Monday, January 27, 2014

Flynn PTO Update 2/2/14

Hey there Flynn families-  big blogger the meantime, I am composing this on my phone- not ideal.  So here is the bare minimum - I will try to get the rest out this week if possible...

Family Traditions DinnerLast Friday, about 70 Flynn students, family-members, and teachers braved the 
polar votex to enjoy a fun Family Traditions potluck dinner.  Claire Noble and 
Graham Clarke welcomed the attendees and Claire introduced a new annual 
tradition when she invited people take the mike and speak about their own 
families' traditions.  We learned many new interesting cultural facts about some 
members of our Flynn community!  A bonus of the evening was the beautiful piano 
performance by John, long-time evening Flynn custodian.  Such talent in 
our midst!  A huge thank-you to Karen Carr and Kara Krikori for providing the 
music and wonderful slideshow and to Tom Irish for his support.  Also, thank you 
to volunteers Claire Noble, Heather Simmons, Tracy Truzansky, Tammy Niquette, 
Janet Green, Alex Messinger, Kim Hunt, Nijaza Semic, Tammy Kuypers, Kerry, 
Andrew and Christian Holway, and Ian Bleakney.

A note about The Adventures of Tom Sawyer:

In 1876, Mark Twain wrote The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, a story about a mischievous boy in the fictional town of Hannibal, Missouri. In the musical that will be performed at Flynn School, we will see Tom in several different settings: Aunt Polly’s house, the school, the church, horse races, and an island, just to name a few. In the church scene, Tom learns to read scripture and performers will play the part of children learning to sing Down in the River to Pray.  Very Merry Theatre and the Flynn PTO production team want to say that this is a fictional depiction of small-town midwestern life in 1876 and not an effort to change anyone’s religion or beliefs. Thanks and enjoy the show!

PTO meeting this Thursday AGENDA
Flynn School PTO
Learning Center

Free Dinner and Childcare 
6:15-6:30 - Come a little early if you want to enjoy a community style dinner and settle the kids into childcare.
6:30-8:00 - Meeting

WELCOME – Jessica Hook, PTO President

Principal’s Corner- Graham Clark (10 min)

Gardens- Graham Clark (10 min)
Partnership for Outdoor Learning to "present" UVM conceptual drawings of Flynns future campus that engulf the library walls

Treasurer’s Report- Betsy Ward (5 min)
Fundraising- Tammy Kuypers (10 min)

Enrichment- Kim Hunt (10 min)

Flynn Family Nights - Heather Simmons (5 minutes)

Flynn Family Partnership- Shanta Eastman(10 min)

Room Parents- Lisa Tulkop (5 min)

Teacher Suggestion Box & Outterwear Swap – Christine Leithead (5 min)

OPEN FORUM (10 min)

            On the horizon -        Book fair
                                                Geography Bee

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Flynn PTO update 1/26/14

Hey There Flynn Families - Thanks for tuning in to what's happening at Flynn school... Have a great week.

January Staff Appreciation was hosted by the 5th grade this past week.  Parent volunteers went to school bright and early to clean the break room and re-stock favorite items like coffee, tea, fresh fruit and breakfast breads.  Thank you to the parents that sent in money to buy restocking items and thank you to Lisa, Kate and Janet for cleaning.

Outdoor Learning Landscape Presentations  The two-year renovation at John J. Flynn School has transformed the building into a wonderful teaching and learning environment with brightly lit, energy-efficient spaces for all. Are you wondering what landscaping changes might be taking place in the upcoming months?

          Members of the Outdoor Learning Committee here at Flynn have been working with faculty and students from the Landscape Design Department at UVM to generate ideas for our surrounding outdoor learning space.  In fact, each student was charged with creating a design focusing on different areas of the schoolyard as his/her final project.  Resulting drawings are provocative and inspiring.

          We want to invite you to join us at school from 2-3:30 pm on Wednesday, January 29th for a gallery walk (2-3:00) where those innovative and multi-faceted final projects will be displayed followed by a brief presentation (3-3:30).  There will also be an opportunity for those attending to share perspectives and creative ideas.  We welcome and encourage your input as we move forward in this endeavor with community at its heart.

Looking forward to seeing you on the 29th!

P.S.   If you are unable to attend and would like to be involved please contact Karen Carr (802)864-8478.

Tom Sawyer Update - Rehearsals are underway!  Remind your child actor that they should be learning their lines at home.  School rehearsals are for practicing scenes, songs and dances..

Parent Meeting TOMORROW (1/27) at 7pm in the library.  One stop shopping for all the info you need, get your questions answered and find out how you can be part of the team.  We request that all families take an active role in making the play a fabulous experience for the cast, crew, chorus and audience.  There are jobs big and small and they are all important.

Chorus signups are complete.  Chorus rehearsals will start on Thursday, February 6th.

Stage Crew permission slips went home and should be returned this week.  Start date tba

Artwork We are now accepting artwork submissions for the poster and playbill.  More info will be sent home on T with 4th and 5th grade participants.  ALSO, the same info is included at the end of this blog post.  There is no special paper - submissions can be on regular copy paper - just make sure to put the name of the student on the BACK of the paper.  (you can print the googledoc below) 

Advertising sales for the playbill/poster has begun.  Do you have a business or work for a business that might want to take out a very reasonably priced ad?  This year we are producing a glossy poster that can be hung throughout the community - much wider exposure...   For more details on sizing and pricing, click on the googledoc below.  We appreciate your support and sponsorship!

Questions?  Contact Kate or Kim ( or

Hunt Principal Search UpdateJanuary 22, 2014

Parent and faculty input meetings have been held. The questions generated from those meetings are posted below and on the Hunt website.
The hiring process timeline has been amended to ensure compliance with the District policies regarding training for all PSAC members. There have also been changes to the PSAC. The changes are as follows:
  • The posting has been extended to January 24, 2014. 
  • Jeff Fournier has resigned from the PSAC for personal reasons. He is being replaced by Hal Colston, Executive Director of the Partnership for Change.
  • Kevin Garrison also has also resigned for personal reasons. Given how far we are into the process, we have opted not to replace the person for this seat.
  • Application Reviews will begin on January 29, 2014.
  • Interviews have been rescheduled for:
February 10, 2014:

PSAC 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Faculty/Staff 3:15 PM – 5:15 PM
Parent/Comm. 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
February 17, 2014:

PSAC 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Faculty/Staff 3:15 PM – 5:15 PM
Parent/Comm. 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
February 18, 2014:

PSAC 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Faculty/Staff 3:15 PM – 5:15 PM
Parent/Comm. 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
You may attend any of the interview sessions. Established questions will only be asked by the moderator.
There is now an email for questions about the Hunt Principal Search. Your questions will be answered on the website’s FAQ page. Please note there are instances where we cannot answer questions for legal reasons or concerns about the impact on the hiring process. You will be informed of this by email.

The email address is

Here is a link to the interview questions drafted by parents and faculty:

Save the date...

January 27 - Tom Sawyer Parent Meeting - 7pm
January 29 - Chess Club
February 6 - PTO meeting at 6:30 in the library
February 14 -Flynn Talent Show - 7pm (Free admission and bake sale too) 
March 7 – Free Family Skate Night  at Leddy Arena and Pizza Dinner Out (fee) to benefit Tom Sawyer production- 6-8pm
March 8 - Spring Bottle Drop at Merolas - Save your cans and bottles!!!
March 16-21  - Tom Sawyer
March 25 Book Fair dinner and shopping

April 4-Drive In Movie Night with building of cars in the afternoon.  
April 10-Flynn Math Night 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Flynn PTO Update 1/19/14

Hey There Flynn Families - Lots going on as usual...  Bundle up, looks like we're going into another cold snap!

Flynn Family Nights Did you miss the first Flynn Family night of the year?  Friday night brought together families for active games like Revenge and Basketball, Board Games and free popcorn and friendship.  Not to worry, there is a family night this Friday - see below. 

Flynn School Geography Bee this Thursday!  10, 4th and 5th grade finalists will compete to see who will represent Flynn School in the National Geographic Geography Bee.  The school finalist will have the opportunity to represent Flynn at the State Bee - from there, who knows what could happen...  The Bee is being held on Thursday, January 21st at 1:15 in the Stage Gym.  Families and friends are invited - come show your support!

Do you have a kiddo interested in Geography or you want to spark some interest?  National Geographic puts out a daily quiz that you can try - bookmark it and make it a daily visit...  You might learn something too!!!

Family Traditions Dinner this Friday at 5:30pm in the cafeteria!!!  You do not want to miss this very popular annual event...  There are great Flynn families to meet and visit with, teachers to mingle with, international displays and loads of great foods from all parts of the world.  Bring a main dish food to share - even better if it is a traditional family recipe or one that represents your heritage.  There will be labels at the dinner so that you can make note of allergens or meats in your dish.

If possible, bring your own dishes so we can cut back on paper waste.  But don't worry, we have some washable dishes available if you forget...

The PTO will provide water and dessert to round out the dinner.  Questions?  Email

Chess Club is back!!!  Jon and Shanta hosted ~20 Flynn kids at Chess Club last week- they even had to crack open a few more chess boards to meet the demand!  Chess Club meets every Wednesday at 7:30am in the cafeteria.  ALL levels of players are welcome.  Hope to see your kiddo this week! 

Tom Sawyer Update - Auditions for speaking parts were held last week and we had ~51 kids try out.  Parts will be announced on Tuesday as well as a script read through with Don Wright.  Rehearsals start on Wednesday!!!  Students will bring home their scripts, a parent letter and info about playbill artwork on Tuesday.

Parent Meeting next Monday (1/27) at 7pm in the library.  One stop shopping for all the info you need, get your questions answered and find out how you can be part of the team.  We request that all families take an active role in making the play a fabulous experience for the cast, crew, chorus and audience.  There are jobs big and small and they are all important. 

Chorus sign-ups took place last week and students need to get their permission slips in by the end of this week (1/24).  Lost the form?  Click on the googledoc below to print it at home.  Otherwise, there are extra forms in the PTO mailbox in the office.

Artwork We are now accepting artwork submissions for the poster and playbill.  More info will be sent home on T with 4th and 5th grade participants.  ALSO, the same info is included at the end of this blog post.  There is no special paper - submissions can be on regular copy paper - just make sure to put the name of the student on the BACK of the paper.  (see end of post or you can print the googledoc below)

Stage Crew permission slips will be sent home at the end of this week or beginning of the next.

Advertising sales for the playbill/poster has begun.  Do you have a business or work for a business that might want to take out a very reasonably priced ad?  This year we are producing a glossy poster that can be hung throughout the community - much wider exposure...   For more details on sizing and pricing, click on the googledoc below.  We appreciate your support and sponsorship!

School Budget  For the most up to date info from the School Board meeting last Tuesday, click on the link below to review the new supporting documents.

Traffic Study on North Avenue wants your input...  The City of Burlington and the Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission (CCRPC), in collaboration of other stakeholders, are studying the North Avenue corridor (between North Street and Plattsburg Avenue) to address transportation issues and develop solutions to improve the travel experience for all users. The study is using a “Complete Streetsapproach which considers the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, deliveries, transit, and emergency responders. The study website provides additional information about the study and the Advisory Committee:
Because North Avenue is a vital link for students, parents, faculty, administrators, and staff we are looking for ways to engage school-affiliated groups.  (a speaker may be coming to an upcoming PTO meeting)
Finally, we will be holding a public workshop on Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 7:00PM at St. Mark's Church Family Center (1215 North Avenue). This is a great opportunity to participate in the study and we welcome your spreading the word.

Save the date...

January 20 - No School - MLK Day
January 21 - Tom Sawyer - Casting results and read through
January 22 - Chess Club
January 23 - Geography Bee
January 24 -Family Traditions Dinner - 5:30pm
January 27 - Tom Sawyer Parent Meeting - 7pm
January 29 - Chess Club
February 6 - PTO meeting
February 14 -Flynn Talent Show - 7pm (Free admission and bake sale too) 
March 7 – Free Family Skate Night  at Leddy Arena and Pizza Dinner Out (fee) to benefit Tom Sawyer production- 6-8pm
March 16-21  - Tom Sawyer
March 25 Book Fair dinner and shopping

April 4-Drive In Movie Night with building of cars in the afternoon.  
April 10-Flynn Math Night 

Calling all Artists!!! Interested in seeing your
artwork featured on our Tom Sawyer color poster or in
our playbill? We’re interested in seeing what you come
up with and will be accepting your artwork over the next
few weeks. While only some drawings can be featured,
all artwork will be displayed in the hallway at Flynn
school! Show us your stuff!

Here are the details:

• All drawings need to be handed in by February 14th
• Drawings can be Black and White or Color   (no pencil please – markers or pen)
• Any size is ok, it can be adjusted
• Artists name should be on the BACK OF THE PAGE or away from the drawing
• Send your artwork in to the office. There will be a folder in the PTO mailbox

Ideas for Artwork:

• JJ Flynn Theatre Presents Tom Sawyer March 20-22, 2014 (draw out the title)
• Very Merry Theatre has provided us with the cast of characters. Try drawing some of the characters or draw a scene from the story. If you “Google” Tom Sawyer images, you might get some ideas for scenes like Tom painting the picket fence, Tom and Huck on a raft floating down the Mississippi, Tom and Becky in school...

Schoolboys - Cause mischief, act like pirates, wear straw hats, sing and dance.
Schoolgirls - Play Robin Hood, wear straw hats with ribbon, sing and dance.
Grownups – Trying to run things at home and in town but it’s not easy
Treasure Hunting Society – Wear safari hats and look for treasure in the caves.
Hobos – Ride the train and work on the new train tracks.

QUESTIONS about ARTWORK? Contact our Playbill Designer extraordinaire, Bren
Alvarez 802.363.4746

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Flynn PTO Update 1/12/14

Hey There Flynn Families - Hope you had a restful weekend and have your fingers crossed for some of that elusive white fluffy stuff your kids are craving.  Kids and teachers alike are done with being cooped up inside during recess...  Think cold, snowy thoughts...  Have a great week!

Help Needed to freshen up our cafeteria flags before the Family Traditions Dinner on January 24th.  Can you take them home and pop them in the washer?  Contact Karen Carr at

Musical petting zoo A big thank you to the PTO for paying for one of the two days. The other day was funded through an artist grant for all Burlington schools. Huge thanks to all the parents that helped with the musical petting zoo this week- Thanks Kim, Julie, Kaitlyn, Jackie, Ashley, Meliha, Holly, Christine, Lisa, Kate, Sarah, Jenny, Kate T, Brad, Sarah, Heather, Megan, Jen, Kim, Deb, Happy, April.  Rebecca from the VSO did a fabulous job and the kids were mesmerized by her presentation.  All kiddos got to try out a variety of orchestra instruments and learn a little about each section of the orchestra.  If you stop by the lobby there are pictures streaming from all the classes- come take a look.

Minutes from the PTO meeting last week are included at the end of this blog post.  An updated treasurers report can be found on the treasurers page - top of this page

Tom Sawyer Update  Auditions are taking place this week, T,W,Th.  All permissions slips need to be in!!!  Mark your calendar for the Parent Meeting on Monday, January 27th at 7pm in the library.  Sign-ups and permission slips for the 3rd Grade Chorus will be out by the end of this week- keep your eyes on the backpack! 

Help Needed:

1. Parent or two needed on T, W, and Th from 12:15-1:15 to hang with students while they wait their turn to audition.  Kids "On deck" will sit in hall, eat their lunch and wait for their turn.  Parent will provide supervision.  Can you take one of the days?  Let me know!

2. We are recruiting for a Stage Manager and Crew Chief.  Click on this link for the job description:  Could this be a role for you or for you and a friend to share???  Come join our Merry team! 

3. We are planning a fundraising pizza dinner at Leddy Arena for the skate night - we need some play parents to help with logistics - if you are planning to come to skate night anyway, you could lend a hand before, during or after.  Contact Kim Hunt.

Questions? Contact Kate Belluche or Kim Hunt (,

Principal search underway at Hunt Middle School  The District will be hiring a new Principal for Hunt Middle School this Spring.  This concerns Flynn parents as Flynn school students typically move on to Hunt middle school.  Even if you have a K/1 child, the likelihood is that this new Principal will be YOUR child's Principal.  There are some upcoming meetings to discuss the process of hiring a new Principal and there will be a meet and greet session soon when they have finalized the candidates.  It is never too early to be thinking about the learning environment for your child - middle school will be upon you before you know it!  Hope that you can make one of the upcoming meetings.  For more information, contact District HR staff member Nikki Fuller at

2nd Input/Process Meeting: January 15 from 6-7:30 in the Hunt Library
Parent/Community Candidate Interviews: January 27, 29, February 4 from 6:30-8:30
More Information about the Hiring Process and the Hiring Committee: (taken from BSDVT webpage)

Hunt Principal Search 2014 - Parent Input Meeting January 6, 2014

Below are the questions developed by the parents in attendance at the Parent Input Meeting on January 6, 2014. Additional Questions will be added after the January 15 Parent Input Meeting.
School Safety

1. How can you keep our school safe without over-reacting to parent’s fears?2. How do you balance school security with student needs?

1. With the District’s commitment to a 1:1 program there are often a lot of new problems that
     may arise when devices go home. What is your parent involvement strategy for the 1:1    
Parent Involvement
          1. What is your vision for welcoming new students transitioning from elementary school?
          2. How do you plan to encourage and increase parent involvement?          3. How do you propose to increase parent involvement for families without accessibility (i.e.      
              transportation, internet access, language barriers)?

School Culture
          1. What is your vision for school culture?
          2. What role does discipline play in school culture? How do you approach discipline - does one                     size fit all (how do you consider individual needs)?          3. How would you approach and resolve a divide or conflict within your school staff? Do you    
              have an example of a situation you have been faced with?
          4. How do you build trust, respect and authority with your students in the process of building
              relationships? Do you think a principal should know every student?

          1. Explain your approach to discipline? How do you ensure a consistent and equitable
              approach to discipline throughout each classroom?

Student Achievement
          1. How do you ensure that all teachers are challenging and engaging students at all ability  
          2. Explain how you create a student-centered learning environment?          3. What would you do to raise academic standards and expectations at Hunt?
Leadership Qualities
          1. How are you going to make connections with students? (Put another way: describe three
              meaningful experiences you’ve had with students in the past.)
          2. How do you prioritize the many demands of your position so that you are able to carry out a  
               vision  for the school?
          3. Talk about what you know about Partnership for Change, the innovations happening in the
              Burlington School District and how you as a school leader envision Hunt Middle school fitting
              into this picture of school reform and innovation.

         1. During the course of a day, what different forms of communication would you use within the  
             school community?
         2. What strategies would you use to communicate with and include New American families?         3. What ideas (thinking outside the box) do you have for frequent communication with parents?

Save the date...

January 14, 15, 16 - Tom Sawyer Auditions
January 15- chess club starts!!!! 7:30am in the Cafeteria- all ages and abilities welcome
January 16 - Principal's Coffee - 8:30am
January 17 - Flynn Family Night - Open Gym with family games - 7pm
January 20 - No School - MLK Day
January 22 - Chess Club
January 24 -Family Traditions Dinner - 5:30pm
January 27 - Tom Sawyer Parent Meeting - 7pm
January 29 - Chess Club
February 6 - PTO meeting
February 14 -Flynn Talent Show - 7pm (Free admission and bake sale too) 
March 7 – Free Family Skate Night  at Leddy Arena and Pizza Dinner Out (fee) to benefit Tom Sawyer production- 6-8pm
March 16-21  - Tom Sawyer
March 25 Book Fair dinner and shopping

April 4-Drive In Movie Night with building of cars in the afternoon.  
April 10-Flynn Math Night 

PTO Minutes
Learning Center 
January 9, 2014

Welcome- Jessica Hook

Principals Corner- Graham Clark
North Ave News reported on graffiti on playground
One camera was installed and captured identified suspects, now 3 cameras total installed on playground.  4 more cameras scheduled to be installed.  No additional graffiti has been reported since cameras have been installed
Computer lab is up and running, Grade 1 teachers piloting smart boards
January 29, 2-3:30 students from UVM will present landscape plans from their course
VSO Petting Zoo pictures currently up on flatscreen in entryway- it was very well received 
School Budget update- many proposed cuts including language and library.  Finalized proposal will be set by January 20th.  Next School Board meeting will be January 14th.

Treasurers Report- Betsy Ward
$4,824.63 total cash on hand

$5,688.28 total funds raised- almost 50% towards our fundraising goal
Box tops needs more publicity (Fundraising committee will look into it- parents can register price chopper cards with box tops)
Kickstart- possible option for fundraising for the play

Chess club starts next Wed. at 7:30 in the cafeteria with Shanta Eastman and Jon Kuypers
1st grade going to Flynn show: Swimmy, Frederick and Inch
2nd grade going to Flynn show: Dream Carver
Big need for play volunteers- contact Kate Belluche for more information
Skate night- March 7th- need volunteers! (popcorn, pizza, bake sale and hot cocoa) Contact Kim Hunt 864-6770

Flynn Family Nights
Family Traditions Dinner- Need Volunteers- January 24th - 5:30- 7:30
Drive In- Tracy Truzansky organizing a fun “drive in” event where children construct cars out of recycled materials- April 4.  For more information please contact Tracy:

Home School Compact discussed at last meeting- it is a living document that needs updating yearly
Looking at soliciting feedback from both parents and teachers on various topics (ie: homework)
Math Night- FSP partnering with Event Committee- April 10 (the next planning meeting is February 4th)

Room Parents
This month is sprucing up and stocking the break room (5th grade)

Open Forum

Adjourned: 7:42

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Flynn PTO Update 1/5/14

Hey There Flynn families - First post of the new year.  Hope that you continue to find our PTO blog worthy of reading and that you continue to stay informed and involved at Flynn school.  Have a great week - stay warm!

PTO Meeting this Week  Maybe it is one of your New Year's Resolutions to check out a Flynn PTO meeting....  It is quite a bargain - An informative and efficient meeting, friendly folks (all of them), free dinner if you come a little early and free care for your munchkins.  We can make this your easiest resolution!!!!  Thursday at 6:30 in the Library.  Kids will be in the Stage Gym.  The Draft Agenda is included at the end of this post.

Principal search underway at Hunt Middle School  The District will be hiring a new Principal for Hunt Middle School this Spring.  This concerns Flynn parents as Flynn school students typically move on to Hunt middle school.  Even if you have a K/1 child, the likelihood is that this new hire will be at Hunt for years to come.  There are some upcoming meetings to discuss the process of hiring a new Principal and I would assume there will be a meet and greet session soon when they have finalized the candidates.  It is never too early to be thinking about the learning environment for your child - middle school will be upon you before you know it!  Hope that you can make one of the upcoming meetings

January 6 from 6-7:30 (likely in the Hunt Library)  OR
January 15 from 6-7:30

Tom Sawyer kicked off last week for 4th and 5th graders with a visit from Very Merry Theatre Director, Don Wright.  Permission slips were distributed on Friday and kids need to get their slips back to school by this Friday to be eligible for auditions the next week.  If you child was absent or did not get a form, they can see their teacher for a form and/or there are extras in the PTO mailbox in the office.  Mark your calendar for a Parent Info Meeting on Monday, January 27th at 7pm in the Library.  More info to come!  Questions?  Email Kate Belluche at

Musical Petting Zoo coming to Flynn this Wednesday and Thursday  All students will get a hands on introduction to band instruments this week brought to you by the Vermont Symphony Orchestra and the PTO.  Thank you to the many parents that responded to help!  We have filled all the slots except for Th (1/9) from 9:50-10:35 - we need one more parent to help with the 4th graders!!!  Can you help? 

Partnership for Change reports out about changes being piloted at BHS thought you might be interested...

Piloting Virtual Environments and the Flipped Classroom

Gisele Drpich teaches French 4 at Burlington High School. I recently sat in on one of her classes made up of 17 students in grades 10-12. I did not understand 90% of the language flying back and forth across the classroom, but certain words stood out: global classroom, post, forum, Skype, flip it, film and media. When you walk into Madame Drpich’s classroom, you don’t just enter a traditional classroom. You walk into a highly interactive cross-cultural portal rich with technology and communication.
The traditional foreign language classroom made up of repetitive textbook exercises and oral recitation has evolved in many schools across our country. Madame Drpich is one of the most innovative foreign language teachers using technology in Vermont. She is one of a handful of teachers from the United States involved in
VIA: Virtual Intercultural Avenues, a collaborative portal for virtual communication between five schools in the United States, Belgium and France. This is a virtual portal developed by an educator at Essex High School where students and teachers within the participating schools can collaborate on lesson planning, curriculum development, classroom discussions and projects via videoconferencing, email, social media, film and other online communication.
Madame Drpich started piloting elements of a flipped classroom three years ago. The flipped classroom is a model where traditional lectures and direct teaching occur online for homework through video or other interactive media, leaving more time for rich discussions and hands on activities during classroom time. Students in Madame Drpich’s French classes access assignments, lectures, videos, discussion forums and portals through a moodle on
Global Classroom offered through the Burlington School District.
Flipping the classroom allows for students to develop responsibility and accountability. It supports students by allowing them to control how much time they need for learning, review and repetition of key concepts. It also helps students stay organized. The flipped classroom requires careful planning and foresight on the teacher’s part, but allows the teacher to use classroom time more effectively and better asses student understanding and comprehension of material. This pedagogical model allows teachers to have stronger relationships with students through specific feedback and discussion online and in the classroom. It also helps support personalized and proficiency based learning and other skills graduates will need for 21st Century higher education or the work place.
Recent research studies link virtual environments and the flipped classroom to improved memory, creative thinking, SAT scores and allowing students to be more globally competitive. Virtual learning in Vermont has increased by 450% in the past two years alone. It’s anticipated that by 2019, 50% of all high school courses will be offered online. As technology continues to improve and access becomes more equitable, it allows schools to be more flexible and creative with classroom environments and student learning.
I asked a few students in Madame Drpich’s French 4 course about their experience with technology. Sophomore Sally Matson stated, “As a student in Ms. Drpich’s class, I really enjoy the element of interacting with students in other countries through technology. I like that it not only adds an interesting element to our curriculum, but also takes advantage of the resources that we have been given.” Senior Jack O’Sullivan said, “The technology in the classroom has been successful thus far. Global Classroom is great because we can communicate with other people in the class when we do outside work in the forums. We also use VHL, which is the online site for our textbook. That has been working well because it is not only very organized, but it helps us with review for our material.”
For more information on the flipped classroom and virtual portals for learning, I recommend the following resources:

7 Things You Should Know About the Flipped Classroom
Vermont Education Exchange: Collaborative Portal for Vermont Educators
ePals: Where Learners Connect
Vita Learn
Denver Museum of Nature and Science: Distance Learning
Virtual Intercultural Avenues (VIA)
Vista Higher Learning: Live Language
Save the date...

January 6 - Hunt Principal Search Meeting
January 8/9 - Musical Petting Zoo at Flynn
January 9 - Flynn PTO Meeting - 6:30pm
January 10 - Permission slips due for Tom Sawyer Grades 4/5
January 15- chess club starts!!!! 7:30am in the library- all ages and abilities welcome
January 17 - Flynn Family Night - Open Gym with family games - 7pm
January 20 - No School - MLK Day
January 24 -Family Traditions Dinner - 5:30pm
January 27 - Tom Sawyer Parent Meeting - 7pm
February 14 -Talent Show 
March 7 – Free Family Skate Night  at Leddy Arena and Pizza Dinner Out (fee) to benefit Tom Sawyer production- 6-8pm
March 16-21  - Tom Sawyer
March 25 Book Fair dinner and shopping

April 4-Drive In Movie Night with building of cars in the afternoon.  
April 10-Flynn Math Night 

January 2014 PTO Meeting Draft Agenda


Principal’s Corner- Graham Clark (10 minutes) *Budget Discussion

Treasurer – Betsy Ward (5 minutes)


Fundraising- Tammy Kuypers (10 minutes)

Landscape/Garden- Sarah DeShaw (5 minutes)

Enrichment - Kate B. stand in (5 minutes)

- Play update

Flynn School/Family Partnership - Shanta Eastman

 - Flynn Family Nights

Room Parents- Lisa Tulkop

Teacher Suggestion box – Christine Leithead