Hey There Flynn Families - I'm back in business with Blogger - found a work around - hope it sticks!
Lost and Found There is a MASSIVE pile of lost and found at Flynn - not sure how kids "lose" their winter boots, jackets and snow pants in the middle of winter... Mittens and gloves I can believe, but boots!!!! Anyway, come take a peek through the pile. Unclaimed clothing will be donated over the Winter break to make way for new lost and found items that are sure to pile up come March... All items are located outside the cafeteria.
Minutes from the February PTO meeting can be found at the end of this blog post. An updated Treasurer's Report can be viewed at the top of this page - see tab.
Tom Sawyer Update Cast and chorus are practicing away and the Stage Crew starts this week making props for the production. Whether you have a child in the play this year or are just looking forward to the experience in years to come, we have ways you might want to get involved...
- We could use a few parents/grandparents with sewing skills to work on bonnets - in all we have 41 bonnets to prepare in the next few weeks - if you have basic sewing skills, they are not difficult.
- We still need fabric for bonnets (small prints, calico, muted colors- old fashioned looking)- the more we get donated, the less fabric we have to buy... Please respond to this email if you have some to share (1/2 yard is needed per bonnet)
- There will be a raffle at the talent show for front row seats and VIP parking... You might want to bring a few small bills to enter the raffle..
Box Tops Please send in all the box tops you have collected! We can also earn cash for our school online, too! You can shop online through the Box Tops website and earn eBoxTops® credits on all your purchases. Just click the “earn” section at the top of the BTFE.com homepage and scroll down to “shop marketplace.” Any eBoxTops you earn will be automatically credited to our school. Each eBoxTop is worth 10¢, just like a regular Box Top.
Parenting... So I am a HUGE fan of Vicki Hoefle (as you may have guessed by now). We took our first parenting class with her when my kids were 4+6, read her book, Duct Tape Parenting (in our Parent Resource Library in the lobby - can be checked out...) and my husband and I are presently taking her class on Adolescent Parenting. Another parent asked me the other day why I was taking a parenting class - and remarked that all the hard work was over and the kids were doing fine. I was surprised by these remarks and told her that in many ways, the hardest parts are now and coming - the launching of young people who are ready to meet the demands of college, living on their own, paying bills, spending and saving money, learning to make decisions, making choices about drugs, alcohol and sex, standing up for their needs... these skills take years of practice and training. The parents are the trainers and it takes extra effort to train and guide vs. just doing it for them because they are too busy with school/sports/ extra curricular activities... The podcast below speaks to this need for training and is really thoughtful. Contributions are really important in my family and might work into your family as well. Take a listen...
Listen below and learn how to invite your kids to participate in the operations of the home. Would you like to quit your job as the maid?
North Avenue Reimagined – by you!
The North Avenue Corridor Study’s second community meeting is right around the corner, and we need your participation during this exciting phase of the project. We’ve collected data, observed the corridor, identified issues, and established a vision. The fun and interactive phase is now launching, so join your friends and neighbors for a hands-on workshop as we begin to develop the improvements that will remake North Avenue into a more walkable, bikeable, and safe corridor for all users. We’ll supply the maps, markers, and information to answer questions; you bring your creativity and collaborative energy!
Save the date...
February 11 - Tom Sawyer Stage Crew meets afterchool
February 12 - Chess Club - 7:30am
February 14 -Flynn Talent Show - 7pm (Free admission,bake sale, Raffle for front row tickets to Tom Sawyer)
February 19 - Chess Club - 7:30am
February 24-March 4 - Winter Break - no school
February 5 - Costume check for Tom Sawyer - all costumes to school
March 7 – Free Family Skate Night at Leddy Arena and Pizza Dinner Out (fee) to benefit Tom Sawyer production- 6-8pm
March 8 - Spring Bottle Drop at Merolas - Save your cans and bottles!!!
March 15 - Tom Sawyer Set Building Day
March 16-22 - Tom Sawyer Production Week
March 21 - Tom Sawyer show - 7pm
March 22 - Tom Sawyer show - 4pm
March 25 Book Fair dinner and shopping
April 4-Drive In Movie Night with building of cars in the afternoon.
April 10-Flynn Math Night
School PTO
6, 2014
Dinner and Childcare
- Come a little early if you want to enjoy a community style dinner and settle
the kids into childcare.
- Meeting
– Jessica
Hook, PTO President
- Looking for volunteers to step up
for PTO president next year
Graham Clark (Graham unable to attend
tonight’s meeting)
- Partnership for Outdoor Learning
to "present" UVM conceptual drawings of Flynn’s future campus
that engulf the library walls
- Parents discussed UVM student
renderings and some shared ideas that were brought up at the original
- PTO would like a representative
from the Outdoor Learning Committee to come and share at a meeting
Betsy Ward (5 min)
- Available Funds: $4.570.21
- We are about halfway to our
fundraising goal of $13,000
Fundraising- Sarah DeShaw
- Dan’s chocolate is coming in
April- will be rolled out end of March and selling occurring during April
and wrapping up and chocolate being distributed
- Box Tops to be publicized more-
there is untapped earning potential- more information to be going home
- Bottle Drive at Daylight Savings
at Merola’s
Enrichment- Kate Belluche (10
- Tom
Sawyer in full swing, $500 grant was received from Ben and Jerry’s
- Chorus
started last week, Stage Crew starts this week
- Artwork
still needed for the play bill/poster- due in the PTO Box by the 14th
of February (no pencil- pen or marker).
Each entry gets a free raffle ticket for front row seats or VIP Parking
Family Nights - Heather Simmons (5 minutes)
- Tracy
Truzansky- coordinating with Burlington Kids to coordinate with the April
4th event where students will be “building” cars and then
returning to school to enjoy a “drive in movie” night at school- more
details will be coming home in the Flynn Flyer soon
- Heather
Simmons- suggested to plan out family nights in the beginning of the year
Family Partnership
- Math Night coming up on April 10
- Principals coffee times have been
inconsistent – it was discussed to vary the times
Lisa Tulkop (5 min)
- 5th Grade in Jan
spruced up the breakroom
- 4th Grade in Feb will
do crock pot lunch
- 3rd Grade in Mar TBD
Suggestion Box & Outerwear Swap – Christine Leithead (5 min)
- Outwear
swap still ongoing- currently located by the Starr Farm entrance
FORUM (10 min)
On the horizon - Book fair
Bee - completed