Sunday, December 15, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 12/15/13

Hey There Flynn Families - Snow at last!  At least now it feels and looks like winter!  Budget hearings this week for the 2014-15 school budget.  See below for more info from Jeanne Collins.  Stay warm and safe travels if you are going away over break.  Kate B.

Holiday Assembly this Friday at 1:45-2ish.  Mr. Reynolds will play Holiday favorites and invite students, staff and families to join him in a sing along.  Also, a check will be given to Tom Fleury for the New North End Food Shelf.  It is not too late to make a donation to the Food Shelf!  Money donations can be sent in to the office until Friday morning.  Families are invited and encouraged to attend.

Budget Process and Hearing Date by Jeanne Collins

We are in the midst of the budget process this year and you may have noticed it is a bit different from year’s past. This year, we are attempting to build a budget that meets an overall financial goal of 6.9% increase over per equalized pupil spending, as well as meet program goals identified by the Board. Early on, in September, there was input by the community (you were all invited to give input in the survey), the administration and the Board that led to the decisions being made now. This budget is designed on the priorities that were set by the Board following that input. Budgets in the past have been presented as line item budgets, where certain positions are cut or added and the administration had to live within those parameters. In designing a budget set on goals, the administration has room to make adjustments as revenue changes are known along the way. For example, a budget discussion o kindergarten para-educators meant that those paras could not move to 1st grade with a large class, even though kindergarten might have been smaller the next year. This type of decision making limits the ability to flex with changing conditions and meet changing needs.
The Board has made commitments in the following areas:
  • An aligned system leading to high achievement for all students
  • 21st century, student centered learning in technology rich environments
  • Restructuring for equity and diversity
  • Maintain and upgrade facilities for safety, efficiency and accessibility
Priorities that guide this budget process, as determined by the Board are:
  • Technology for the 21st century
  • Developing a multi-tiered system of support
  • BHS/Edmunds facilities planning for 21st century learning and accessibility
  • Diversity & equity needs in professional development, recruitment and response to harassment
  • Facilities & maintenance needs
  • Professional Development for differentiation, ELL, high achievers and common core
  • Teacher evaluation system for greater student outcomes
As always, there are choices to be made within a set of goals to provide the best outcomes for our students within our means. We cannot afford to add to this budget and have to reanalyze how we use current resources as well as determine what programs or functions we can no longer afford. This budget process gives some time for us to do that in an ever changing financial environment. In absorbing the current programs with compensation and health increases, we add over $3M to the current budget. We need to make up a $1.2M deficit that stems first from under budgeting a couple of years ago combined with cost shifts that occurred at the local and federal level. These expenditures combined put our budget above our financial goal and thus we need to determine what to do differently and what to stop doing.
Budget hearings this week will focus on the priorities- are they the right program priorities? Is the financial goal one this community can accept? If the answers are yes, they will guide our spending decisions going forward and set us on the path to have a budget that is aligned with our goals, rather than a budget that is volatile and unstable.
I hope you choose to participate in the hearings and learn more about the goals the district is seeking to achieve. The hearings are Monday, Dec. 16, 7pm @ BHS and Thursday Dec 19, 7pm @BHS.

Lost and Found items are piling up in the cafeteria....  Come on in and see if you can find that missing mitten, those warm winter boots that were "stolen!" or that coat that walked away on the playground - likelihood is that those items are in the pile...  We encourage you to label all your kid's clothes so that if they are found they can be returned!  In need of some warm stuff?  Come take a peek through the Outerwear Swap - there are plenty of warm things that are free, clean and in great shape.  The outerwear swap is located in the hall outside the cafeteria.

The Talent Show is coming!!!!!  Mark your calendar for 2/14/14 and make a Valentine's Date to come see the annual Talent Show at Flynn.  Sign-ups start next week so students can start their preparations during the Winter break.  Keep your eyes on the backpack for a permission slip.

Podcast: Natural Consequences

natural consequencesIn this conversation with Vicki Hoefle, we talk about natural consequences.

The purpose of using natural consequences is to encourage children to make responsible decisions, not to force their submission. When a child makes a poor decision and the parents stay out of it, the child learns from the consequence, gains new information, and is in a position to choose differently the next time.
Listen in and let us know how natural consequences have been your child’s best teacher.

Save the date...

December 16- School Budget Hearings - 7pm at BHS
December 19 - Principal's Coffee, 8:30am
December 19 - School Budget Hearings - 7pm at BHS
December 20 - Holiday Assembly/Donation to Food Pantry
December 23- January 1 - Winter Recess
January 3 - Permission slips go home for Tom Sawyer Grades 4/5
January 20 - No School - MLK Day

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 12/8/13

Hey There Flynn Families - Hope you had a lovely weekend.  Staff appreciation this Thursday sponsored by the PTO, led by Lisa and Happy.  Thank you ladies and to the other Flynn families sending in items to round out a baked zitipalooza luncheon.  The staff will be tickled!

North End Food Pantry  Each year around the holidays, Flynn staff choose an organization to receive funds gathered from Flynn students, families and Flynn staff.  This year they chose a very local organization - the North End Food Pantry. Each time a child brings in a dollar, they write their name on a paper can that is added to the display.  On December 20th, a check will be presented to the North End food Pantry at the Holiday Assembly.  For more information about the Pantry, take a peek at the info below furnished by CP Smith Principal, Tom Fleury.

The North End Food Pantry continues to serve the people of our community on Saturday mornings from 9:00-10:00 a.m. at the Oddfellows/Rebekahs Lodge at 1416 North Avenue.  Please use the door in the back of the building to visit the pantry.   

Due to recent cuts in food stamps, we are now seeing a record number of people coming through the door seeking food support.   

Those who wish to donate food items may do so by dropping them off at the pantry during the time it is open or by calling Thomas Fleury at 651-0978 to arrange to have food picked up for you. 

The pantry exists thanks to the generosity of donors such as Vera Fleury, Sarah Flynn, Hannaford Bros. Supermarket, Jean O’Sullivan, Judy and Bob Rivers.

JJ Flynn theatre presents Tom Sawyer.  Play sign-ups and permission sheets will start right after winter break.  Auditions, casting and rehearsals start mid-month!  An information sheet will be going home to all 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students in the next week - included is information about the audition process, chorus, character groups and what adult roles are needed to pull this production off.  We highly encourage students and parents to read the script (it is on-line and the link is provided) and to read Tom Sawyer.  The Flynn library has copies, the Fletcher Free library has copies and the book itself is in the public domain so it can be downloaded on e-readers for free!  We have books for a variety of reading levels - check in with Ms. Clopton to see what is available 

Here is a Round-up of our Leadership Team and Opportunities for YOU!:
Production Managers: Kate Belluche and Kim Hunt
Make-up Lead : Abby Greenip, Miranda Purvis
 Costume Lead: Janet Coutrayer
Playbill/poster Lead: Bren Alvarez
Sales Lead:  Janet Coutrayer,  Bren will help sell
 Fundraising Planning team: ?
 Greenroom Lead: Tammy Kuypers and ?
 Lights: Kim Hunt
 Sets: Alex Messinger
 Soundboard: Don W
 Stage Manager/crew: ?
 Concession/Front of House Lead: ?
 3rd Grade Chorus Lead: ?
 Cast Party: ?
 Production Week snacks: ?

*critical role - lead needed ASAP

SCHOOL BUDGET Things are heating up and now is the time to start informing yourself about the BSD school budget that will be finalized in the next month or so and then voted upon in March. 

Honestly, I find it very hard to sort through and find information that I can make heads or tails of...  I have poked around the budget info on the BSD website and found the items below.  I also saw another document at the Hunt PTO meeting that I cannot find on the BSD website - it says that the Finance Committee is hoping to set an increase of 6.9%.  This includes a rise in state taxes and a deficit to retire and means there will need to be significant cuts - this is where we come in... 

Start digging for information and finding out what the increases are and what the cuts are.  Contact your School Board representatives - let them know what is important to you.  Go to one or more of the budget hearing below and make your voice heard.  Parent support at Hunt Middle school last year saved the Healthy Living Program and the Community Outreach programs.  It looks like the Community Outreach Program is on the block again as well as Spanish in the elementary schools and a  number of para-professionals/teaching assistants.  Just a little of what I have been able to dig up. 

I will keep looking and forward anything I find out.  Please send your findings to and I will pass info along to Flynn families via the blog.

Info from Jeanne Collins- The Board continues to work with Administration, trying to craft a budget that focuses on the priorities of the District and is affordable for voters. This continues to be very difficult, as the State plans to increase taxes even before we pick up our pencils, and other external pressures that we have no control over continue to impact the process. What we do know is that the increase in cost of our current program as it carries over to next year, as well as covering our deficit of last year, means that we need to reduce programs or change the way we do things to meet the financial target set by the Board. The Board is offering two specific opportunities to comment on the proposal and look at the priorities being set: Hearings will be held on December 16th and 19th at BHS at 7 p.m.


School Board Members/Contact Information:


Parenting Those of you who attended the Duct Tape Parenting presentation with Vivki Hoefle last Spring might be interested to know that she has a local parenting class starting in January focusing on Adolescent Parenting.  (for those of you with adolescents, you know that the strategies you used 0-10 might not be so effective...)  There are a few Flynn families already signed up, so if you decide to join and want to connect with other families for support, email  See link below for dates and pricing.

Six Week Adolescent Parenting Class (South Burlington, Vermont) Thursdays: January 9 – February 13, 2014, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
FH Tuttle Middle School
500 Dorset Street
South Burlington, VT

Register Here

Minutes from the December PTO meeting are included at the end of this post.

Save the date...

December 16- School Budget Hearings - 7pm at BHS
December 19 - Principal's Coffee, 8:30am
December 19 - School Budget Hearings - 7pm at BHS
December 20 - Holiday Assembly
December 23- January 1 - Winter Recess
January 20 - No School - MLK Day

December Meeting Minutes:

Meeting called to order with Heather Simmons facilitating in place of Jessica Hook and Christine Leithead taking meeting minutes in the absence of Sarah Deshaw.

Principal's Corner - Graham Clarke

Graffiti was noticed on the playground Thurs or Fri and brought to Graham's attention.  There is spray painting on the brick wall in two places.  A work order has been submitted to property services for removal.  Unfortunately, our security cameras have not yet been installed.

A parent has brought up a concern to Jessica regarding noise, involving a staff person possibly using a whistle in the cafeteria.  This concern was noted by Graham.

The transition back to one campus has meant some changes.  Primary teachers are now able to use the entrance at the end of their hall for children to enter after recess.  With the changes, there are tweaks to be made.  Schedules are all in place and adjustments will be made as needed.

Landscaping design students at UVM presented their designs at UVM.  Plans are being developed for designs to be shared with Flynn families and staff.

5 Students from Norwich University presented to 4th and 5th graders around a project collecting rainwater from roofs, as part of a VT science initiative connecting indoor and outdoor learning. 

The inquiry fair for 1st and 2nd grades was a successful three days, including a large number of students skating at Leddy.  There was a lot of support from parents, which is appreciated.

Treasurer's Report

Betsy Ward was absent.  A summary of this month's finances was presented in paper copy.  We're still waiting on reinstatement of our non-profit status.

Fundraising:  Tammy Kuypers

Plans are coming together for a Lake Monster's game fundraiser for the spring.  Components would include a visit from Champ at Springfest, and other involvement at the game by Flynn students/families.

The Holiday Card fundraiser via Dan's Chocolates is happening now.  There hasn't been a lot of response.  It was noted that the date may have been too late and families had already ordered cards.

Tammy mentioned an idea for a new fundraiser/event: Parent's Night Out.  It would be a dance party for parents with childcare for children.  Possible venues were suggested. 

A fundraiser specifically to support the play is tentative.  During, Skate Night, the enrichment committee is hoping to be able to sell food and snacks to fund raise for the play in lieu of Leddy's snack bar selling snacks. 

We missed being included in Hannaford's money for schools fundraiser this year because we missed the deadline.

Enrichment:  Kim Hunt

At a play production meeting, some parents stepped forward for leading roles but there are still opportunities for parents, including 2 specific roles:
Stage Manager (working backstage) and an assistant to help work with the 3rd grade chorus.  Anyone interested should contact Kate Belluche or Kim Hunt.

Chess club will begin soon, lead by Shanta Eastman and Jon Kuypers.  The tentative schedule is for a start date of Wednesday January 8th, from 7:30-8:00 am, in the cafeteria.

Landscaping update:  Tabled due to absence of Sarah Deshaw

Flynn Family Nights:  Heather Simmons

"Drive in movie night" is scheduled for Fri, April 4th, lead by Tracy Truzanski.  The even will involve two parts.  Directly after school, children will make "cars", for the movie to happen later.  Times are as follows:  Car making from 3-5 pm, movie start time at 7:00Parent volunteers are needed.  Interested parents should contact Tracy.

Need volunteers to lead events for January as there are still some open dates for Family nights.

Family School Partnership:  Shanta Eastman

Meeting twice per month.  This year's action plan is almost completed.  Planned actions for this year include evaluating parent participation and the obstacles to participation.   Math night plans are in the works.  The Family School Partnership can no longer fund the bike mobile the same way it has in the past, so changes will need to be made regarding how funds are used.  The PTO will coordinate for funding.

Room Parents/Staff Appreciation - Lisa Tulkop

November appreciation was provided by the second grade families.  December will be sponsored by the PTO, with plans for a pasta luncheon this coming Thursday.  Parent contributions for drinks, salads and desserts are needed and a sign up sheet passed around. Parents interested in contributing can contact Lisa Tulkop.  January Appreciation will be sponsored by the 5th grade class, with plans to spruce up the staff break room.

Teacher Suggestion Box and Outerwear Swap - Christine LeitheadNo notes from staff at this time.
Outerwear swap is set up.  Julie Tegeder has helped set up and maintain it.  The question of visibility was discussed because it is located in the back of the school rather than in the front lobby as in previous years.  Christine and Graham discussed ways to improve visibility. 

Open Forum:

Claire Noble:  Teachers discussed wish list for recess cart and would like sturdy sand toys, balls and jump ropes. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Flynn PTO Update 12/2/13

Hey There Flynn Families - No much new to report.  See the short list below.

Tom Sawyer Production meeting tonight from 7-8pm in the library.  Director Don Wright will join us to talk about the show and to outline the important production dates. We welcome your presence at the meeting and help with the production - there are tasks small and large for all families!!!

PTO Meeting this Thursday at 6:30 in the library.  Come at 6:10-6:15 for a light supper before the meeting.  There will be childcare offered during the meeting. 

Dan's Photocard Fundraiser  Kids brought home a handout at the end of the week with details about this low hassle, low pressure fundraiser.   Tammy N. made an facebook event page for this fundraiser that you might want to share with your friends and family.
This is the event page link:

4 Tips for Peaceful Holidays from Vickie Hoefle 
Oh holiday joy and splendor and…yes, hustle and bustle. Thanksgiving is upon us and while this next month is, for many, the most cherished time of year, we all feel some level of extra anxiety, stress and aggravation because we know the Holidays and all their tinseled commitments, are charging toward us, whether or not we’re ready.
As we become excited to see loved ones and look forward to sharing delicious food and fun traditions, we also feel the pressure to prepare, serve, find, give, make, decorate and  attempt far too many tasks our calendars can comfortably accommodate. When the to-dos eclipse the be-happys, it becomes far too easy to overlook the very thing that we are supposed to be celebrating: our relationships with our family members.
Reasonably, everyone can become a little, shall we say, short-fused, when tired from travel or hopped up on sugar! We can say things we don’t mean or snap in frustration at those who simply ask a question. Harmony during the Holidays isn’t always 100% and that’s ok. If you’re willing to let the little stuff go and focus on what matters – the relationships and making memories- then you’ll feel more relaxed and happy in times of chaos.
4 Tips for Peaceful Holidays:
  1. Be easy on yourself and your kids. Messes and mistakes are bound to happen. Expect them and move it along quickly!
  2. Don’t worry if each moment isn’t picture perfect. So what the sweaters don’t match? Oh well, life goes on.
  3. Choose what matters and don’t feel guilty! Yep, those cookies didn’t get made but you sure did enjoy snuggling on the couch, beside the fire, watching the snow fall in peace and quiet.
  4. Give what you can. If the budget’s tight, then the budget’s tight. Do not add extra pressure to give perfect gifts if the stress of paying for them (and the shipping too!) will cause a ripple effect on your family’s holiday harmony.
Enjoy that cup of cheer, and smile. This is the good stuff.
Save the date...

December 2 - Tom Sawyer Production Meeting - 7pm in library
December 5 - PTO Meeting 6:30 in the library
December 20 - Principal's Coffee, 8:30am
December 23- January 1 - Winter Recess