for leading and organizing - we will be needing some help with order distribution in a few weeks - keep you ears open for the opportunity to volunteer.   

Mini Grants:  Did you know that the PTO funds teacher mini-grants?  Each teacher has the opportunity to apply for up to $100 each year to help pay for things not covered in their classroom budget.  Items might include classroom materials or field trip/bus money to help offset families that are unable to pay. 

GO LOCAL WEEK:Local Lunch for Dinner with the Burlington School Food Project.  Tuesday, October 4, 5:30-7:00 p.m.  Flynn Elementary School
Crack open the doors of a school cafeteria to see the fantastic changes being made to school lunch in Burlington and celebrate National Farm 2 School month. Eat a delicious, and FREE, meal featuring Vermont ingredients, including pasture-raised beef, pickled veggies, and other local yummies.
 **Local Lunch for Dinner is co-sponsored by the Burlington School Food Project, Flynn Family School Partnership team in collaboration with City Market's "Eat Local Week".

If you plan on attending please register at   Please sign -up early to get a spot!!!!!  This is not a Flynn school event, questions should be directed to the website or City Market

Volunteers Needed for this event!!!!    The PTO has offered to provide 6 volunteers total. Either you can do the entire event (5-7:30 including set-up and breakdown) or hours can split it up. Volunteers will need to help serve food (Lunchroom style) and set-up the food area and break it down. Also we may need 1 or 2 to help work the button table where kids will be able to color and make their own buttons.  Can you help???  Kid helpers are welcome with a parent as long as they are able to pitch in!!!  Please volunteer at or call Kate at 658-6831.  Thanks and hope to see you there!

Outerwear Swap:  Volunteer position still open to set-up/maintain the Flynn outerwear swap (or maybe 2 folks that want to switch off...) .  Please contact to inquire.  This is a very important service we provide for all families - help us make it happen!

PTO Meeting:  The next meeting is next Thursday, October 6th from 6:30-7:30pm in the library.  There will be childcare provided.  The agenda will be out at the beginning of next week.  If you have something to put on the agenda, please email the gmail account at

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