Monday, September 26, 2011

Flynn family PTO Update 9/26/11

Flynn will be participating in International Walk-to-School day on Wednesday, October 5.  We encourage everyone to reduce their carbon footprint by walking, biking or taking the bus to school on that day.  When students arrive, sign in at one of the tables at the entrance (look for the balloons) to receive an official International Walk-to-School day sticker!

Room Parents:  Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to serve as room parents this year.  The orientation is planned for this Wednesday from 6:30-7:30 in the library.  Childcare will be available.  Not long after, parents should expect to get a letter from the Room Parents, introducing themselves, requesting contact information and letting you know how to reach them with questions and concerns.  Please take the opportunity to volunteer in the classroom when able or provide assistance for class trips or parties - many hands make light work.  Your Class Parent will let you know what kind of parent participation your classroom teacher is looking for.

Fall Fundraiser:  The Fall fundraiser ends on Wednesday.  Please send orders and money into the office so orders can be placed.  Thanks you for participating - your time and effort spent on this pays directly to programming for Flynn students and families.  When you come to see the school play or Jeh Kulu performance, attend a Flynn family night or potluck, you will see your hard work put to good use.  Thank you to Theresa Gaillorenzo for leading and organizing - we will be needing some help with order distribution in a few weeks - keep you ears open for the opportunity to volunteer.   

Mini Grants:  Did you know that the PTO funds teacher mini-grants?  Each teacher has the opportunity to apply for up to $100 each year to help pay for things not covered in their classroom budget.  Items might include classroom materials or field trip/bus money to help offset families that are unable to pay. 

GO LOCAL WEEK:Local Lunch for Dinner with the Burlington School Food Project.  Tuesday, October 4, 5:30-7:00 p.m.  Flynn Elementary School
Crack open the doors of a school cafeteria to see the fantastic changes being made to school lunch in Burlington and celebrate National Farm 2 School month. Eat a delicious, and FREE, meal featuring Vermont ingredients, including pasture-raised beef, pickled veggies, and other local yummies.
 **Local Lunch for Dinner is co-sponsored by the Burlington School Food Project, Flynn Family School Partnership team in collaboration with City Market's "Eat Local Week".

If you plan on attending please register at   Please sign -up early to get a spot!!!!!  This is not a Flynn school event, questions should be directed to the website or City Market

Volunteers Needed for this event!!!!    The PTO has offered to provide 6 volunteers total. Either you can do the entire event (5-7:30 including set-up and breakdown) or hours can split it up. Volunteers will need to help serve food (Lunchroom style) and set-up the food area and break it down. Also we may need 1 or 2 to help work the button table where kids will be able to color and make their own buttons.  Can you help???  Kid helpers are welcome with a parent as long as they are able to pitch in!!!  Please volunteer at or call Kate at 658-6831.  Thanks and hope to see you there!

Outerwear Swap:  Volunteer position still open to set-up/maintain the Flynn outerwear swap (or maybe 2 folks that want to switch off...) .  Please contact to inquire.  This is a very important service we provide for all families - help us make it happen!

PTO Meeting:  The next meeting is next Thursday, October 6th from 6:30-7:30pm in the library.  There will be childcare provided.  The agenda will be out at the beginning of next week.  If you have something to put on the agenda, please email the gmail account at

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

September 2011 Minutes

Can't come to the monthly PTO meeting?  We encourage you to stay up to date by reviewing the meeting minutes.  Comments, suggestions and agenda items should be directed to  Enjoy. 

BTW: We are still looking for Room Parents for Mrs. Pecor's class.  Do you have a child in this class?  Step up and volunteer!  Contact Lisa at

P.T.O Meeting Minutes

September 8, 2011

Meeting was called to order at 6:30pm

-          Babysitting was offered in the multipurpose room.


·         Kate Belluche is the current and the outgoing PTO President for the 2011-2012 school year.  She welcomes anyone who is interested in being President in for the 2012-2013 school year to contact her and she will be more than happy to show them what she has learned. 

·         Flynn PTO provides a connection between home and school for families.  We support and encourage connections between parents of children at Flynn and support educational opportunities (ex: Very Merry Theater and Jeh Kulu, Grants, Chess Club, etc)

 Treasurer’s Report

·         ~ $16,000.00 in checking

·         ~ $3,500.00 in savings 

 Family Directory

·          The family directory is a class by class contact list for students and their families.  This year’s list will be under way as soon as all of the information from the first day packed has been compiled.


·         The Very Merry Theater production of Narnia will be the weekend of March 24th.  Fourth and Fifth graders who wish to participate will have a speaking role.  Third graders are welcome to join the chorus.  Sarah Smith has been hard at work applying for Grants to help offset the cost.

·          For the 2011-2012 school year, Kindergarten thru Grade 2 will have the opportunity to  work with Artist In Residence Jeh Kulu Drumming and Dancing for one week in January.

·         Chess Club is a work in progress and more information is to come!

 Room Parents

·         Room parents are volunteer who help increase parent involvement at Flynn School

·         There will be room parent sign ups in each classroom during open house.

·         There is a room parent meeting in the evening on September 28th.


·         Wrapping paper order forms have gone home

·         Also upcoming is the Book Fair Spaghetti Dinner

·         To date, we have raised $330.00 from the PTO donation letter that went home.


·         The idea that PTO will provide grants available to teachers for the things that they cannot be reimbursed for. 

·         Mini-Grants will be available to ALL teachers, not just classroom teachers.

·         There was some discussion about the teachers applying for grants, or if each teacher should be given a flat grant at the beginning, and then whatever is left over is accessible by application.

 Family/School Partnership

·         Flynn’s Family/School Partnership team has been working hard to plan and offer activities at Flynn to encourage family involvement. 

·         Over the summer, they were able to fund the bookmobile (over 70 students participated).  They have also purchased RazKids to help with reading comprehension, several math games, reading games, and books accessible to all students and families. 

·         The Family/School Partnership team has also planned a Flynn Math Night scheduled for October 27th.

 Walk To School

·         Walk To School Week is the first week in October.  There was some discussion whether this should just happen on one day or if we should encourage walking busses for the whole week.  Volunteers are welcome!!

Meeting closed at 7:50pm

The next meeting is Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 6:30pm in The Learning Center
Childcare provided

Monday, September 19, 2011

Flynn Family PTO Update 9/19/11

Hey there Flynn Families - Hope you survived the cold snap.  While I may be deluding myself into thinking it is only temporary, I have definitely shifted into overdrive, pulling out warm blankets, long pants and mittens!  Kudos to all the families (~150) who attended Open House last week - your participation sent a strong message to your child about the importance of education and your connection to Flynn school - keep up the good work!

Photos: Flynn parent signing up to help at school/PTO events (top)  Fletcher Free library joined us at Open House to sign kids up for library cards (bottom)

Picture Day: Many thanks to John Boone, Gabi Baumann, Ginny Wheeler and Lori Trieb-Smith for their volunteer work organizing/staffing Picture Day.  Did you know that Picture Day is considered a fundraiser?  The Flynn PTO receives a small percentage of the total sale.  If your child was absent, no fear, there will be a make-up day in the coming weeks.  Flynn families will be notified as soon as a retake date is scheduled.

Outerwear Swap: In a few weeks, Flynn school will host its annual outerwear swap.  When you pull-out your warm coats, mittens, hats, boots, snowpants, we urge you to donate outgrown items for the swap.  Clean items in good condition can be sent into the office starting immediately.  We will get items up onto a clothes rack in the outer lobby for parents to peruse at their leisure.  It will likely be mid October before everything gets set-out.  Once out, the swap stays up through the end of December.  Outerwear comes in from Flynn families as well as Gadues Dry Cleaning.  Every year they donate clean, used coats to schools - thanks!  We are looking for a parent to oversee/monitor the swap.  The commitment is low and the work quick and easy.  If you regularly pop by school to pick up or drop off your child, this would be a great volunteer job for you.  E-mail for more information.

Room Parents:  Did you miss the sign-up sheet at Open House?  It is not too late to volunteer as a Room Parent.  It is a small commitment but a job that is much appreciated by the teachers and students alike.  Lisa Tulkop is busy compiling the volunteers and will be preparing information for the Orientation scheduled for next Wednesday.  Give it a try - what have you got to lose????  To inquire, contact Lisa at .

Calendar:  The Flynn PTO updates a google calendar with all known events.  You can find the calendar at the top of the page.  Make sure you stay in the know!

Walk to School Day:  Shanta Eastman and Alex Messinger are again making plans to get our kiddoes out walking and rollerblading and running and busing.  More info to come!  Want to help?  Contact Alex at

PTO Meetings: Minutes to be posted from the September meeting - likely this week.  We are now accepting agenda items/community input for the October meeting scheduled for October 6th.  Send us you ideas, comments and topics to  Please include your name and, if necessary, how much time you might need.  This is your school and your PTO.  Nothing makes us happier than engaged parents who want to get involved at school - come be part of the solution.

*Are you a Hunt parent too?  Their 1st PTO meeting is scheduled for this Thursday from 7-8pm.  Childcare is provided.  Hope to see you there!

Have a great week! 
Kate Belluche

Monday, September 12, 2011

Flynn Family PTO Update 9/12/11

Hey There Flynn families - Hope everyone is settling into the school routine and finding time to enjoy this great Fall weather. Hope to see you at Open house on Thursday.  Have a great week. 

September PTO Meeting:  We had a whopping 25 parents at the first PTO meeting last week.  Lots of positive energy and great ideas to start the new year.  Minutes and the Treasurer's Report from the meeting will be posted by next week.  We hope to get the meeting agenda out earlier next month so folks not attending meetings can have a chance to weigh in on items of interest to them.  As always, e-mail your concerns/ideas/ramblings to us at 

Open House:  Hope to see you at Open House this Thursday from 6-7pm.  The schedule will be as follows: 6-6:10 - Arrive, get family photo taken for bulletin board, 6:10-6:20 Mr. Clarke will address Flynn families, 6:20-7pm Classrooms will be open for exploration and Teachers available for chatting.  There will be Room Parent sign up information in each classroom - please consider this important volunteer opportunity!

School Pictures on Wednesday!  Thank you to Gabi Baumann and John Boone for making all the arrangements and to the parents who have volunteered to help on picture day.  If you need another form, please see Karen Carr in the office.

Sticker Calendars:  K families rec'd magnetic calendars but everyone else was issued a sticker to be affixed to their 2010-11 calendar.  Wondering what your thoughts are about this?  We saved some money and some resources- Is this something we should continue with for next year or should we go back to the magnets?  We would love to hear your thoughts.

Walk to School Week:  Looking for volunteers to help organize Flynn School's efforts to participate in International Walk to School day on Wednesday, October 5. Getting to school via walking or biking is a great way to promote a healthy lifestyle and reduce our carbon footprint. Nearly 100 students at Flynn participated last year and we recruited older students to talk it up among younger students. As everyone arrived, we had students sign a poster. This year we're hoping to do something similar, but we're open to other ideas as well.
Volunteers are needed to help plan the event (through 1 or 2 evening conference calls to come up with ideas). Volunteers are also needed on October 5 to greet kids when they arrive at school.

Please contact Alex Messinger at for more information
Fundraising: Packets went out last Friday for the annual Fall fundraiser.  We encourage families and friends to purchase goodies and help the Flynn PTO fund all the great student/family programming.  Nothing catch your eye?  Consider making a tax deductible donation to the PTO - 100% of the donation goes towards programming.  Checks can be made out to the Flynn PTO and sent in to the office - thanks!

E-Mail/Blog:  Do you know a family that is not receiving these updates from the PTO?  Please let them know that we will happily keep them in the know if they send us an e-mail and let us know they want to be included on the distribution list.  They can write to

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Flynn Families PTO Update 9/6/11

Hey there Flynn Families - So nice to meet so many new families at the Back to School Potluck and again at the first day coffee reception.  Of course, I am always happy to see all the oldies (or should I say, returning families?).  Seems as if we are off to a great start - beautiful weather, a holiday weekend - what could be nicer?  Please read on for news and info concerning our fair school.  If you have questions or concerns for the PTO, please contact us at flynnschoolpto@gmail.comHave a great week.  Kate B.

HUGE thanks to Dave Hartnett at the Mobil Short Stop for donating all the coffee for our first day reception and to the families that baked goodies and brought in juice.  Lovely way to start the year, catching up and catching a little caffeine buzz. 

PTO Meeting - The first meeting of the year will be held this Thursday, September 8th at 6:30 in the Learning Center.  Free childcare is provided each month by 2 BHS students earning community service credits.  The kids typically play active games in the gym or multi-purpose room.  Come find out who is leading the PTO charge this year and how you can engage at school and strengthen our school/learning community.  Everyone is welcome and everyone is heard.  See draft agenda at the end of this post.

Picture Day - Keep your eyes open for picture day forms to come home this week.  Picture day is on September 14th.  If you decide to complete the forms on-line, don't forget to print your receipt and send it with your child on the 14th.  If you have interest in volunteering to help the morning of picture day, please contact John Boone at  Picture Day volunteers receive a free portrait package.

Calendar - After you are finished reading this post, be sure to check out the Calendar.  Known events are already posted and other events will be added as they are announced. 

Abandoned - A red blanket/tablecloth was left at the Back to School Potluck - it is washed and folded - please respond and we can get it back to you via your child.  Thanks!

Volunteer Opportunity:
The Kindergarten team is looking for volunteers to help copy and collate reproducible books that will be sent home, over time, to help our beginning readers.  It is a simple job, but time consuming.
Any chance there are volunteers for this?
Thanks for considering,
(please respond to Suzy at

Free Money For Flynn!
Hello Flynn Families,
This year the Flynn PTO will once again be collecting Box Tops for Education, Labels for Education (Campbells Soup Labels), and Hannaford Helps Schools certificates.  This is a short overview of each program, but if you have any questions please email me at 

    The website for box tops for education is  Here you can read about the program and see what progress Flynn school is making during the year.  You can also find a list of products that Box Tops are on which include cereals, frozen foods, many paper products, and food items.   The box tops are usually pink but sometimes they are certificates, especially if you've bought something in bulk from a store like Costco.  Just cut them off the product and send them in to your child's teachers.  Sometimes it works easiest to have an small baggie at home to collect them in and then to send it in as it fills up.  There is a large box in the Flynn Library entrance to place them in as well.  Last year we collected around 5,000 box tops and raised just over 5 $500 for our school.  If you know of any family members or neighbors that can collect them for Flynn School-please ask them!  They can mail them to the school or send them in with a student.  Box Tops can be collected all year round and sent in throughout the year!  It is an easy way to support the PTO!

    The website for labels for education is  This website has information about the program and includes a list of products.  This is also a year round collection.  The box for this collection is also in the entrance to the Flynn Library.  The labels can be found on soups, goldfish crackers, some paper products and many other food items.  Many of you may know these as the Campbells Soup Labels, and they are still on soup cans, but can be found on many other products as well.  Again, send in with your child and they go to the box in the library.
The labels are valued at different points which can be redeemed for various classroom items.

    Hannaford helps Schools usually runs from September to December.  It is a program where if you buy participating products, the store gives you a certificate to give to your school worth cash.  The certificates are given to you when you get your receipt from the cashier.  There is a display located in the front of the store to collect the certificates and you can put the certificate in the Flynn School slot.  You can also send these in to school with your child.  I will put a collection box in the library for them along with the other 2 boxes within the next week or so (haven't quite done that yet).  There is also a $1000 bonus for the school that collects the most in our area.  I like to send them into school only because sometimes the display in the store gets overloaded and they fall out and I'm not sure if they go back in the right slot.  Please try to keep these separate from the box tops and Labels for education because this program only goes through the Fall months so there is a deadline for getting them in!  is the website to find a list of products.

I think that's it for now-Thank you so much!
Denise Haggerty

 PTO Meeting Agenda:

September PTO Meeting
6:30 pm


  • Welcome and Introductions – Kate Belluche
  • What does the JJ Flynn PTO do? – PTO Board
  • Treasurer’s report  - John Boone
  • Family Directory – Brad Ingalls
  • Enrichment Updates – VMT, Jeh Kulu, Grants, chess club – Sarah Smith
  • Room Parents/Staff Appreciation – Lisa Tulkop
  • Fundraising plans for 2011-12 – Tammy Kuypers
  • Teacher Mini-Grants – Kate Belluche
  • School/Family Partnership – Shanta Eastman
  • Safe Routes to school- ShantaEastman, Alex Messinger
  • Google docs/Blogger– Kate Belluche and John Boone
  • School Pictures – decide class photo format– Gabi Baumann, John Boone
  • Open Forum – What’s on your mind?  Burning questions and novel ideas
  • President Elect? – Kate Belluche
  • Open House – Pics/short bios?- Template of info about each staff member to go up with pics – Flynn Flyer?  Main Bulletin board?  Same for PTO – help parents get to know Flynn folks…
  • Sticker Calendars – any buzz?
  • Meeting format – Interest in rotating facilitators?

Next Meeting: Thursday, 10/6/2011,  6:30-7:30pm