The Frankenstein DVD's are in and went in teacher's boxes on Wednesday last week. If you have not rec'd a DVD you ordered, first check with the teacher and then contact us if it is MIA. Forgot to order a DVD???? We have a limited number of copies left - send us an email, send $10 into the PTO mailbox and we'll get a copy to you this week!
Playgrounds are pricey affairs... When all is said and done, our new universally accessible playground will come out to around $60,000. To save money, we are having a work day on August 17th to install much of the new play structure. We will be looking for adult volunteers to help. Think you might available??? Shoot us an email ( and we will get you on the list. When we get closer to the date we'll send out another call for volunteers and you can let us know if you are available.
Alice Wells takes a yearly trip down to Randolph for The Dorothy Canfield Fisher (DCF) awards ceremony. This year, six 4th/5th graders and several parent volunteers were able to make the trip to hear 4 VT authors speak about their books for middle level readers. These 4 authors had books on this year's DCF list - unfortunately, the winner was not able to attend the awards ceremony, but the four authors who came to talk about their craft and their books were really inspiring. This opportunity at Flynn is available to all 4th/5th grade students that read 6 or more DCF books. If there are more than 6 kids, names have to be drawn as each elem/middle school in VT is invited and space is limited. Summer is a great time to get started. Take a look at the books on the list and visit the Fletcher Free Library to check out books - DCF books are located on the left just as you enter the children's area.
2013-14 DCF List:
DCF Blog:
BTW- If you run into Mrs. Wells, wish her a fond farewell as she will be retiring at the end of the week! Thanks, Alice, for sharing your love of books and reading with our kiddoes - you will be missed!
Speaking of Books... the Flynn Bike/Bookmobile will be in your neighborhood every week this summer thanks to generous funding from the PTO and Family School Partnership. Be on the lookout for Mr. Tim with all the favorite books in tow. The Flynn Flyer this week should have a schedule of when the bike will cruise into your neighborhood!
Do you have a kid going to Hunt next Fall? If you will no longer have children at Flynn, send us an email and we will remove you from our list. ALSO, there is a weekly blog at Hunt that you might be interested in... to get on the Hunt list, email and ask to get on the email distribution list!
Learning Doesn't stop in the Summer... Let's say NO to the Summer brain drain... Burlington and your own backyard are awash with opportunities to keep your child on a learning path. Join the summer reading program at the Fletcher Free library. Encourage a summer writing journal or nature notebook. Take trips into the forest or to the lake to hunt for minibeasts. Train together for a 5K run/walk and keep a graph of your weekly running. Teach your child about planning for, shopping for and cooking meals for the family. Learn some jump rope songs and get jumping! Grow something! There are thousands of websites with great ideas that might fit your needs. Engage in some family enrichment this summer and send your kiddoes back to school with fit minds and bodies!
The PTO had the last regular meeting of the school year. Meeting attendees were treated to goodies provided by the teachers - so nice to be appreciated back!!! We were well fed and made lots of important decisions regarding spending and PTO leadership. We allocated over $14,000 in funds raised by families to Flynn initiatives including the playground fund, Videocameras to provide extra security and monies to help offset the 3rd grade overnight trip to camp Abnaki. (Minutes are included at the end of this post)
Though they were not present at the meeting, we said farewell to active PTO parents Melisa Peterson and Sarah Smith. Melisa was a past Flynn PTO president and has been active organizing and volunteering at Flynn for more than 12 consecutive years! I believe Melisa will work at Flynn as a Paraeducator next year, but her daughter, Jenna, is off to Hunt. Sarah has been a dynamo in the Flynn PTO since she arrived 4 years ago. She has greatly expanded enrichment opportunities for all children at Flynn as well as serving as the Production Manager for our VMT plays the past 3 years. Sarah and her family are off to join family and friends in Oregon and will surely continue to share their talents in their new schools. Flynn school will miss you!
Please congratulate and welcome the new leadership to the Flynn PTO for 2013-14:
President- Jessica Hook
Vice President- Heather Simmons
Treasurer- Betsy Ward
Secretary- Sarah DeShaw
Enrichment- Open! (could be you...)
PTO Liaisons:
FSP- Shanta Eastman
Room Parents- Lisa Tulkop
Fundraising- Tammy Kuypers
Proposed Committees:
June 11 - Flynn Olympics (3-5 in the am, K-2 after noon)
June 11 - 5th Grade Bridging Ceremony
June 13 - Last Day of School (early dismissal) 11:30 - Parade of students out back and a visit from Mr. Ding-a-Ling - families invited to meet out back at 11:15
August 17 - Playground Installation - Adult volunteers critical!!!!
August ???? - Back to school potluck - Date TBA
August 29 - First Day of School - Welcome Back "Coffee" for Families at 8:15 in the courtyard
JJ Flynn June PTO Meeting
June 6, 2013
Learning Center
6:30 - 8 pm
6:30-7pm - Free pizza available before children left for childcare which was provided in the cafeteria
Tammy Kuypers welcomed attendees and began the meeting at 7:05
- Memorial for Brad Ingalls was discussed but more information was needed from Karen Carr
Playground Update – Mary Mitchell and Sarah DeShaw
- Updated playground financials were presented (see below) indicating there is about $7,000 remaining (including rubber surfacing) Success from Dan’s Chocolate’s ($6,000) contributed to closing the gap and PTO voted to pledge up to $10,000 (see votes at bottom of minutes) to complete fund raising needed for the new playground.
Treasurer’s Report- John Boone
- About $21,000 of unrestricted funds remained in the PTO budget before voting at this meeting
Principal’s Corner – Graham was unable to attend the meeting but provided updates:
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) (Claire Noble)
- Becoming a STEM school is only being discussed at this time. Several teachers have attended STEM related conferences to gather information about the subject.
- Parents raised concerns that there needs to be more transparency and information given on the timeline of decision making- Claire shared that the Flynn Staff itself does not have information on this and reiterated that it is not definite, only being discussed at this time.
- Gardens/Landscape (Sarah DeShaw)
- Flynn has won a $2,000 Classroom Habitat sweepstakes. Sarah DeShaw had an initial meeting with Rebecca Lindenmyer from Linden Landscaping to take pictures and measurements of the school. She will be providing us with some initial ideas and sketches within the next month. More information about this and also the forming of a Landscape/Gardens Committee for interested parents and staff will be communicated in the Blog. More information about Classroom Habitats and natural Play Spaces from the Linden Landscaping newsletter can be seen here:
Enrichment Update -Sarah Smith (not able to attend)
Fundraising Update- Amanda and Chris Robbins (not able to attned- reported by Tammy Kuypers)
- Current Fundraisers: Calendars (raffle), Lake Monsters, Dan’s Chocolates-Sarah D., Springfest. Please see treasurer’s report for how these fundraisers contributed to our earnings
Family School Partnership (FSP) Update– Shanta Eastman
- Shanta shared the initiatives of the FSP this year:
- Flatscreen/Family Resource Space in front of the office- the logistics of who and how pictures are displayed are still being worked out and how this tool can be utilized for providing information on school events
- Classroom Event Protocol- a checklist of protocol for teachers to use when holding an event in their classroom was created to help ensure that teachers are mindful of extending communication to all families- particularly with language or transportation barriers.
- Principals Coffees- discussed that perhaps PCs will be held at other community places such as Franklin Square or North Gate
Room Parents – Lisa Tulkop
- Another successful year of room parent organization and teacher appreciation events!
- Volunteers Needed: several events are still in need of volunteers- if you can help, please email Lisa Lisa Tulkop
- Food for 5th grade bridging ceremony
- Flynn olympics
Teachers suggestions from box – Christine Leithead
- The box has been packed up and so no new suggestions were read
Elections were held for new Board Members:
Elected Officers for 2013-2014:
President- Jessica Hook
Vice President- Heather Simmons
Treasurer- Betsy Ward
Secretary- Sarah DeShaw
Enrichment- Open!
PTO Liaisons:
FSP- Shanta Eastman
Room Parents- Lisa Tulkop
Fundraising- Tammy Kuypers
Proposed Committees:
Playground- $10,000 Approved
Spelling Bee- $200 Approved
Camp Abnaki- $1000 Approved
Video Cameras- $2,500 Approved
Next Meeting: Thursday, September 5 2013
Minutes Prepared by: Sarah DeShaw
Phase 2 Net Cost
| |
IF we have 15-20 volunteers on Aug 17
Rubber surfacing and installation
| |
Dan’s Chocolate Fundraiser
| |
PTO earmarked playground funds
| |
Pettinelli Credit
The company we are purchasing the playground equipment from
Mobil Short Stop donation
| |
Burlington Kids
| |
BSD Funds
| |
Costs Remaining
| |
Funds Raised
| |
Playground Expense Report- June 2013
figures in this document are approximate
Total Costs Remaining
Remaining Cost for New Playground
Total Funds Raised
Aug 17
JJ Flynn June PTO Meeting
June 6, 2013
Learning Center
6:30 - 8 pm
6:30-7pm - Free pizza available before children left for childcare which was provided in the cafeteria
Tammy Kuypers welcomed attendees and began the meeting at 7:05
- Memorial for Brad Ingalls was discussed but more information was needed from Karen Carr
Playground Update – Mary Mitchell and Sarah DeShaw
- Updated playground financials were presented (see below) indicating there is about $7,000 remaining (including rubber surfacing) Success from Dan’s Chocolate’s ($6,000) contributed to closing the gap and PTO voted to pledge up to $10,000 (see votes at bottom of minutes) to complete fund raising needed for the new playground.
Treasurer’s Report- John Boone
- About $21,000 of unrestricted funds remained in the PTO budget before voting at this meeting
Principal’s Corner – Graham was unable to attend the meeting but provided updates:
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) (Claire Noble)
- Becoming a STEM school is only being discussed at this time. Several teachers have attended STEM related conferences to gather information about the subject.
- Parents raised concerns that there needs to be more transparency and information given on the timeline of decision making- Claire shared that the Flynn Staff itself does not have information on this and reiterated that it is not definite, only being discussed at this time.
- Gardens/Landscape (Sarah DeShaw)
- Flynn has won a $2,000 Classroom Habitat sweepstakes. Sarah DeShaw had an initial meeting with Rebecca Lindenmyer from Linden Landscaping to take pictures and measurements of the school. She will be providing us with some initial ideas and sketches within the next month. More information about this and also the forming of a Landscape/Gardens Committee for interested parents and staff will be communicated in the Blog. More information about Classroom Habitats and natural Play Spaces from the Linden Landscaping newsletter can be seen here:
Enrichment Update -Sarah Smith (not able to attend)
Fundraising Update- Amanda and Chris Robbins (not able to attend- reported by Tammy Kuypers)
- Current Fundraisers: Calendars (raffle), Lake Monsters, Dan’s Chocolates-Sarah D., Springfest. Please see treasurer’s report for how these fundraisers contributed to our earnings
Family School Partnership (FSP) Update– Shanta Eastman
- Shanta shared the initiatives of the FSP this year:
- Flatscreen/Family Resource Space in front of the office- the logistics of who and how pictures are displayed are still being worked out and how this tool can be utilized for providing information on school events
- Classroom Event Protocol- a checklist of protocol for teachers to use when holding an event in their classroom was created to help ensure that teachers are mindful of extending communication to all families- particularly with language or transportation barriers.
- Principals Coffees- discussed that perhaps PCs will be held at other community places such as Franklin Square or North Gate
Room Parents – Lisa Tulkop
- Another successful year of room parent organization and teacher appreciation events!
- Volunteers Needed: several events are still in need of volunteers- if you can help, please email Lisa Lisa Tulkop
- Food for 5th grade bridging ceremony
- Flynn olympics
Teachers suggestions from box – Christine Leithead
- The box has been packed up and so no new suggestions were read
Elections were held for new Board Members:
Elected Officers for 2013-2014:
President- Jessica Hook
Vice President- Heather Simmons
Treasurer- Betsy Ward
Secretary- Sarah DeShaw
Enrichment- Open!
PTO Liasons:
FSP- Shanta Eastman
Room Parents- Lisa Tulkop
Fundraising- Tammy Kuypers
Proposed Committees:
Playground- $10,000 Approved
Spelling Bee- $200 Approved
Camp Abnaki- $1000 Approved
Video Cameras- $2,500 Approved
Next Meeting: Thursday, September 5 2013
Minutes Prepared by: Sarah DeShaw
Phase 2 Net Cost
| |
IF we have 15-20 volunteers on Aug 17
Rubber surfacing and installation
| |
Dan’s Chocolate Fundraiser
| |
PTO earmarked playground funds
| |
Pettinelli Credit
The company we are purchasing the playground equipment from
Mobil Short Stop donation
| |
Burlington Kids
| |
BSD Funds
| |
Costs Remaining
| |
Funds Raised
| |
Playground Expense Report- June 2013
figures in this document are approximate
Total Costs Remaining
Remaining Cost for New Playground
Total Funds Raised