Monday, November 28, 2011

Flynn Family PTO Update 11/28/11

Hey There Flynn Families - Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving and some free time to relax and recharge.  Everyone is invited and welcome at the December PTO meeting this Thursday at 6:30pm in the library.  We will have childcare available.  The meeting agenda is posted below.

Zumba Fitness Please help support the Flynn PTO and try this class on Wednesday, November 30th from 6-7pm in the gym. Bring water, sneakers and a smile. All proceeds go to the Flynn PTO. Bring the whole family and your friends and neighbors! Suggested donation is $5-10. Questions? Contact Shannon at

JJ Flynn Theatre Presents: Narnia Performances March 22-24, 2012

 The first play production meeting is scheduled for Monday, Dec 5 in the learning center at 6:45. We will go over the pre-production schedule and start to define committees for the Playbill, Advertising, Green Room, Costumes and Make-Up. MANY hands make light work and a more enjoyable experience for all. Please turn out to support your young thespian and all the other parents putting in their precious time - we need you too...
ALSO - You do not need to have a child in the play to participate - the last 2 years we had parents from K, 1, 2 helping in lead roles - just because.... do you have a desire to help and/or a skill to share? Reach out to us - come join the team!
Questions can be directed to Sarah Smith at
Check your Calendar...
  • November 30 - 6-7pm - Zumba Workout!!! - meet in the gym
  • December 1 - PTO Meeting at 6:30 in the Library. Childcare provided. Join us!!!
  • December 5 - Drop in Chess club at 2:30-3:30 in the library
  • December 5 - Narnia Production Team Meeting in the learning center at 6:45
  • December 14 - Early Release Day at 11:30
  • December 23 - January 2 - Winter Break
December PTO Meeting
12/1/11, 6:30 pm
  • Welcome– Kate Belluche
  • Welcome Sarah DeShaw– Secretary for 2011-12
  • Treasurer’s report, PTO Funds – carryover, savings, spending
  - John Boone
  • Principal’s Corner – Graham Clarke
  • Flynn Gardens – Claire Noble
  • Enrichment Update– Jeh Kulu – date change/multiple performances? -Sarah Smith
  • Room Parents/Staff Appreciation Update– Lisa Tulkop
  • PTO Leaders Salon – December 19th
  • School/Family Partnership Update/Minutes from Nov. Meeting– Shanta Eastman
  • Looking to elect the 2012-13 President – Kate Belluche
·        Family Traditions Dinner- Date?  Roles?
·        Family Nights – scheduling and activities
·        Dana Stevens needs volunteer(s) to help hang art in gallery – everything provided
OPEN FORUM – What’s on your mind?  Burning questions and novel ideas: 
  • Meeting Facilitator for January?  (needs to meet with me to discuss agenda prior to meeting)  
Next Meeting:  Thursday, 1/5/12,  6:30-7:30pm

Monday, November 21, 2011

Flynn PTO Update 11/21/11

Hey there Flynn Families - Have a relaxing
break.  Hope to see folks at the December PTO meeting on
December 1st!

Kindergarten and New Student
Registration Opens Monday, 11/28
Registration then closes on Friday, March 16th, with placement letters slated to be sent home to families by April 30th. Please visit our website closer to 11/28 for more information and forms related to this process. Or, call 865-5332.

JJ Flynn Theatre Presents: Narnia   Performances March 22-24, 2012 
Preparations are underway for this years student production.  The play has been chosen, a grant of $1000 from Ben and Jerry's foundation has been secured to get us off the ground - now we need you!  Any child in grades 4 and 5 can try-out for a spot - all students are guaranteed a role.  Students in grade 3 may be part of the chorus.  The first play production meeting is scheduled for Monday, Dec 5 in the learning center at 6:45.  We will go over the pre-production schedule and start to define committees for the Playbill, Advertising, Green Room, Costumes and Make-Up.  MANY hands make light work and a more enjoyable experience for all.  Please turn out to support your young thespian and all the other parents putting in their precious time - we need you too... 
ALSO - You do not need to have a child in the play to participate - the last 2 years we had parents from K, 1, 2 helping in lead roles - just because....  do you have a desire to help and/or a skill to share?  Reach out to us - come join the team!
Questions can be directed to Sarah Smith at

Jeh Kulu drumming and dancing residency coming to JJ Flynn after the Holidays.  We are firming up an amended date with Jeh Kulu and will let you know as soon as we know.  All students in K-2 will participate in this active artist in residence program with a performance to follow.  More information to come...

Zumba Fitness  Please help support the Flynn PTO and try this class on Wednesday, November 30th from 6-7pm in the gym.  Bring water, sneakers and a smile.  All proceeds go to the Flynn PTO.  Bring the whole family and your friends and neighbors!  Suggested donation is $5-10.  Questions?  Contact Shannon at

Check your Calendar...

  • November 22 - Report Cards go home
  • November 23-25 No School - Thanksgiving Break
  • November 30 - 6-7pm - Zumba Workout!!! - meet in the gym
  • December 1 - PTO Meeting at 6:30 in the Library.  Childcare provided.  Join us!!!
  • December 5  - Narnia Production Team Meeting in the learning center at 6:45
  • December 14 - Early Release Day at 11:30
  • December 23 - January 2 - Winter Break

Monday, November 14, 2011

Flynn Family PTO Update 11/14/11

Hey there Flynn families - Thanks for your participation.  Each month, we have had hundreds of parents turn out for school events like Open house, Math night and most recently, the Bookfair and Pasta dinner.  If you keep coming, we'll keep offering!  Your participation is so much more than just showing up.  You are making connections and building relationships with teachers, administrators and Flynn families as well as showing your child how important school is.  We know, it can be a drag to leave the house after a long day at work - your time is important and we hope that you have had fun learning and playing with your family at school. 
In the Winter, the PTO plans and hosts "Flynn Family Nights."  These nights are free to families and have included activities like Zumba, Movie night, Annual Talent Show, Family Traditions Dinner, Lego Challenge and Skating at Leddy Arena.  We are currently planning activities for the new year - what are your ideas for fun, low-cost activities?  E-mail us at

Pasta Dinner 2011 was a Terrific Success!! The PTO pasta dinner and bake sale alone made $776.16!!!! (We hope that the book fair did just as wellJ) All that money gets put right back into Flynn events and different ways of supporting our students and families.  Go Flynn!!

This would not have been possible without so many helping hands:
1. Thanks to all the families who braved the rainy weather and came to the book fair and dinner to support our school!  
2. Thanks to all the room parents who worked tons at organizing for all the donations.
3. A big thanks to all the families that brought in donations for the dinner and the bake sale.  The dinner was delicious and there were a countless amount of very yummy goodies which made the bake sale so successful. 
4. Thank you to Hannaford for the bread donation and to Jane Hondal for arranging it!
Student Art Gallery  Ms. Stevens is looking for a parent to come in and get student artwork into frames for our gallery located in the hall outside the multi-purpose room.  Every year, Ms. Stevens chooses works that are framed and displayed until the child leaves Flynn at the end of 5th grade.  This is a special honor and a Flynn tradition.  Every year, the PTO (that's you!) pays for frames so we can continue this tradition.  All the materials will be provided and you do not need any special skills - just the gift of time.  Framing can be done before, during or afterschool on site.  Please contact Dana at or leave a message in the school office and she will return your call.

Flynn School Thanksgiving Food Drive - November 14-18.  Canned goods and Hannaford gift Cards can be brought to the office.  All Food/cards go to Flynn families in need!  If your family is in need of food, please contact Liane Couture at 864-8445.

Five Flynn teachers received PTO Mini-Grants  Five teachers pooled their checks to buy leveled books for classroom libraries.  They got packs of six books and shared them among the three first-grade classroom libraries.  Students take 5 books home every week so they have appropriate books to read at home.  Books get lost and misplaced over the years, so teachers neeed to update their stocks each year in order to have enough books on each level to offer to students.  In recent years, teachers have gotten $200 - $300 per classroom to spend each year. With required ordering of math practice books, spelling notebooks, and other expenses like desk nameplates, potting soil, correction tape, and packing tape, there is rarely any money left for buying books for the classroom. As you may expect, many teachers spend thousands of dollars of their own money to create a classroom library. The PTO mini-grants are very much appreciated to defray these costs.  Our teachers thank you for your generosity.  (Remember, you are the PTO - the money they rec'd to buy books came from the fundraisers you participated in -thanks!)   

Parent Information Sessions: Puberty, Sexual Development & Safety Tuesday November 8th and Tuesday November 15th - Integrated Arts Academy at H.O. Wheeler - 8 Archibald Street

November 15th Two Sessions: (choose 1 - they are the same!)
6-6:45pm In English, with Interpreters for Swahili and Burmese
7-7:45pm In English, with Interpreters for Russian, Arabic, French, Bosnian

Dr. Frankowski will provide parents with information about adolescent issues related to puberty, sexual development and safety. She will also provide parents with information about how they can discuss these sensitive topics with their children. For parents’ convenience, Dr. Frankowski will offer the same workshop twice each evening, on two different nights. Childcare and refreshments will be provided. If you have questions, please contact Meredith Hoisington, EMS School Guidance Counselor, at or 865-4177.

Check your Calendar...
  • November 14-18  Thanksgiving Food Drive
  • November 22 - Report Cards go home
  • November 23-25 No School - Thanksgiving Break

The Farm to School Project conducted taste testing at Flynn school this past Friday with the 5th graders and a group of Medical Students from UVM- ask you kiddo what they thought of the new recipe- Thanksgiving Pudding.  If you would like to try it at home, Sarah Huesner sent us the recipe.  The formating is a bit off as it is cut from an excel spreadsheet -Also note that the recipe feeds 100 - industrial scale cooking!  What a great math project to cut down the recipe into a more reasonable family serving -  Let us know if you try it! (recipe below)


<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
ITEM: Butternut Squash Soufflé ITEM CATEGORY Dessert
PORTION SIZE 1/4 Cup 1/4 Cup SERVING UTENSIL # 12 Scoop #12 Scoop
COMPONENT Orange Vegetable   The sugar can easily be substituted with maple syrup.
Carrot(or, butternut sq.) 15    Pounds Peeled and rough chopped.
Margarine 1    Pound Melt
Sugar, white 3 1/2 Cups
Flour, ap 1 1/3 Cups  Could use wheat flour
Baking Powder 1    Tbsp.
Vanilla Extract 1    Tbsp.
Eggs 4 1/4 Cups Beaten
Nutmeg 1    tsp.
1 Preheat oven to 350° F.
2 Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.  Add carrots and cook until fork tender.
3 Drain carrots then mash.
4 Add all the ingredients except the nutmeg to the mashed carrots and mix thoroughly.
Transfer to two well greased 2 inch hotel pans.
6 Sprinkle with nutmeg.
7 Bake in preheated oven for 30-45 minutes.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Flynn PTO Update 11/7/11

Hey There Flynn Families - Hope to run into many families this Thursday at the Bookfair and Pasta dinner.  Join us for a quick, easy, lowcost dinner and then get a jump on your holiday shopping.  Books make great gifts and Flynn families are nice people to hang around with - how can you lose?

November PTO meeting was widely attended and productive. Highlights included a presentation about the district Farm to School program, updates about the October Staff Appreciation event, reporting on the success of the new drop-in chess club and a vote to allocate $300 for winter recess toys.  Big welcome to Sarah DeShaw who has volunteered to take on the role of Secretary for the remainder of the year - Gracias!  See November meeting minutes below.

The following link will take you to the November Treasurer's Report - Take a peek.  Questions can be directed to John Boone at

We will be purchasing some playground items to encourage the kids to be active in the snow. On the list are plastic sleds, plastic trowels for digging, snowblock makers and plastic snowshoes. Might you have any of these items that your children no longer use? We will gladly accept your cast offs if they are in good shape. Donations can be left in the office. Thanks!

Bookfair is this week - Thank you to all the parents volunteering to help Mrs. Wells during the week and Thursday night. Students will be visiting the fair during the week and will be able to purchase books during the day on Thursday as well as Thursday evening. Parents can purchase books all week during the day. Contact Alice Wells with questions  -

Pasta Dinner scheduled for November 10th from 5:30-7pm.
Your donations are critical!!  As of last Friday, there was 1 bottle of salad dressing, 2 boxes of pasta and one jar of sauce in the donation bin.  Without your generous contributions, we will not be able to put on the Pasta dinner.  Donations allow us to keep the dinner price very reasonable.  Your small donation equals a reasonably priced dinner that you do not have to make or clean-up - what could be nicer???  Dinner pricing is as follows:

Adult $5
Child 5-12 $3
Child under 5 - Free
Family $15
Bins are located in the office for non-perishable donations - send in your donations today!!!. Fresh foods should come in either the afternoon of 11/9 or the morning of 11/10. We still need volunteers to make goodies for the bake sales.  How can you help? Contact Tammy Kuypers at 

Parent Information Sessions:  Puberty, Sexual Development & Safety   Tuesday November 8th and Tuesday November 15th

Integrated Arts Academy at H.O. Wheeler
8 Archibald Street

November 8th Two Sessions:
6-6:45pm In English, with Interpreters for Somali/Somali Bantu & Nepali
7-7:45pm In English, with Interpreters for Vietnamese and Kirundi

November 15th Two Sessions:
6-6:45pm In English, with Interpreters for Swahili and Burmese
7-7:45pm In English, with Interpreters for Russian, Arabic, French, Bosnian

Dr. Frankowski will provide parents with information about adolescent issues related to puberty, sexual development and safety.   She will also provide parents with information about how they can discuss these sensitive topics with their children.   For parents’ convenience, Dr. Frankowski will offer the same workshop twice each evening, on two different nights.   Childcare and refreshments will be provided.   If you have questions, please contact Meredith Hoisington, EMS School Guidance Counselor, at or 865-4177.
Clothes for Kids Did you know that the health office stores clothing for students in need? Daily there are spills, sock and underwear emergencies and blowouts of all kinds. The following items are needed in the Health Office:
1.Boys and girls underwear (new please!) for ages 5-7

2.Sweatpants, stretchy pants, and any pants with elastic for boys and girls ages 5-8. No jeans please - they don't fit a large enough group of kids with different sizes.
3. Gloves and mittens of all sizes

4. Any gently used winter outerwear to put in the Flynn outerwear swap. Boots, coats, ski pants, gloves, mittens and gloves are all very appreciated and widely used.

Check your Calendar...
  • November 7 - 2:30-3:30 - Free Chess Club in the Library - everyone welcome
  • November 7-10 Library Bookfair
  • November 10 Evening bookfair from 5-7, Pasta Dinner from 5:30-7 (multi-purpose room)
  • November 23-25 No School - Thanksgiving Break

P.T.O Meeting Minutes
November 3, 2011

Meeting was called to order at 6:30pm
Babysitting was offered in the multipurpose room

Treasurer’s report
  • Wrapping paper fundraiser generated over $3000!
  • Pay it forward fundraising event has generated over $1000
  • 5 mini teacher grants were awarded - $100 each grant
  • Questions were raised about placing a portion of the funds into an interest earning checking account or a savings account. John is researching the best option and will report back.
  • Concern about how the excess money in PTO account can be best used- Claire Noble is taking suggestions from teachers at the next staff meeting.

Farm to School
  • Sarah Heusner and Jen McGowan shared ideas about new foods being introduced in the cafeteria at Flynn and passed examples of Shelburne Farms cheddar biscuits for members to taste.
  • Some successful events were discussed- the Flynn dinner held earlier in the fall had almost 300 attendees and over 60 people have expressed interest in the Flynn Community Garden shares.
  • For more information or to provide feedback contact Sarah at or check the website:

Principal’s Corner
  • Math night was a success- over 300 people attended!
  • Conference attendance was higher than last year
  • Overall feedback has been very positive on the curriculum summaries that parents received at conferences
  • 11/11 a taste test of new foods will be conducted through a research project by UVM Med students

Enrichment Update
  • Ben & Jerry’s grant successful- $1000 obtained towards Spring play
  • Final plans and details are being formulated for the artist in residence program for grades K-2 (Jeh Kulu dancing and drumming)
  • 13 kids participated in the chess club - The participation has been growing.

Room Parents/Staff Appreciation
  • The Fourth Grade will be providing a Soup and Bread luncheon to the Teachers in November and PTO is scheduled for December.

Flynn Gardens – Tabled until next meeting
School/Family Partnership Update
  • Next meeting is 11/23 at 3pm to discuss format for upcoming walk through event with families to assess Flynn on how welcoming it is to families. For more information contact Shanta Eastman at The meeting is open to parents.

Open P.T.O Positions
  • Kate made an announcement about the need for a new 2012-13 President
  • Sarah DeShaw agreed to be the new Secretary for 2011-2012

Fundraising/Upcoming Events
  • Book Fair/Pasta Dinner – 11/10/11 – volunteers still needed for the evening as well as donations of food or baked goods for the sale- contact Tammy Kuypers at
  • Student Art Sale – 11/10/11 –Framed portraits of your child will be available for purchase at the book fair.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm
Next Meeting: Thursday, 12/8/11, 6:30-7:30p