November PTO Meeting - Thursday, November 3rd from 6:30-7:30 in the Library. Childcare provided. See agenda below. Everyone welcome - last month we had more than 20 parents - let's see if we can top that this week - it is never to late in the game to come to a PTO meeting - your participation helps build our Flynn school community and sends a clear message to your child that school is important (plus the kiddoes LOVE to play in the gym at night!)
Box Tops - Denise Haggerty reports that Flynn parents are sending box tops in. She recently submitted box tops for $240.00 (that's up from $150 last year at this time!). What a great start to the year - who doesn't like free money? Keep clipping and also look for them on some stationary products and paper reams. Send your tops into the office or drop them yourself in the bin located just inside the library.
Wrapping Paper came in last Thursday. If you have not yet picked up your order, please contact Theresa Giallorenzo at to work out a pick-up.
Bookfair is next week - Monday through Thursday. Still looking for some parent help during the day and also at the evening event on Thursday. Students will be visiting the fair during the week and will be able to purchase books during the day on Thursday as well as Thursday evening. Parents can purchase books all week during the day. Contact Alice Wells with questions and to volunteer -
Pasta Dinner scheduled for November 10th from 5:30-7pm. A letter went out last week asking for donations. Can you help? Room Parents should be contacting families soon, but you can also let them know what you plan to send in. Bins are located in the office for non-perishable donations. Fresh foods should come in either the afternoon of 11/9 or the morning of 11/10. We need volunteers for set-up, clean-up, food prep., check-in, bake sales, baking! How can you help? Contact Tammy Kuypers at Lots of help still needed - do not delay!!!
Check your Calendar...
- November 2nd - Picture Re-take
- November 3rd - PTO meeting 6:30-7:30pm. Childcare provided
- November 6th - Daylight savings - set your clocks back 1 hour!
- November 7 - 2:30-3:30 - Free Chess Club in the Library - everyone welcome
- November 7-10 Library Bookfair
- November 10 Evening bookfair from 5-7, Pasta Dinner from 5:30-7 (multi-purpose room)
- November 23-25 No School - Thanksgiving Break
October PTO Meeting - 11/3/11
6:30 pm
- Welcome– Kate Belluche
- Treasurer’s report - John Boone
- Farm to School – Sarah Heusner and Jen McGowan
- Principal’s Corner – Graham Clarke
- Enrichment Update –Grant, Chess – Sarah Smith
- Room Parents/Staff Appreciation Update– Lisa Tulkop
- Fundraising Update – Tammy Kuypers
- Flynn Gardens – Claire Noble
- School/Family Partnership Update– Shanta Eastman
- Looking to elect the 2012-13 President – Kate Belluche
- Electing replacement Secretary 2011-12
- Google docs/Blogger- Introduction/training– November 14 or 16? - John Boone
- Book Fair/Pasta Dinner – 11/10/11 – Help!
- Student Art Sale – 11/10/11 - Kate B.
OPEN FORUM – What’s on your mind? Burning questions and novel ideas:
- Meeting Facilitator for December? (needs to meet with me to discuss agenda prior to meeting)