Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Flynn PTO Update 5/29/12

Check out the launch of Flynn's new website.  Same address, new look and hopefully more user friendly - Take a look!  You can also access the PTO blog under Parent Resources.  http://flynn.bsdvt.org/

The 2nd Principal's Coffee took place last week in the Library.  Mr. Clarke packed in the parents with topics like construction/traffic concerns, 4/5 multi age classrooms, diversity and equity in the Burlington School district and homework at the elementary level.  Much of the time was spend on parents sharing their views on homework.  Opinions were decidedly split and Mr. Clarke said that the teachers are evenly split.  Parents asked that this topic be brought up with staff and that we continue the dialogue on homework.  BSD is adopting a revised Wellness Policy which seems unconnected, but does say that teachers cannot restrict recess for incomplete/missing homework.  The value of exercise to the mind and body is also valued.  The BSD Wellness Policy is included at the end of this post.

PTO volunteers will be giving tours and treating incoming kindergartners to a practice lunch this week and next.  If you see lots of wide eyed munchkins roaming the halls, be sure to give them your friendliest Flynn welcome!  Thank you Sarah, Laurie and Tammy for leading tours!
Principal's Coffee update

PTO Pizza pickups today! Come grab your pizza between 4:30-6 in the stage gym

If you missed the annual Flynn Spring Choral Concert, feedback was that it was the best one yet!  All the grades sang, danced and/or played songs on the recorder.  It is always delightful to hear the sweet kindergarten voices and contrast them with the range and maturity of our fifth graders.  For many of us the years between K and 5 go by in a heartbeat.  Thank you Mr. Reynolds for sharing song and dance with our kids!

Join the Burlington Students Foundation on Tuesday evening, June 19, at
American Flatbread, 115 St Paul Street, Burlington, Vermont to support the Burlington Students Foundation - 5 pm to 10 pm
For every flatbread purchased, $4 will be donated to support student programs.

Visit our new website: www.bsfvt.org
Like BSF on facebook!

Check your Calendar...
  • May 29 - PTO pizza pick up
  • May 29 - Special School Board Meeting at 7pm - BHS
  • May 30 - School Tour, St. Joe's campus on Allen St. at 3:30, 6:30 pm - 3/4/5 Families
  • May 31 - 3rd grade overnight to Camp Abenaki
  • June 4 - Flynn Olympics - Parent help needed!  e-mail Lida at ldvorak@bsdvt.org
  • June 6 - 5th Grade Bridging Ceremony, 6:30 pm
  • June 7 - Last PTO meeting of the School Year - 6:30 pm in the library, childcare provided.  Let's wrap up the year and vote in our 2012-13 PTO Board.
  • June 8 - Early Release @11:30
  • June 11 - Last Day for Flynn!!!! Early release w/ parade at 11:30

Final Draft 11.08.11
The Burlington Board of School Commissioners believes that health and wellness are essential for individuals to recognize their personal responsibility, value their participation in their communities, and understand their relationship with their environment.
The Commissioners also recognize the important connection between student and staff health and its impact on effective learning, high achievement and active citizenship.
Thus, the Burlington School District is committed to promoting school health programs and education that address nutrition, physical activity and psychosocial well-being.
Therefore, it is the policy of the Burlington School District that the following goals be achieved:
A. Health and Nutrition Education
The school district shall establish and implement a sequential, developmentally appropriate preK-12 comprehensive health and nutrition curriculum that is in alignment with standard 3.6 of the Vermont Framework of Standards and Learning Opportunities and with the Vermont Health Education Grade Expectations. (See Appendix #3 for the definition of comprehensive.)
The school district believes that visible, interesting and productive gardensestablished and maintained at school, can create lasting ties between students,their families, staff and others in the community. Related activities may includebut not be limited to cooking programs, school garden space for families, andCSAs for families and staff with school site drop-offs.
Staff shall integrate, where possible, experiential education activities such asgardening, cooking demonstrations and farm and farmers’ market tours intoexisting curricula at all grade levels.
School foodservice, in partnership with other school departments and communityorganizations, will work to creatively market and promote locally-produced foodto students through activities such as:
Featuring food grown in the school garden in the cafeteria through sampling and inclusion in school meals based upon availability and acceptability.
Developing cafeteria themes relating to local farmers and products grown in the region.
B. Physical Education and Activity
Physical Education
The school district shall:
establish a physical education program that is sequential, developmentally
appropriate and in alignment with the National Association for Sports and
Physical Education, standard 3.6 of the Vermont Framework of Standards
and Learning Opportunities and with the Vermont Physical Education
Grade Expectations.
look into increasing minutes of physical education and should not decrease it inorder to accommodate the master schedule.
encourage district wide health initiatives that include daily movement for allstudents and staff.
offer curriculum that is taught by licensed physical education teachers.
provide curriculum that equips students with the knowledge, skills and attitudesnecessary for lifelong physical activity.
6. develop curriculum that is closely coordinated with the overall school health
7. support integrating physical education topics with other curricular areas.
8. minimize student pull-outs during scheduled physical education classes.
9. provide a safe environment to implement the program, with functional and
protective equipment for all students.
10. recommend district-wide professional development around the relationship
between health and wellness and academic achievement.
Activity Other Than Physical Education
The school district shall:
1. provide opportunities for physical activity are incorporated throughout the school
2. prohibit recess and other physical activity to be taken away as a form of discipline
unless a student’s objectionable behavior occurs during recess or a physical
3. support the utilization of school gardens and farm visits which offer physical
activity opportunities, as well as agricultural education.
C. Health Services
1. The school district shall provide a cohesive, integrated approach to the delivery of
services to appraise, promote and protect health.
2. School health services are evidenced based as outlined in the School Nurse
Standards of Practice Manual, the National Association of School Nurses Scope
and Standards of Practice, and the American Academy of Pediatrics Bright
Futures Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents.
3. The foundation of the school health services will be based on the student needs
assessment, plans and implementation of programs that support the wellbeing and
academic success of students
4. The school district shall provide a safe school facility with sanitary conditions to
treat students for illness or injury.
5. The school district shall make available information regarding educational and
counseling opportunities and referrals for promoting and maintaining individual,
family and community health.
6. The school district shall pilot nutrition screening, assessment and counseling to a
small group of student found to be in need of such care. School health services
will make referrals and connections to the student’s medical home if nutrition
screening and assessment reveals that nutrition counseling is needed.
D. Nutrition Services
Related to the Foodservice Program
1. The school district shall provide nutrition education to all foodservice employees.
2. The school district shall provide access to a variety of nutritious and appealing
meals that accommodate the health and nutrition needs of all students.
3. The school district will recognize child nutrition programs as food access
programs and work to be sure all students have the opportunity to access all
available programs.
4. The school district will provide the necessary infrastructure, outreach and support
to the foodservice office to be sure that all families eligible for Free and Reduced
meal benefits are able to access them.
5. School nutrition programs will reflect the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans
and the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) Nutrition Standards for Foods in Schools to
achieve nutrition integrity. (see Appendix A)
6. The school district agrees to promote and participate, through foodservice staff, in
all federally funded child nutrition programs and operate them to their fullest
7. The school district will consider any renovations that may be necessary to allow
for compliance with the new IOM Nutrition Standards for Foods in Schools. (see
appendix A)
8. Although the board believes that the district’s nutrition and foodservice’s
operation should be financially self-supporting, it recognizes however that the
nutrition program is an essential educational and support activity. Therefore,
budget neutrality or profit generation must not take precedence over the nutrition
needs of its students. In compliance with federal law, the district’s National
School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) shall be
9. The school district will provide potable drinking water in all cafeterias.
10. The school district will consider installing full-service kitchens at school sites
where public bond money is expended to repair or remodel a school.
11. Compatible with federal regulations for such purchases, the foodservice program
will continue procedures that include locally grown foods and beverages in the
development of purchasing bids or procedures.
Not Specifically Related to the Foodservice Program
1. The school district shall encourage the investigation of healthy and local food
fundraisers that support local businesses.
2. The school district shall encourage healthy school celebrations whenever possible.
3. The school district shall offer students and faculty an appropriate facility for
classroom nutrition and health education, and serve as a resource for linkages
with nutrition-related community programs.
4. Food will not be used as a reward or punishment for students.
5. To the extent possible, recess periods shall be followed by lunch periods.
E. Counseling, Psychological and Social Services
1. The school board shall continue to recognize the need for counseling,
psychological and social services for all students and shall make available the
information necessary for families of students to seek the proper assistance.
F. Healthy and Safe School Environment
1. The school district shall maintain and implement a preK-12 anti-bullying
2. The school district shall encourage a culture of wellness throughout the district,
which includes, but is not limited to clean and safe buildings and a positive
psychosocial climate.
3. Health and safety issues in kitchens and bathrooms will be brought up to code.
4. Physical conditions such as temperature, noise and lighting shall be conducive to
a positive learning and eating environment.
5. The school district shall provide adequate time to obtain and eat food.
G. Health Promotion for Staff
1. The school district recognizes that fostering a personal commitment to positive
health behaviors in staff contributes to improved health status, higher morale and
greater personal commitment to the school’s coordinated school health program
and creates positive role modeling.
2. The school district shall encourage participation in an employee wellness program
that defines planning, implementing and evaluation.
3. The school district shall support opportunities for faculty and staff to improve
their health status through activities such as health assessments, health education
and health-related fitness activities when possible.
H. Family/Community Involvement
1. Curriculum will afford opportunities for connections with agencies and businesses
aligned with the wellness policy.
2. The school district shall promote community-based learning experiences that
promote health and wellness.
3. The school district shall partner with local business learning experiences when
appropriate and possible.
4. The school district shall include families of students in wellness activities
whenever possible.
I. Implementation
1. The CSHT shall continue to meet regularly to monitor the implementation of the
Wellness Policy.
2. A grant funded district wellness coordinator is necessary to ensure ongoing
implementation and evaluation of the policy. When the grant ends, the district will
investigate other sources of funding.
3. Data such as the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, the School Nurse Report and the
School Health Index will be used to identify areas of strength and need and
prioritize specific implementation steps.
This policy and its procedures may be modified subsequent to federal and state legislative
and regulatory changes.
1. A la carte food includes all foods sold or provided throughout the school grounds
at any time that are not part of a reimbursable meal. Nutritious foods are foods
that include whole grains; low-fat or non-fat dairy products; fresh, frozen or
canned fruits and vegetables; lean meats, poultry, fish, beans and seeds.
2. Nutritious foods exceed the nutrient levels of Foods of Minimal Nutritional Value
which have been identified by the United States Department of Agriculture
3. Comprehensive health curriculum includes topics such as:
• Alcohol and drug abuse prevention
• Healthy eating/nutrition
• Mental and emotional health
• Personal health and wellness and self-care
• Physical activity
• Personal safety and injury prevention
• Sexual health
• Tobacco use
• Violence prevention
4. CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) in which community members
purchase a “share” of the farm’s produce before the growing season and receive a
portion of the produce weekly harvest during the growing season.
5. CSHT (Coordinated School Health Team) and is in place to monitor the
implementation of this policy and report back annually to the School Board and

Monday, May 21, 2012

Flynn PTO Update 5/21/12

Hey There Flynn Families - Soccer and baseball and SpringFest - oh my!  Despite the early season heatwave, many Flynn families came out for our first annual SpringFest.  Fourty seven brave souls ran the 1/2 mile and 1 mile fun runs - there was cold water and finisher medals for all!  Families played capture the flag, dined on popcorn, freezy pops and baked goods, jumped themselves silly in the bouncy castle, got their faces made up and enjoyed the gorgeous "Spring" weather.  Looks like the PTO met their goal of a community building event as well as moderate fundraiser.  Tammy Kuypers reports that the event netted about $400. Many thanks to the parent organizers and event volunteers - your labor of love is much appreciated!

PTO Pizza forms are due back TOMORROW-  May 22nd.  Pizzas arrive on May 29th. Thank you for your participation. This will be the last order of the school year.
Lost your form?  Pick one up in the office or email Tammy at kuypers5@yahoo.com

Dishes!!!!  There is a whole bin of dishes in the office, full of dishes that belong to generous Flynn families that have made food for bake sales/staff appreciation over the past few months.   If there is no label on the dish, it ended up in this bin - are you missing a dish???  The bin is located under the staff mailboxes - come take a look and retrieve your stuff.  All leftover dishes will be donated at the end of the schoolyear.  In the future, be sure to stick your name on your dishes so we can return them to you - Thanks!

Response from Superintendant Jeanne Collins:  At the end of this post is a letter that will be printed soon in the Free Press.  Please read about how Burlington is reponding to issues of race and equity.

Check your Calendar...
  • Fridays in May - Back by Popular Demand - Freezy Pop Fridays!!! $.25/pop (right after school)
  • May 21 - Chess Club at 2:30 - Last one of the Year!
  • May 22 - Orientation at Hunt Middle school for 5th grade PARENTS
  • May 24 - Principal's Coffee, 8:15 in the Library - Everyone is invited!  Homework is on the agenda...  (see below - another article on the HW debate - thanks John Boone!)
  • May 24 - Flynn Chorus Concert at Hunt MS (Kids to Hunt by 6:15)
  • May 26 - Plant and Yard Sale at Hunt Middle School (formally the Flynn Perennially Green Sale) 8:30am-2pm - Lots-o-bargains!!!!!
  • May 28 - No School
  • May 30 - School Tour, St. Joe's campus on Allen St. at 3:30, 6:30 pm - 3/4/5 Families
  • June 4 - Flynn Olympics - Parent help needed!
  • June 6 - 5th Grade Bridging Ceremony, 6:30 pm
  • June 8 - Early Release @11:30
  • June 11 - Last Day for Flynn!!!! Early release w/ parade at 11:30

Does Homework Work?
By David Shenk
Sep 14 2009
Bottom of
Top of FormSSSSSchool's back, and so is Big Homework. Here's what my 7th grade daughter has to do tonight:

Bottom of Fo
1 Math review sheet,
1 Science essay,
French vocab for possible quiz,
History reading and questionaire, and
English reading and note-taking

About two hours, give or take. This is considered a pretty light load, so as to ramp up gently. Over the next few weeks, it will get up to three hours or more.

Most of us give very little thought to this long-lived combination. School and homework seem as interconnected as cars and gasoline. Kids need homework to get smarter -- right? It's supposed to be how they pick up a good work ethic.

Only maybe it isn't. Maybe most homework is a giant waste of my daughter's time and a needless cause of family stress.

Two 2006 books make that argument: Alfie Kohn's The Homework Myth, and Sara Bennett & Nancy Kalish's The Case Against Homework.

Homework does not improve children's work habits, argues Kohn. It does not reinforce skills, and "isn't even correlated with, much less responsible for, higher achievement before high school."

Bennett and Kalish write:

There's absolutely no proof that homework helps elementary school pupils learn more or have greater academic success. In fact...when children are asked to do too much nightly work, just the opposite has been found. And study after study shows that homework is not much more beneficial in middle school either. Even in high school, where there can be benefits, they start to decline as soon as kids are overloaded.

The new thinking is that, instead of piling on onerous, rote assignments, homework, kids ought to be encouraged to use their after school time to explore their own curiosities, read books of their own choice, to play, and to get adequate sleep.

Kohn again:

Most kids hate homework. They dread it, groan about it, put off doing it as long as possible. It may be the single most reliable extinguisher of the flame of curiosity.

Any parent reading this has high expectations for his or her child. We all want not what's easiest, but what's best. If that means a lot of homework, so be it. But it seems the time has come for all parents to revisit this subject with considerable skepticism.

Some interesting links:

• 2003 NPR report, "Homework: How Much is Too Much?"

• Sara Bennett's StopHomework.com

Letter from the principal of Grant Elementary School in Glenrock, Wyoming, explaining that her school is implementing a no homework practice

David Shenk - David Shenk is a writer on genetics, talent and intelligence. He is the author of Data Smog, The Forgetting, and most recently, The Genius In All of Us. More

David Shenk is the author of six books, including Data Smog ("indispensable"—The New York Times), The Immortal Game ("superb"—The Wall Street Journal), and the bestselling The Forgetting ("a remarkable addition to the literature of the science of the mind."—The Los Angeles Times ). He has contributed to National Geographic, Slate, The New York Times, Gourmet, Harper's, The New Yorker, The American Scholar, and National Public Radio. Shenk's work inspired the Emmy-award winning PBS documentary The Forgetting and was featured in the Oscar-nominated feature Away From Her. His latest book, The Genius In All Of Us, was published in March 2010. Shenk has advised the President's Council on Bioethics and is a popular speaker. Click here to follow him on Twitter.

Letter going to Burlington Free Press from Jeanne Collins:

It's My Turn
Jeanne Collins
May 15, 2012

The city of Burlington is engaged in a very important and sometimes difficult discussion about diversity within our schools and community. These discussions have been intense and heartfelt. Some have called for my resignation, saying that I have been slow to act on diversity issues; that I have failed to lead as the demographics of our community changed.

I have heard the criticisms. I take them to heart.

Looking back, I recognize that I have missed opportunities to drive an agenda of diversity and respect. Part of my regret is that I have not shared with the larger community the issues which Burlington 's students of color face everyday. To those of you who believe action has taken too long, and particularly to students in our district who have suffered from the racism which I know continues, I say that I am sorry. I do the work that I do because I cherish children, all children. During the coming school year, I intend to increase my time visiting with our children in our schools, so that I can hear directly from them what they are feeling and thinking.

I intend to listen and act.

I was moved by the students who had the courage to protest the continuing verbal abuse suffered by children of color, often from other students. In the coming days, I will be announcing a series of aggressive actions to attack disparities in the school system.

It is not my intention to step down. We will create an environment where all students, regardless of race, ethnicity, or class, are respected and related to with equity. We will work with community advocates to close the achievement gap. With the Nellie Mae grant, we have the opportunity, beginning with ninth graders, to address the concerns of ELL students about being separated from other students as they are learning English.

We will not tolerate acts of racism in our schools, whether by students or staff. I recently met with all the administrators of our schools to draw a clear line with accountability for such acts. I asked them to inform everyone in their buildings of this standard. After the protests at BHS, Principal Mellencamp had all teachers read a statement about racism to the student body. We invited students to join in planning sessions for a student-led activity for the entire school.

We will enter next school year with plans to ensure that our staff in every school knows of my insistence on zero-tolerance of racist acts and statements in our schools and in the community. The high school administration, ELL coordinator and I met with Somali Bantu parents and have planned more meetings to come. I look forward to the integration of the Task Force recommendations in the new strategic plan, but we are not waiting until next October to respond aggressively to the crisis we are facing.

My pledge is this – to do everything humanly possible to eliminate disparities and inequities in our schools. I look forward in this work to partnering with the many different voices in the community. My email is
superintendent@bsdvt.org if you would like to add to the discussion.

We have an amazing school district, with a wide variety of people who are dedicated and committed to our youth. Together we can create Excellent and Equitable Burlington Schools.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Flynn PTO Update 5/14/12

Hey There Flynn Families - HUGE thanks to all the very generous families that helped to make the staff appreciation luncheon a great success.  As you can see, there was a wide variety of yummy foods to choose from, scrumptious goodies and great conversation.  Staff especially appreciated the parents who were able to cover recess duty, allowing them to have a leisurely lunch with friends and colleagues.

PTO Pizza forms went out with the last Flynn Flyer.  Forms are due back on May 22nd and Pizzas arrive on May 29th.  Thank you for your participation.  This will be the last order of the school year.

Spring Fest is this Sunday!!!!!  Come rain or come shine (though it appears that we are due for some shine...) there will be a fun run, bouncy house, capture the flag, foods for sale, facepainting and a dance party between the hours of 2-5pm on May 20th.  This is a fundraiser, so we will be asking for small donations at some of the activities - nobody will be refused!!!!  Come out and play with Flynn families this weekend - hope to see YOU there!  (also, can you bake something for the bake sale????)  Contact Jen DeBedout for more information- jkdebedout@burlingtontelecom.net

I SCREAM  (no, really, ice cream...)  Looking for a great upper body workout to firm up those floppy triceps???? Regardless, we need you!  Looking for some scoopers extraordinaire to help scoop the cold stuff for the annual Sundaes at Lunch on June 5th.  This is a yearly tradition at Flynn and parents always come through for us...  Help is needed between 11-1pm on 6/5.  Interested?  Contact Edith Ducharme at educharm@bsdvt.org to get on the list - hurry, there are limited spots!

Diversity/Equity/Racism in Burlington schools has been in the news lately.  Below is a link to the BSD webpage with recent articles about BSD in the local press.  There is a very vocal group of Burlington folks asking for the resignation of our Superintendent, Jeanne Collins and the BHS Principal, Amy Mellancamp.  What do you think?  I encourage you to educate yourself about the issues facing our schools, talk about it with BSD families, think about where you stand on the issue and let someone know.  I am including all the contact information for our school Board Representatives and the next full School Board meeting will be held on June 12th. 

Recent Press: http://district.bsd.schoolfusion.us/modules/cms/pages.phtml?pageid=268284&sessionid=384acf0ba81b8510251bafd8d4393500&sessionid=384acf0ba81b8510251bafd8d4393500

 Board Members: http://bsdweb.bsdvt.org/Board/BoardDirectory.php

RECESS TOYS are being purchased by the PTO to help keep everyone active after lunch.  Coming soon are some new kickballs, basketballs, soccer balls, individual and long jumpropes and frisbees.  Do you have any fun recess toys at home that no longer get used?  We can take them off your hands and put them to good use... Also looking for equipment for flag football.  Contact Kate at akbelluche@aol.com if you have items to share.

Picture Taker(s) needed to help take picutures of incoming Kindergarteners thsi Friday the 18th.  Times between 8:30-12 - Can you help any/all of that time?  Camera and instructions provided.  Cntact Karen Carr at kcarr@bsdvt.org

Green Dishes  The dishes are literally and figuratively green!  The PTO recently purchased several cases of reusable plates, cups and bowls to be used at Flynn events throughout the year. We are very proud of our new purchase and excited to continue challenging ourselves to live lightly on this earth.  Other ways the PTO has made changes is that we purchased washable tablecloths at the beginning of the year, provided sticker calendars that could be affixed to our old calendar magnets, we project PTO agendas/finances at PTO meetings to cut down on paper use and use a paperless blog to replace frequent handouts.  Got any good ideas for us???

The Flynn Olympics is coming up on June 4  Contact Lida Dvorak to help with one of the events.  Big kids compete in the morning from 9-11 and K-2 goes from 12-1:45  Lida can be reached at ldvorak@bsdvt.org.

Homework - Friend or Foe?????  Tammy Kuypers will be raising the topic of Flynn Homework at the next Principal's coffee on May 24th.  Below is some information she sent to get folks thinking about homework and an example of what one school decided.  We'd be happy to hear about your experiences.  Feel free to email Tammy with your thoughts/experiences at kuypers5@yahoo.com.   Read Below:

Wyoming Elementary School Eliminates Homework

I just learned from the principal of Grant Elementary School in Glenrock, Wyoming, that her school is implementing a no homework practice. The school came to that decision after examining homework and having discussions with Kim Bevill of Brain Basics, who provided them with materials about homework. Kim, a dynamo, teaches social studies and psychology in a Colorado high school,  owns and operate Gray Matters  (whose goal is to “re-ignite learning in every classroom using brain-compatible curriculum to further academic achievement”), hosts a yearly conference entitled Brain Basics, and, most importantly, is a passionate advocate against homework. I have enjoyed many conversations with Kim this year.
Here’s the principal’s letter to the parents explaining the new policy:

Dear Parents,
Over the years we have seen that with the increased pressure in meeting AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress), homework has also increased. This increase may have come in response to the call for higher expectations, comparisons of American student performance with the children from European and Asian countries, and the pressures created with state testing programs such as PAWS.
With that being said, the research is unable to produce evidence that homework improves student performance.   The research is telling us that if we want to improve attitudes, mental and physical health and academic performance, we as parents need to promote the following 5 things:
• Children need to play outside for at least an hour after the school day.  They should be at the point where they are almost sweating.
• Dinner with your family every night or at least 4 times a week.  This is shown to decrease eating disorders in females, decrease smoking and drug abuse rates in males and recent research suggests it teaches life-long good eating habits—more fruits and vegetables.
• Early to bed.  Research suggests that children need 10-12 hours of sleep a day to be ready to learn.
• Limited television, video games and computer time, especially an hour before bed time.
• Reading time every evening. This is a great time for the whole family to sit and read together.

At Grant this semester we are trying something new.   Homework will only consist of work students did not finish during the school day.  However, if a child is bringing homework home on a regular basis then we will have a parent meeting to see why the child is not getting the material done during school.   At semester our staff will review how our students are doing with these new guidelines.
We are going to ask that parents help us promote reading at home. Our school wide reading program, “Splish Splash,” will be a great way to encourage reading and will provide monthly reading incentives.  Our children are making great gains in the area of reading.  A key component to making these gains is the work that parents and children do at home.  We do thank you for your help.
We would love to hear from you on your thoughts about homework as we explore some new guidelines.  Again, thanks for everything you do to help our children, staff and school be a great place for learning.
Christine Hendricks, Principal
Grant Elementary Teachers and Staff

Check your Calendar...
  • Fridays in May - Back by Popular Demand - Freezy Pop Fridays!!! $.25/pop (right after school)
  • May 18 - Kindergarten Orientation 8:30, 10, 12
  • May 20 - Flynn SPRINGFEST - 2-5pm on the Flynn playground
  • May 21 - Chess Club at 2:30 - Last one of the Year!
  • May 22 - Orientation at Hunt Middle school for 5th grade PARENTS - 7pm
  • May 24 - Principal's Coffee, 8:15 in the Library - Everyone is invited!
  • May 24 - Flynn Chorus Concert at Hunt MS (Kids to Hunt by 6:15
  • May 26 - Plant and Yard Sale at Hunt Middle School (formally the Flynn Perennially Green Sale)
  • May 28 - No School
  • May 30 - School Tour, St. Joe's campus on Allen St. at 3:30, 6:30 pm - 3/4/5 Families
  • June 4 - Flynn Olympics - Parent help needed!
  • June 6 - 5th Grade Bridging Ceremony, 6:30 pm
  • June 8 - Early Release @11:30
  • June 11 - Last Day for Flynn!!!! Early release w/ parade at 11:30

Monday, May 7, 2012

Flynn PTO Update 5/7/12

Hey There Flynn Families - Flynn families celebrate our teachers monthly with small, grade sponsored events.  This month every year we celebrate as a Flynn community, hosting a Staff Luncheon with lots of yummy foods and extra free time to relax and chat.  Thank you to all the parents providing food and recess help this week - your generosity and gift of time are greatly appreciated by Flynn staff.  We are a great school community at Flynn and I am proud of the many ways we support our staff and one another.  Have a great week! Kate B.

Staff Appreciation Luncheon this Friday, May 11th. So far we still need:
1 more parents for Shift 1 Recess Duty (k/1) 11:15-12:10 (have 7)
2 more parents for Shift 2 Recess Duty (2/3) 11:55-12:50 (have 6)
2 more parents for Shift 3 Recess Duty (4/5) 12:15-1:05 (have 6)

2 more desserts
1 Fruit Salads/fruit kabobs

Please respond ASAP to flynnschoolpto@gmail.com to help - we really need your help- especially with lunch/recess duty!!!!

Help make an improved playground a reality for all of our children!  Fundraising is underway to purchase a new universally accessible playground to be built and ready for the 2012-2013 school year.
Several grants have been secured as well as other funding sources, including a generous contribution from our PTO, to raise almost $24,000! We are reaching out to Flynn families and businesses in our community to help raise the remaining $15,000. We can do it!  This is a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together and support our children by providing them with a safe and inclusive playground.
Donations can be made to JJ Flynn Elementary School and sent to the office with the word “playground” noted on the check. Please see if your employer is willing to match your contribution! Every dollar helps- with your help, we can make this happen!
For questions or more information, please contact:

Sarah DeShaw  399-2882  sdeshaw@mac.com or Mary Mitchell 863-8983  maryellemo1@hotmail.com

Total Project Budget $38,500
Funds Raised $18,500
PTO Contribution $5,000
Fundraising Goal $15,000

1st Annual JJ Flynn SPRINGFEST Sunday May 20, 2012  

Flynn School Playground
2:00- 5:00 pm
Rain or Shine

FUN RUN...Choose your course (1/2 mile or 1 mile) All runners get a free marathon bib and ribbon! Race registration begins at 2:00pm...
CAPTURE THE FLAG...All abilities welcome! Kids lead the charge with this fun family game where you try to capture the other team’s flag- game begins right after the fun run around 3:00pm
BOUNCE HOUSE...Bounce away for a 3-5 minute bounce (depending on line!) 2:00-5:00pm
BAKE SALE...Enjoy fresh, yummy, delicious treats throughout Spring Fest 2:00-5:00pm
FACE PAINTING...Offered throughout the event by talented young artists 2:00-5:00pm
DANCE PARTY...Spring Fest will conclude with a huge dance party on the playground!!

Volunteer Info: Help make Spring Fest a success!! Volunteers are needed for 1.5 hour shifts the day of Spring Fest. Please sign up to help sell baked goods, watch kids in the bounce house, guide the runners or more! Help with set-up and clean-up will be needed too!  

We also need yummy baked items and freezy pops donated for this event. Please drop baked goods and freezy pops at school on Friday or bring them to school the day of the event! To sign-up for a volunteer shift or for more information, please contact:Jen DeBedout jkdebedout@burlingtontelecom.net or 859-9416

The Treasurer's Report for May can be viewed by clicking on the following link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ag-zi-SCj-zndHN2Z0VCcFF6UWJvUGUyR3ZuODNDWlE

Minutes from the May PTO meeting are included at the end of this post - lots of exciting stuff to report....  Last meeting of the year is scheduled for June 7th - please come vote for the next PTO Board!

5th Grade tshirt orders went home at the end of last week - Forms are due back in the office by Tuesday.  Questions?  Contact Laurie Buker at lbuker@greatnorthernstereo.com

Perennial Plant and School-wide Yard Sale at  Hunt Middle School                        
Saturday, May 26th 
Pay it Forward!  Most Flynn students will move on to Hunt Middle School.  Any interactions with Hunt now will strengthen your connection with the middle school in the future.  Any donations of plants/yard sale items will go towards projects that will directly benefit YOUR CHILD! (see below) 

All proceeds from sale will be used to create a peaceful garden setting including a stone circle, a vertical garden, plants that require little maintenance, and benches. This will provide a beautiful space where students, staff and Hunt families can relax and talk. Together we can make the entrance to Hunt a welcoming place we can be proud of!

How can you Flynn parents help? Bring your divided perennial plants such as hostas, lily of the valley, shasta daisy, iris, coneflowers, and herbs that you can share from your garden to Hunt on May 9, 10 or 11th from 3:00-6:00pm. There will be volunteers available to re-pot your perennial plants.

How else can you help? Start cleaning out those closets at home and save all the household items, sporting goods, games, toys, DVDs, kids and teen books, holiday decorations, and other yard sale items in clean and good working condition. We will gratefully accept these items on Friday, May 25th from 3:00pm-7:00pm.

Questions?? Contact Susan Rutherford at
susanrutherford@hotmail.com or 951-2571 or Gabi Baumann at gamabaumann@burlingtontelecom.net or 660-9189 

Check your Calendar...
  • Fridays in May - Back by Popular Demand - Freezy Pop Fridays!!! $.25/pop (right after school)
  • May 11 - Annual Staff Appreciation Luncheon
  • May 18 - Kindergarten Orientation 8:30, 10, 12
  • May 20 - Flynn SPRINGFEST - 2-5pm on the Flynn playground
  • May 21 - Chess Club at 2:30 - Last one of the Year!
  • May 22 - Orientation at Hunt Middle school for 5th grade PARENTS - 7pm
  • May 24 - Principal's Coffee, 8:15 in the Library - Everyone is invited!
  • May 24 - Flynn Chorus Concert at Hunt MS (Kids to Hunt by 6:15
  • May 26 - Plant and Yard Sale at Hunt Middle School (formally the Flynn Perennially Green Sale) 
  • May 28 - No School
  • May 30 - School Tour, St. Joe's campus on Allen St. at 6:30 pm - 3/4/5 Families
  • June 4 - Flynn Olympics - Parent help needed!
  • June 6 - 5th Grade Bridging Ceremony, 6:30 pm
  • June 8 - Early Release @11:30
  • June 11 - Last Day for Flynn!!!! Early release w/ parade at 11:30

May PTO Meeting
6:30 pm

Treasurer’s Report
  • $23.075.74
  • $2,000 restricted for garden replacements after construction

Principal’s Corner- Graham Clarke
  • Flynn will be hiring 2 new teachers in the next few weeks - now interviewing, will send two folks to the Superintendent. There will likely be some teacher shuffling before September. There may be a multi-age ⅘.
  • Construction meeting April 17th was well attended
  • 5th grade teacher, Joyce Trawsinzky retiring
  • Senator Bernie Sanders visited Flynn after school to see the school dinner program in action. Mr. Sanders was an author of that bill funding schools to provide dinner meals to students as well as bfast, free lunch and afterschool snacks.
  • May 30 - Tour of St. Joseph’s scheduled for 3-5 parents. Conflict with Hunt MS chorus concert. Stay tuned, there may be a tour offered in the late afternoon as well as eve.

Enrichment Update
  • Narnia was a big success! Still wrapping up grants and finances. Play was chosen for next year - Frankenstein!
  • Chess club has 2 last meetings
  • Rec’d check from Burlington Schools Foundation for play - $500

Fundraising Update- Tammy Kuypers
  • PTO Pizza will continue next year with par baked pizza that will be warmed/finished at home - Pizza info will go on the calendar magnets
  • Spring Fling on Sunday May 20th from 2-5 - Fun run, capture the flag, bounce house, bake sale, face painting, dance party - Most activities free - other things will be by donation. Can you help???? contact Jen DeBedout at jkdebedout@burlingtontelecom.net.

MISC Spending
  • Ellison die Cut Machine- on hold - not sure that teachers want
  • Mrs. T. suggested monies be put aside to help teachers complete rooms after construction - area rugs, curtains, shelving
  • Also looking into updating sound system - mobile mikes, built in stuff - Brad Ingalls will review info gathered and provide feedback about needs
  • PTO voted to allocate ~$350 to purchase reusable dishes to be used at staff appreciation and school wide events.
  • $177 left over from early allocation to be used to purchase playground toys - balls, hoola hoops... Make sure there are balls and such to take to St. Joseph’s in Fall.

Room Parents/Staff Appreciation Update
  • Kindergarten provided dinner for staff on Thursday 4/12 during conferences
  • Things going well for Staff App luncheon on 5/11 - Volunteers needed to help with lunch/playground duty

School/Family Partnership Update– Shanta Eastman
  • 2nd Principal’s coffee scheduled for May 24, 8:15
  • Tammy K. to send out Homework article via blog and will bring up topic at coffee

PTO Officers for 2012-2013
  • Officers will be voted in during the final PTO meeting on June 7th. Tammy Kuypers has volunteered to take the role of President. Kate Belluche will act as V Pres/Communications officer, Returning officers include:John Boone as treasurer, Lisa Tulkop for Room Parents, Sarah Smith for Enrichment, Sarah DeShaw as Secretary. The Fundraising office is vacant. Are you interested? Send a note to flynnschoolpto@gmail.com

Playground Update
  • Parent committee working with Mr. Clarke this year to choose a universally accessible playground structure and find funding.
  • Budget is ~$38,500. Funds available $18,500. $20,000 still needed. PTO voted to commit $5,000 towards the near structure. Shelley Waterman, Mary Mitchell and Sarah DeShaw are looking for matching grants to complete the funding

  • Checking into Aug 27 for Back to School Potluck at St. Josephs (alt Aug 23)
  • PTO offering tours/lunch to incoming Kindergarten families. Talked about the K orientation and how to tweak it in the future to make it a less stressful situation for incoming K and their families. NEXT YEAR have families come for tour/lunch before orientation - next visit they get separated into two groups with K teachers/Graham.

Next Meeting: Thursday, 6/7/12, 6:30-7:30